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     After finally remembering my past, I clung onto it dreading I might forget again. I kept the old fox plushie by myself at all times, even making a handy holder for it on my belt. I slowly started to distance myself from the other. I kept thinking about my brother but being with Toshi and the others was weighing something on my chest. I just wanted to go home and see Samu yet I felt so guilty.

     I snuck around and walked on eggshells with everyone, trying to do my own thing. As much as I wanted to stay with them, I knew they wouldn't like me going away. For them, I was the one who rounded them all up, who was I to leave after getting what I want?

Shirabu: "Tsu..." I turned to my best friend. "You've been spacing out a lot, did something happen?" I wanted to tell him everything but I couldn't, I knew he wouldn't like it. Even I knew that Shirabu had formed an unhealthy attachment to me. As much he liked my alpha, he liked staying by me more. To him, I was the same; a helpless omega who found their strength after going through hell.

Atsumu: "I'm fine, Bu... I'm just thinking of something." Sorry for lying but I needed to get home. Someone's waiting for me and I miss them so much.

     I just turned 18 but for some reason, I never told Wakatoshi and the others my birthday. I lied that I couldn't remember since my aunt took me to the facility. There was a part of me that refused to celebrate without Osamu but as time went on, I forgot about him but never about our birthday. It was time for me to reunite with my brother so we can celebrate together again.

     I started to look around for my brother and I found out he wasn't in our old town anymore. I can't really make any social media because I knew that Kuroo would find out in less than a day. Anything we did in cyber, Kuroo knew. And it wasn't any help when Wakatoshi persuaded us to put tracking microchips in our forearm. When going out, I had to at least go with one of them.

     One night, I returned to my room a little early, telling the others I was too tired and they understood. On my bed, I saw my little fox plushie. It looked so different despite it being the same thing I held onto so dearly. Its fluffy fur that I loved to rub on my cheek when I was young was now crusty. It's once familiar smell of sandalwood that always reminded me of home has now been replaced with laundry detergent. Its color of stormy gray that was the same color of my brother's eyes has now faded. I felt my chest tightened as I picked it up, tears started to drown the plushie.

I felt like I was losing my other half.

     I was finally determined. I started packing some of my things, not too many but enough just for a few days. I left my cards, I.Ds, and other identifiers that they could use to track me down. I took a knife and carefully slit my arm, gently taking out my microchip and putting it in a ziplock full of warm oatmeal. It was only a matter of time before the tracker goes cold and will notify Kuroo that it was no longer in me.

     I jumped out the window and bolted out the safe camp we made. I just kept running until I saw a market place swarming with people even though it was in the middle of the night. I put on my cap and started walking around; blending in. At a dark alley, just on the corner of a building, I saw a bike and just took it.

     I went on a journey without any sort of plan, I was just sure that I needed to get out of camp because I'll never get another chance. I had limited funds but it was enough to get by. I worked some part time jobs while looking around.

     For the times that I had been with Wakatoshi and the others, they only knew me as Tsumu, I never told them my full name. It was now time to be Atsumu Miya again. I found someone who was able to make me some new IDs and a new passport but I wasn't done. I still don't know where Samu was.

"So, you came looking for me?" I nodded. "HAHAHAHA!" The woman who sat on her bed laughed hysterically. "And why the hell would I help my precious nephew that took everything from me?"

     Yuki Onodera, my late mother's sister. The woman who brought me to the facility that became my hell hole for the past 5 years. After my escape and taking our revenge, I didn't truly have the heart to kill her that day. When I looked at her, I was just reminded of my mother. Her eyes were the same as my loving mother's.

     I gave Wakatoshi the gun that day and he shot my Aunt's legs that have now disabled her. Kuroo stripped her of any kind of connection and power with strict supervision. Atsumu understood why his Aunt was being uncooperative.

Atsumu: "You're going to help me because I have something you want..." She looked at me; intrigued. I took out my fox plushie and turned it around to reveal a hidden zipper. I opened the old toy and took out a folded piece of paper. "Here..." I handed her the paper and she took it.

     She started unfolding the small piece of paper. For years I've seen that paper thinking nothing of it until I slowly forgot about it until now. I saw my prideful Aunt cry. Her face didn't express anything but her eyes kept streaming down tears. She straightened her back and wiped the tears on her cheeks. She sat on her wheelchair and rolled her way to her drawer and fumbled in it for a while before taking something.

Yuki: "I don't ever want to see you again..." She held my hands while putting something inside them. "Go, before they find you here." I nodded and put the thing in my pocket. As much as I hated my Aunt, I gave her a hug before leaving.

     Our mother always taught us that Osamu and I should always treasure each other because so many people waste their life looking for their other half while we were lucky enough to be born with each other. We could never find anyone more special than each other. Every time she reminds me she looks like she's being pulled into a very deep memory, she always smiles so sadly and we didn't know why until I saw that piece of paper; it was a picture of mom and someone that looked like her.

     Mom and Aunt were twins like Osamu and I but life was cruel to my mother and time was not too kind either. But looking at my Aunt right now, watching her long for her other half, I finally understood how truly special it is to have a twin. A true connection unlike any other.

I went back to my crappy room in a crappy motel. I've been on the run for 7 months now and I'm sure my friends are losing their minds from this sudden 'leave'. I fished in my pocket for the thing my Aunt gave me; it was an old flip phone. It looked like it hadn't been used for a long time. I opened it and fortunately it still had charge in it. There wasn't much in it, just one icon on the screen.


I waited...


I felt my heart pound in my chest; tightening with excitement and fear.


What if he forgot about me like I did?


Why wasn't he picking up? Did he really ro- -

     I froze as the ringing stopped. The call was finally connected but there was only silence on the other end. I felt a lump in my throat but this was it.

Atsumu: "Samu?"






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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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