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She happily sits beside me swinging her feet back and forth. Her hand in mine and a smile on her face.. Today must have been amazing.. A flowery aura floating around her. The door opens once again, a man stands there with a bag in hand..

" Dad made me bring you your uniform before I go to work. " Diron stood by the door with a wide grin on his face. I glare. That a lie.. He would never. Her father knows that Liona doesn't want the class to know about her family.. Diron stares at Liona with ill intent in his eyes. the whole class can feel it and see it.

I grip Liona's hand in mine. A smile still on her face. She stands up and makes her way towards him.. She grabs the bag from him and leave him dumb founded as she thanks with a smile on her face.

" Little sister, make sure you tell mom that I wont be able to make it to dinner on time.. " He tries again but she just nods. The class watches the exchange. Some of the girls recognize the Hero and squeal loudly.

" Diron. If your done, I'd rather you leave. Your an eyesore. " I state walking up to Liona starting to pull her back to our seats.

Her brother glares at me. " Just because father took you out this morning doesn't mean he loves you.. He just pities you.. Your still the outcast of the family.. Mother and I will never accept you. " He states tilting his chin up to look down on us. I feel Liona stiffen beside me.. She looks up at her brother and I see resolve in her eyes.

" Elder brother, father called me his daughter today and called my quirk beautiful. He took me to the zoo. He bought me a dress. I learned today that his eyes are the same shade as mine. I learned that his hands are very warm. I learned that all this time that ive been avoiding him, He's been watching over me.. He doesn't see me as the outcast of the family.. " She stands up to him.. I can see the anger in his eyes..

" Aizawa-sensei, can I take my dear little sister out back to the field, I'd like to spar with her. " He grabs her arm yanking her out the door before he could answer.. We all rush out to the field to already see his shooting fire in different directing and Liona desperately dodging.

" Elder brother! Please stop!" Liona screams as she blows to the side. Aizawa-sensei was about to stop the fight but he yelled. " Stay out of it!! This has nothing to do with the lower class!"

The aura around Liona suddenly changes and he stands up with burn marks on her arms. I see that she crouches down and I see the features of a bird.. Blue wings and golden talons. Her eyes turn a fiery orange.. The Island Bluering?

She charges at her brother and lands attacked after attack but she's suddenly grabbed by the wing and he lights them a flame.. She screams and I cant take it anymore..

I start running at them. I touch the ground and everything around   freezes. I punch his face and he goes flying. I grip his neck with my left hand and let it heat up.. He winces.

" If you ever touch her again, I'll kill you. " I growl as I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Katoron. His expression is grim.  In his arm is Liona. She's curled up in his arm blood covering her back from the burn.

" I'll take care of it Shouto. " He says grabbing the back of his shirt. He them turns to the class. " I'm sorry for the trouble my children have caused. I'll be taking them now.. " He bows his head slightly. He starts walking away. I watch them.

Anger still boiling in my blood.

" Todoroki, you knew that Liona is the daughter of Katoron?" Kaminari asks me and I nod. " It's weird, she doesn't use a fire based quirk like her family." They go on talking about her.. I slam my hands onto my desk.

" Don't talk about her like you know anything! Don't compare her to her family! " I glare at every single person in the room. The bell rings and I grab my bag walking out the door. I walk out of the school and see her standing there with tears in her eyes. She runs towards me and I open my arms for her.. She runs into them crying.. She's in new clothing. There's a band aid on her cheek and bandages on her arms. I can imagine they're on her back as well.

She cries but smiles at me.. She smiles up at me.. A pained smile. A voice interrupts my train of thought and I glare at the voice's owner..

" Wow! You were awesome fighting Diron today! Your so strong!"

" Thank you.. " She whispers looking down at her feet. They all start talking to her.. annoyance seeps into me.. They're talking to her now that they know who she really is.. But her smile, it's not forced.

She starts to explain what happens after her father took them away. I listen and let her explain everything. We walk silently.

The train is empty.. I ride with her. I sit beside her.. my arm around her shoulder.

" You were brave today.." She nods. " I got caught in the moment. I felt confident but I didn't think elder brother would attack me.." He hides her face in my shoulder and I rub her back.. I kiss her hair.. " It's good to be confident. It makes you grow. It makes you strong. " She stares up at me and our eyes meet.

I put my hand on her cheek. I lean down placing my lips on her's . I pull away. "I can do that because I'm confident " I lean down again kissing her with more force but pull away. " But I'm not confident enough to go any further. " I lean down one last time.. I kiss her and lick her lower lip. " but I can try and gain confidence on what to do next. " She blushes holding her hand to her lips.

I smile down at her.. She covers her face with her hands hiding her blush.  Suddenly her lips are on mine and I feel her shyly love her lips in sync with mine.. She pulls away.

" I can try to.. "

For once, I blush

Half sweet Half not ( My hero series )Where stories live. Discover now