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The room started to get blurry as Harry dropped his phone on the floor about to fall but louis was quick to grab him stopping him from hitting the floor.

"Harry what happened?"Louis asked.

"Z-zayn..he's at the hospital..C-car accident,"Harry management to put out as his eyes well up with tears.

"we need to get to the hospital,"Louis said as he help Harry back on his feet.

"I'll inform his family you go,"Anne said.

Louis,Liam,Niall and Harry rushed outside and got in Louis car.

"Z-zayn..It's all my fault..all my fault..I told him to come fast..and I kept texting him.."Harry mumbled to himself as he start shaking and crying.

"Guys..he's having a panic attack,"Niall panicked as he wrapped his arms around Harry trying to comfort him.

"He will be okay Harry..None of this is your fault yeah and you know Zayn wouldn't want to see you like this..he's gonna be soo mad if he sees you crying..So stay calm for Zayn..you gonna do it for him right?"Niall managed to comfort him but kept stroking his arm.

They arrived at the hospital and they rushed in Liam inquiring about Zayn at the front desk.

"He is in the ER right now please sit in the waiting room and fill this form up,"The nurse said.

"Which one of you is Harry Styles?"The nurse asked and Harry step forward.

"We contacted you as he had you as his emergency contact..what's your relationship with the patient?"The nurse asked.

"He's my boyfriend,"Harry stated.

The nurse asked some questions about Zayn.

"Nurse..who brought him in?"Harry asked.

"Mr. shawn Mendes..he is sitting in the waiting room."The nurse said and Harry nodded before joining the lads in the waiting room.

"Excuse me..Are you shawn Mendes?"Harry asked as he saw a man sitting in the waiting room already.

"Yes..you are?"He asked.

"Harry Styles..Thank you for bringing Zayn to the hospital in time.."Harry said trying to hold back his tears.

"Is he your husband?"Shawn asked.

"Boyfriend.."Harry corrected.

"He will be Okay..don't lose hope,"Shawn encouraged.

"How did this happen?"Louis asked.

"The accident happened in front of me..I was in the car with my wife camilla and our son when my car was parked on the side of the road..your boyfriend's car pass us and a car was coming full speed from the front and he was on the wrong lane so his car hit Zayn's car,"Shawn narrates.

"Turns out the man was driving from the cljb and was totally drunk and was also speeding..I quickly got out to see the situation..Luckily the car didn't flip over or anything so I was able to get him out but he was badly injured..I couldn't wait for the ambulance to come so I brought him to the hospital myself."

"He was conscious for a bit when I got him in my car..He kept saying Harry..I need to get to Harry..that's the only thing he would say..I didn't get it but now I do..He was worried about you.."Shawn finished.

Harry broke down into tears,He got into and accident and all he wanted was to reach me because he made a promise.

"How is your wife and son doing right now?"Niall asked.

"They were a little traumatised so I had to send them home,"Shawn explained.

"We are here now you van go home and see them..thank you so much for everything,"Liam said.

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