The Miya Twins

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An omegaverse AU, where Osamu's the older twin.

5 yrs. old Atsumu: ", whe..- -" he choked up. "Where mommy...?" he whispered as he latched onto his brother's shirt. He was crying but holding back his voice.

5 yrs. old Osamu was hugging his little brother tightly, covering his ears and protecting him as they hid in a closet. It was one of those nights again where their father would come home drunk and angry and would get violent, the twins would hear screams and loud noises, which made Atsumu flinch every time. They would hear their mother plead and beg for mercy but she ends up screaming in pain. Atsumu was shaking in fear and Osamu was doing his best to calm him down and look brave in front of Atsumu. Their mother always did her best to protect the twins. She took them in a closet and covered them with her coat so their father wouldn't smell them. This was normal in the Miya household. After their father's rampage, they would wait for their mother to tell them: everything's ok now. Because that's what she always did. She would walk or sometimes crawl to them and they would huddle up in that small closet room and just be in their own little world; content and happy to have each other.

When the twins were at school; Osamu was always the cheery one, loud, active and surrounded by many friends. While Atsumu was the very shy type; always hiding behind his brother, gets startled easily and just really meek. Some really find him cute and adorable and because of this, those that were jealous started to bully Atsumu but his big brother would always be there just in time to save him.

One particular night was the worst. The twins were in the living room playing some board games and their mother was in the kitchen. After a few moments of peace, Atsumu started tugging on Osamu, he looked like he was about to cry.

5 yrs. old Osamu: "What's wrong Chumu?" He cupped his brother's cheeks. But before he could answer, Osamu felt chills in every fiber of his small body. He sensed death.

Their mother bursted in and started dragging the twins in the closet; in a hurry, she left them. The twins hid in their usual spot, hearing the usual fight and agony. When it quieted down a bit, the twins waited for their mother but it was taking her longer than usual. Osamu got up to see what's happening but Atsumu grabbed his hand.

5 yrs. old Atsumu: "Chamu... where are ya going?" he cried but not so loud. Osamu turned to his brother and wiped away his tears, giving him a reassuring smile.

5 yrs. Old Osamu: "Don't worry Chumu, I'm not going anywhere." He gave Atsumu's hands some gentle squeeze then proceeded to peek through the small opening of the door. What he was a mess! There was broken stuff everywhere. He peeked his head out a little to see better. He didn't see his father but his mother was laying on the floor; not moving. Osamu ran to her. "Mommy!" he cried out, trying to wake her up but she wasn't. Then he noticed something red oozing on the floor. His eyes widened and he fell back. He was about to scream when someone grabbed his hair.

Mr. Miya: "You f*cking brat!!' He pulled harder on his hair and Osamu cried. "This is all your fault!!" He grabbed Osamu's little arms and started shaking him. He was gripping so hard his arms started to change color. Osamu was screaming and crying in pain now. "SHUT UP!" He was about to slap Osamu when Atsumu clung on to his father's arm, but he just flung him to the side; hitting the wall; hard. He got knocked out.

5 yrs. old Osamu: "CHUMU!!" He cried out. He bit his Father's hand, making him let go of his hair, then he ran to Atsumu; feeling if his brother was still alive. He felt relieved when he saw him breathing.

Mr. Miya: "You brat!" He was now behind Osamu. He hit Osamu on the side of his head and he flew to another wall. Osamu's head was ringing. He could hear muffled noises. He's vision started to blur. Someone approached him, it was a demon in his eyes.

Someone, please, help us.

5 yrs. old Osamu:" he cried, before blacked out.






Haikyuu//: My Strong BrotherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora