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     All the guards watched as their smartest test subject calmly walked towards their most dangerous one. Some were actually trembling with fear. They were only kids but it would be dumb for them to underestimate them.

Wakatoshi: "Atsumu!" The olive haired boy ran towards Atsumu full of concern as he inspected the latter for any injuries (that weren't there before).

Atsumu: "Don't worry, Toshi-kun, I'm alright!" He beamed then held the wild boy's hand. "This is my new friend, Bokuto Kotauro!" But Ushijima did not like how Atsumu was holding onto the latter. "What's wrong Toshi-kun?" But the taller boy just took Atsumu's hand from Bokuto.

Kuroo: "Cute, but we have company." He grinned as they got surrounded.

     Four special boys fought their way through many adult guards. It was finally their chance to get out, it was their chance to break free and no one was going to stop them. With Bokuto and Wakatoshi's strength, they were unstoppable. With Atsumu's agility and speed, they were untouchable, and with Kuroo's knowledge, they found their freedom.

     Kuroo led the way as they ran through the underground hall while supporting Atsumu. Bokuto and Wakatoshi were the ones who defended and fought their way through. Now, the four boys finally stood in front of the last door that was separating them from the outside world.

Kuroo: "Fi- -" They ran too much but that was not the reason for the shortness of their breath. "Finally..." He felt overwhelmed with the thought that it was finally over. He's finally leaving this living nightmare. He felt like crying, they were just steps away from ending all their sufferings and leaving just behind everything and starting anew. "Let's go- -" But he was stopped by the boy he was supporting. "Huh?" He looked at the boy next to him who was looking back.

Wakatoshi: "Atsumu, what's wrong?" He casually took the cute boy from the rooster head and carried him like a princess.

Atsumu: "We have to save the others..." There was a silent understanding. No child should live like they were nothing more than test subjects. They were treated worse than trash to those researchers.

Wakatoshi: "And we will." Atsumu looked at the taller boy and for the first time in a long time, he felt like he could count on someone, he wasn't alone anymore. The cute boy started to get teary, he hugged Wakatoshi tight which made the latter happy and hugged back. "Don't worry, I got you." Just two lonely boys, understanding each other.

     Atsumu has now turned 16, Kuroo, Bokuto, and Wakatoshi are now 17. Unlike the older boys who grew up to be big and strong; TOO strong to be exact, the omega grew to be strong and beautiful. Bleaching his brown fluffy locks into a platinum blonde; erasing his horrible past to create way for his future.

Atsumu: "Everyone ready?" The four teenagers stood in front of a familiar prison.

Kuroo: "This is going to be fun." He grinned from ear to ear.

Bokuto: "It took us years to destroy each and every one of these hell holes." He started cracking his knuckles.

Wakatoshi: "Now, it's time for the grand finale." He took Atsumu's hand in his and the latter just looked at him with adoration. He kissed the latter's hand. "Shall we?" He smirked and Atsumu just giggled.

"Ho- - How could you?!" Atsumu looked down on the woman who desperately tried to reach out for him. "I'm your family!" She yelled as she started coughing up blood.

Atsumu: "Auntie..." He crouched down in front of her. "As much as I hate ya fer the takin' me away from Samu and bringin' me here..." He bit his lips before giving the most beautiful smile. "Thank ya!" He felt a hand on his shoulder and saw Wakatoshi looking so proud at him. "Thank ya because I met so many amazin' people." He looked at Bokuto and Kuroo. "Because of this place, I learned ta be strong as myself, I finally found my courage." He looked back at her. "And most importantly," Wakatoshi helped him up and kept him in his arms, resting his forehead on the smaller male. "I found my Alpha." He kissed the boy on the cheek. "Good bye, Auntie."


Kuroo: "I'll start rounding up the kids." He pointed out to the other side of the hall.

Wakatoshi: "I'll go through their system and double check everything."

Atsumu: "Alright, but Bokkun, I want ya ta look fer someone fer me." He gave the owl looking boy a file, who nodded and disappeared with his bro through the halls.

Wakatoshi: "How about you?" He gently squeezed the smaller boy's hand. "What are you going to do?" He caressed his cheek and Atsumu just smiled.

Atsumu: "Don't worry, I'll just have a talk with the higher ups." He smiled.

Wakatoshi: "Alright." He smiled and just couldn't contain his admiration for the latter. "Take care." He kissed Atsumu on the forehead. "I'll be waiting for you."

Atsumu: "I know." He smiled and waved as he watched Wakatoshi run off. "Be safe, my Alpha."






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