Being Friendly

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Akaashi's POV

     Kenma and I started our way back home. I asked about what happened earlier and he started telling and explaining every detail of today.

Akaashi: "I'm sorry that you guys had to go through all that... it must've been har- -"

Kenma: "That's just it..." He looked at me with his golden eyes that just always seem to be observing and calculating everything it sees. "I was helpless and just felt so worthless even though my friends were getting hurt..."

Akaashi: "But...?"

Kenma: "That guy... " he returned his gaze forward. "The two Alphas we met at the rooftop when Atsumu transferred... The black haired one... I think Kuroo's his name..."

Akaashi: "What about him?"

Kenma: "I can't explain it... the way he looked at me... it was different." He stopped in his tracks and I turned to look at him. "I liked how he looked at me..."

     2 weeks had passed since the incident and the 5 alphas were charged and sent to jail but Osamu, Iwaizumi, and Sakusa really wanted to give them a piece of their mind, but Atsumu, Oikawa, and Suna insisted that they let be since they're already suffered enough and will continue to do so in prison.

     The top Alpha tournament is drawing near and Osamu and Iwaizumi were starting their training already.

Atsumu: "Ca- - can we watch Samu and Iwa-kun train?" He asked shyly.

     We were currently eating at a cafe. It was a saturday. All of us omegas, along with Tendou, decided to hang out.

Oikawa: "THAT'S A GREAT IDEA!" He stood excitedly.

Tendou: "B*tch, calm down." They apologized for startling the other customers.

Akaashi: "Let's finish our food and drinks, then pack up..."

Kenma: "And we'll order some take outs for them..."

     Everyone was having fun. And looking at Oikawa and Atsumu, they've already recovered from their injuries and were free from their bandages but it took awhile for Atsumu to talk again properly.

Tendou: "So... how do we get there?" We stood outside of the cafe.

Akaashi: "We'll take a bus, that's a 5 minute walk from here." I said as I looked at my phone for directions.

     We got to the gym where they were doing their training and they weren't alone. Sakusa and Semi were there as well, helping them train. The moment we entered the gym, all eyes were on us. I can't blame them, what were 5 omegas doing in a gym full of Alphas.

     We ignored the stares and just kept walking but we were stopped by some guys. Giving us their best smiles. Disgusting.

Kousuke: "What are you, pretty things doing in a place like this?"

Hayato: "Yeah... Do you guys want to work out together?" He smirked.

Atsumu: "No, thank ya..." He smiled politely while waving his hands no.

Jin: "Aww... come on... I'm sure we'll have a blast together..." He put his arm around Suna's shoulder.

Kai: "Yeah! We're a really great company." He kissed Oikawa's hand and looked at him while wiggling his eyebrows. But Oikawa quickly pulled his hand away.

Akaashi: "Sorry, but we really need to go..." I tried to be polite but they were really persistent.

Kousuke: "Aww, don't be like that... we just want to be friends, right, guys?" He put his hand on my shoulder, I could see Kenma glaring.

Hayato: "Yea... let's all be friends!"

Kenma: "No, thank you" He glared at them.

Shiki: "Don't be like tha- -" A hand grabbed his shoulder.

Atsumu: "Hi Omi!" He smiled and waved.

     Everyone was now looking behind Shiki. There were 3 pissed off Alphas and a not so friendly Beta. Osamu squeezed Shiki's shoulder tighter, making the guy yelp in pain.

Osamu: "" He was calm, but you could feel his bloodlust. He looked at the guy who had his arm around Suna. "Hey, buddy..." His voice was cold. "Mind letting go of my future mate..." He ordered and the guy quickly did as he was told like a dog listening to its master. Suna just smirked, looking very proud of his Alpha.

      The guys were now nervous in front of our guys and just slowly backed away just a few feet but they didn't look like they were backing down though. Stupid Alpha pride, pathetic.

      Osamu went to Suna and asked if he was alright which Suna just shrugged to. Iwaizumi didn't even move or say anything when Oikawa jumped on him, and the small alpha caught him without trouble.

Oikawa: "Hi Iwa-chan!" He rubbed his face on his alpha's cheek.

Atsumu: "Omi!" He greeted the ravenette as he approached him. Even when wearing a mask, anyone could see how he's smiling under his mask, and the way he just looks at Atsumu, it's just full of adoration. I smile to myself at the thought of how Sakusa had fallen hard for Atsumu and he's not even hiding it.

Tendou: "Semi-Semi!" He dragged me and Kenma to his best friend's side. Now, there was nothing between Osamu, Iwaizumi, Sakusa, and Semi, and those other alphas. Everyone was looking at us, the tension was so suffocating.

Osamu: "Let's go, guys..." He put his arm around Suna's shoulder. As he turned he gave one last glare at the other group.

Kousuke: "Haha, hold up..." We turned to the guy, he was looking down on us and he was doing a bad job at it. "Don't be like that..." he smiled. "We just wanted to be friends..." he was trying to be slick.

Hayato: "Yeah... to show you that there's no hard feelings..." he looked at his other buddies with a smirk and they looked like they agreed on something. "How about a friendly match?" He did his best to look innocent. 






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