Chapter 28 • Fight

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Gabriella's POV

My head hurts from all the thinking I've been doing since last night. Not only do the photos in general confuse me but also who took them? My first guess would've been my brothers but from they're reaction I've crossed that idea off.

This morning was hectic, there was an obvious tension throughout the house and it was more quiet then it normally was. I also noticed how there was more people around the house when me and the twins were leaving to get to school. 

I remember seeing some of them at the family business a few time when I was leaving so I know they work for my brothers but I don't understand why they were just waiting around the house just, watching.

I'm only now realizing how suspicious my brothers have been about the family business and I can't lie and say my curiosity hasn't been peaked. I've realized that when I've asked questions about what they do to be polite how vague they're answers are, all I know about it is Enzos the boss, they have a lot of people working for them, they own a bunch of different buildings all over the world, and that they're very successful.

I've been curious since I've learnt about the third floor and how it's off limits to me but now  I feel like I need to know what goes on up there. Maybe if I learn that then I can find out who sent those photos and why.

I jump back startled but the chocolate cupcake in front of my face before taking a quick glance at the person holding it.

"Your cupcake you highness." I smile at Aaron before taking the cupcake from him as I take a to big of a bite out of it. I hum as the perfect flavor hits my taste buds. 

"Careful I think I see a bit of drool." Aaron says sarcastically. I swat him away as I continue eating my cupcake.

Finally finishing my bite I smile at him. "Thank you!"

"Well I did have to make it up to you." We both start walking down the hall towards our first class of the day. Both of us carefully avoiding the people who decide to sprint down the hallways knocking over anyone in they're path.

I don't realize my thoughts have me hostage again until I see Aaron staring at me. "What?"

"Are you okay?" His face holds concern while his voice is soft.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" My voice comes out as a little mumble due to me being confused as to why he's asking me that.

There no way he knows about the photos right?

It's then I remember his first day at school he sat with my brothers at lunch but they wouldn't tell him something so private especially how I acted afterwards right?

"I'm not sure, you just spaced out a little." He continues staring at me.

"Well I'm fine. Thank you though, for being concerned." I backpedal after my words came out in a snap towards him, I shouldn't be rude when he was just trying to be nice.

He just smiles at me as we make it to our class. The class goes by slowly, normally I like English but not even fifteen minutes into class and I'm staring at the clock counting down the seconds till I can leave.

The rest of my morning classes go by just as slowly, my last class before lunch I'm out the door as soon as the bell rings.

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