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The Next Day..

Harry's P.O.V.
I was at my locker when louis came up to me.

"where were you yesterday?"Louis asked.

"I had extra classes,"Harry lied.

"You weren't at school so don't lie to me Harry,"Louis said with anger.

"okay..I left,I wasn't feeling good and didn't wanted to attend class so I went home,"Harry lied against but this time more convincingly.

"So anyone bothering you?"Louis asked.

"No-"Harry started but he suddenly felt someone run and hugged him from behind,Arms wrapped around Harry's waist.

"Hi,"Zayn said into Harry's ear.

"Hey..get away from him,"Louis snarled.

"Or what?"Zayn challenged.

"Get you hands off him,"Louis demanded.

"He doesn't seem to have a problem with that,"Zayn said as he place his on Harry's shoulder.

His face was so close to Harry that if one of them slightly turn they could end up accidentally kissing each other.

"Harry..Get away from him, you shouldn't be hanging out with people like him,"Louis said.

"But we are friends,"Harry explained.

"Harry,"Louis warned and Harry pulled away from Zayn following louis.

"What were you thinking Harry? You shouldn't be hanging out with him,"Louis explained.

"Why?"Harry asked.

"He's got a bad reputation Harry..He is not what you would consider a good friend,"Louis said.

"okay..I'll not talk to him,"Harry said.

"You better not,"Louis said before walking away.

Harry waited for louis to get out of sight before he went back to find zayn.

"Hey,"Zayn said as he came behid Harry startling him.

"Hey..I'm sorry about louis,"Harry said sincerely.

"No I'm sorry..it happened because of me,"Zayn confessed.

"What's with you and Louis?"Harry asked.

"I'll tell you,"Zayn nodded,we walked to the field and sat on the bleaches which was empty.

"Are you ready..because I know Louis's your cousin and you might not believe me after what I did to you,"Zayn said.

"I can't promise anything right now,Just tell me,"Harry said.

"Well at the beginning of high school Louis and I were actually best friends,We were the talk of the school for being the most attractive duo or whatever but then Louis confessed of not really liking all the female attention he got,I was down to help him with anything so when he asked me to experiment with him it wasn't weird,"Zayn narrates.

"We just kiss and made out..and he then confessed that he was indeed into boys but was not ready to come out and me being his best friend I respected that,We continued what we had untill Louis caught feelings for me..we started dating but in secret."

"To the others we were best friends but behind closed doors we were lovers,I convinced him to come out but he would refuse,I started to think he was ashamed of us but I didn't pressurized him into coming out,I was find with it."Zayn continued.

"But then we were at a party and Louis pulled me into a room..started making out with me when our friends from the football team came in and saw is,Louis was quick to pushed me away and told everyone that I forced myself onto him..Everyone believed him because I was on top..Spread rumours around..stopped being friends with me just for his reputation,"Zayn explained.

"That's awful..I can't believe louis would do something like that..Must have been so hard for you,"Harry said.

"It was..but Liam came along..he believed me and then I created a reputation for myself one that everyone was scared of so they wouldn't point fingers at me..so they only reason Louis wants you to stay away from me is because I am his ex boyfriend..kinda,"Zayn stated.

"I understand why you wanted revenge now,"Harry nodded.

"Oh no..please don't forgive me for that what louis did to me has nothing to do with you..I shouldn't have bully you,"Zayn said feeling guilty.

"Too late..you are already forgiven,"Harry smiled.

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