Chapter 105 - Tomasia

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My feet were frozen in place. I stood behind my brother and kept my two cents about Hino and Mr. Abdul to myself. Mrs. Hoffman was to our right, glaring her adversary down. I never really thought about this before, but having witnessed firsthand how Arisa and Khaleel intimidated their peers at school, it shouldn't come as a shock to learn that their parents had the same talent. And yet, I would much rather converse with Mrs. Hoffman than Mr. Abdul. There was a strange intensity behind that man's eyes that I never wanted to explore. It was almost like he commanded respect without actually asking for it. His aura was as crippling as my mother's. I was proud of myself for overcoming that recently, but I was in no position to venture off and bite off more than I could chew.

"I was just upstairs talking with Maha," Hino said to Mr. Abdul. "It was my first time meeting her."

"Oh, you met my Maha?" Mr. Abdul replied, patting Hino's back. "We will have to have you over for our next dinner party. You can meet my Yumna too."

Hino backed away and gave him two thumbs up. "You got it!"

"Let me have Kumar drive you home," Mr. Abdul said, strategically returning to his former priorities. He glanced back at the brooding man and signalled him to open the foyer door. Then Mr. Abdul flashed those daunting dark eyes in mine and Loyal's direction. "You two as well."

"They're actually with me," Mrs. Hoffman intervened. "The twins, and the happy-go-lucky boy."

Mr. Abdul raised his brow at her. "How can they be with you when you don't even know their names?" he asked, condescendingly.

"I might not know their names but I'll be damned if I let them get in any of your vehicles," Mrs. Hoffman rebutted.

"I can assure you that there is no safer place for these children than in my care," Mr. Abdul said, his eyes sharpening. They somehow looked even more intense than before, if that was possible. "Your concern is appreciated but not necessary."

"It's necessary when your own kid flees from you," Mrs. Hoffman replied, crossing her arms. Oh. That was a harsh his very firm chest. Even the brooding man standing behind him couldn't help hold back his grin. Mr. Abdul's irked expression was replaced with a gentle smile when Mrs. Hoffman addressed us, teenagers. "You three wait outside for me. I'll take you home myself."

Loyal and I waited to see how Hino would react. "Respectfully, we don't need either of you to escort us," our friend said. I wanted to palm my forehead but my limbs wouldn't allow it. What the heck was Hino thinking, saying that to these scary adults? Had he lost his mind? He must have or he wouldn't be acting so recklessly.

"Excuse me?" Mrs. Hoffman asked.

Hino contemplated out loud. "Hmm, how do I say this without sounding like a dick?"


"Okay, right," Hino went on. "See, you two think you know what's best for your kids..and in hindsight, in any other situation, I'm sure you do. But this is not an ordinary situation. Khaleel is not going to stop running until you back off Papa Abdul, and Arisa is not going to stop following him until Khaleel feels like it's safe to return home."

"What are you talking about?" Mr. Abdul asked.

"Maha filled me in on everything," he said. "I'm not going to stand here and share your family's personal matters, but I will ask that you allow Khaleel to return home. You're always saying that he's your one and only son, that he's your pride, your joy, and your world. It's great that you think all of those things, but does it matter if those sentiments never reach him?"

The entire foyer went quiet. My heart throbbed, reminding me that this was one of the many reasons I had fallen in love with Hino Matsunaga all those years ago.

Hino faced Mrs. Hoffman next. "I know you have some serious business to discuss with Papa Abdul," he said. "But before you make any rash decisions that will hinder this relationship, please remember that his son is the one your daughter loves. I'm sure I don't have to tell you how deep and passionate young love can be. The more obstacles you leave for them to face, the more determined they will be to overcome them. They are a reflection of you, so don't let your personal disagreements with Papa Abdul cloud your judgement."

This. This was half his gift, and when he used it to articulate himself, he flourished beautifully.

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