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Harry woke up next to Zayn's hospital bed,it has been like this for the past week,he would fall asleep on the chair holding Zayn's hand.

"Harry you need to eat something,"Louis scolded him.

"I'm not hungry Lou,"Harry said.

"when Zayn wakes up and see how skinny you have become he's not gonna like it..he would want you to look after yourself Harry..not mop around the hospital all day,"Louis tried to explain.

"Doctor..Has there been any progress yet?"Harry asked as he saw the doctor enter the room.

"His reports came in and we've had worst cases so there's more chances to him waking up but I would suggest trauma therapy after he wakes."The doctor replied.

After the doctor analysed Zayn,he left.

"You hear that Babe..you're gonna be alright..we'll be alright yeah,"Harry smiled even though there was tears in his eyes.

Days turned into weeks and weeks into months,Days went by and Zayn wouldn't wake up but Harry didn't give up on him nor did anyone else.

One Month Later...

"Lazy bones..you've been asleep for a month now..who's gonna give me attention..Maybe I should start looking for another boyfriend..your cousin Daniel is kinda cute,"Harry joked as he sat next to Zayn's hospital bed laying his head on the bed.

After he said that Harry felt a weak squeeze on his hand,He was holding hands with Zayn. Harry shook it off thinking he was just imagining things but then it happened again.

"Doctor Jones..Nurse,"Harry called and the nurse and doctor rushed into the room.

"Zayn moved...he squeezed my hand.."Harry told them as the doctor start examining Zayn while the nurse wrote something down.

"What did you tell him?"The doctor asked.

"I...made him jealous,"Harry said more to himself,He can't believe Zayn moved just because he thought he was going to lose Harry.

"Well he clearly doesn't want that..so he's trying harder to come back,"The doctor said and it was then that Harry realized he said his thoughts out loud.

"Continue what you were doing."The doctor encouraged.

"Now I'm gonna marry someone else..you know Ashton right..he always had a crush on me and well he asked me out on a date.."Harry lied.

And then it happened,Zayn's fingers moved.Harry looked up at his face as he struggled to open his eyes.He opened them and closed it immediately because of the lights.

The doctor told the nurses to pull the curtains to make the room a little dim.

"Now open your eyes slowly,"The doctor instructed.

The nurse bring a glass of water and made him drink it.

"Are you Okay Baby?"Zayn asked his voice low almost a whisper.

"You are in a hospital bed and you're asking if I'm okay,"Harry said in disbelief.

"Trying to get rid of me  for ashton huh,"Zayn joked.

"Possessive much..I've been trying for one month and the one thing to bring you back is your jealousy."Harry said.

"I thought I was gonna lose you,"Zayn said.

"Harry we need to run some test..please wait outside we will call you in a minute..you can inform his parents in the meantime."The doctor said and Harry nodded before stepping into the waiting room.

My Bully // zarryWhere stories live. Discover now