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"The patient lost so much blood we need a donor,"The doctor announced.

"We have the same blood type..B,"Harry said jolting up from his seat.

"Nurse take him to the room to take blood,"The doctor said.

After sitting for hours waiting for the blood bags to fill up it was finally done.Harry felt dizzy as he stood up but one of the nurses helped him to the waiting room and made him sit down.

"Harry son..Are you okay?"Trisha asked as she rushed to Harry's side cupping his face.

"m'fine..Just a little weak from all the blood they took,"Harry said as he felt tired.

"you should be resting on the bed Harry,"Trisha said.

"m'fine..I wanna be here when the doctor come out,"He insisted.

1 hour later...

"How is my son Doctor?"Trisha asked.

"I'm really sorry..He went into a coma,"the doctor announced and Trisha was shocked as Yaser caught her before she could faint.

Harry couldn't stop his tears anymore and began crying again.

"Doctor Can we see him?"Louis asked.

"One person at a time,"The doctor said.

"Harry you go first..Trisha can't walk right now,"Yaser said as he was by Trisha's side trying to help her.Harry nodded and went to the room they shifted Zayn to.

His heart broke when he saw his lover lying on that hospital bed with tubes attached to him,covered in bandages.

Something fell off Harry's pocket and he duck down to pick it up,It was a ring.

Shawn gave this ring to Harry earlier saying it was from Zayn that Zayn gave it to shawn before he fainted and told him to give this to Harry.

Harry put the ring on his necklace before he sat on the chair next to Zayn's bed.

"You gave this to me..then you are going to put it in my finger..I refuse to do it by myself Mr.Malik..So I'll wait for you to wake up,"Harry chuckled with tears in his eyes.

"You're gonna wake up right?..of course you are you promised me..You can't leave me alone.."Harry said as he held Zayn's hand.

"Answer me..wake up..zee..wake up please,"Harry begged as he cried.

Harry look down at his wrist and noticed his lucky bracelet that his mom gave him when he was little.

"Mom said that this will bring me luck..I hope it does the same for,"Harry said as he took off the bracelet and put it on Zayn's hand before kissing his hand.

He walked out of the room to give other people the chance to see Zayn.

"Harry we need to go home."Anne said and Harry shook his head.

"No I wanna stay with him please..atleast tonight mom..I promise I'll take care of myself but I need to stay here,"Harry insisted.

"Aunty..I'll stay back with him don't worry,"Louis reassured anne and she nodded.

Everyone left leaving louis and Harry in the waiting room.Louis wrapped his arms around Harry as he started crying again.

"Lou..tell him to wake up..you're his best friend right he might listen to you..go talk to him."Harry said and Louis felt like crying at Harry's behaviour.

Wake up Zee..wake up before we lose Harry,Louis thought to himself.

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