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It was midnight and Zayn couldn't sleep while Harry was fast asleep in his arms.Zayn gaze at Harry as the moonlight reflected on his face.

"So beautiful,"Zayn mumbled under his breath as he smile,There face were so close that if one of them move they might end up kissing.

And just as Zayn thought that Harry moved his head further up on Zayn's shoulder causing his lips to brush against Zayn's.

Zayn pulled away and placed a kiss on Harry's forehead.

"Sorry for what I put you through Baby..I promise I'll protect you now,"Zayn promised even though Harry was asleep and didn't hear him.

At school..

"Mine and Louis's family are going to my Dad's cabin for the weekend..I want you to come along,"Harry said as him and Zayn were walking down the hallway.

"That's your family Vacation Baby..I wouldn't wanna intrude..Go have fun,"Zayn explained as he cup Harry's face with his hands and gently kissing his forehead.

"But mom said I could bring a friend,"Harry pouted.

"But I'm your boyfriend,"Zayn said.

"She doesn't have to know that..Yet,"Harry smiled.

"Okayy..I'll come along,"Zayn gave in.

"Yayy..I'm gonna ask Niall too soo you know..Louis doesn't feel like a thirdwheel,"Harry explained.

"You do that..Now gimme a kiss before I go to class."Zayn asked and Harry blushed as they were in the school hallway surrounded by people.

"Zee..there's so many people here,"Harry hesitated.

"I don't care..come here,"Zayn said as he wrapped his arm around Harry's waist and pulled him closer kissing him on the lips.

They pulled away and Harry look around to see people glaring at him like he did something bad to them,Specially the girls.

"Zee..Would you mind tutoring me today..Since you're a year above me..I really need help,"Harry asked.

"Of course I'll help you Babe..I'll meet you after class alright,"Zayn agreed and Harry nodded before pulling away from Zayn's embrace and going to class.

After school they went to Harry's house and Zayn helped Harry with the subjects that he was having trouble with which was mostly math.

"Boys Dinner is ready,"Anne called and Zahn and Harry went downstairs.

"So you still haven't told me..Are you two dating or just friends?"Anne asked as they were having dinner.

"He's my boyfriend Mom..we've been for a few weeks now."Harry blushed.

"So what do your parents do Zayn?"Anne asked.

"well My dad has his own business,Mom is a housewife and My sisters are make up artists,"Zayn answered.

"How many sisters do you have?"Harry asked.

"3..there's Doniya,Waliyha and safaa,"zayn said before getting interrupted by his phone ringtone.

"Excuse me,"Zayn said politely before leaving the table to answer his phone.

"Hello Baba,"Zayn greeted before he walk away from the dinning table.

He came back after a few minutes.

"It was my Dad,They came to visit so they are waiting at my house right now,Dinner was amazing thank you alot Mrs.Styles,"Zayn said.

"Oh just call me Anne..I'll leave you two alone..to say goodbye,"Anne smiled as she left the dinning room.

Zayn wrapped his arm around Harry's waist kissing his forehead.

"I'll see you tomorrow Babe,"Zayn said placing his finger under Harry's chin making him face up before planting a kiss on his soft lips.

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