Blame Them

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Akaashi's POV

     We were in the cafeteria, waiting for the others. Me and Sakusa were in an advanced class and it ended earlier than expected. While waiting we were just talking and comparing notes when Sakusa froze.

Akaashi: "Sakusa...?" He looked... mad...? "Are you alright?" I was about to shake his shoulder when our phone dinged at the same time.

     We took out our phones. I opened my messages and I could see Sakusa doing the same. As I read through the message, my eyes grew wide, before I could react, Sakusa already bolted through the halls.

     I packed up my things when I noticed Sakusa's stuff, I sighed and packed his things as well. I started running to the campus clinic where I saw a lot of people gathered by the door.

Akaashi: "Excuse me..." I pushed through the crowd and finally got in the room.

     I scanned the room. Suna was at the far corner of the room, calming Osamu that looked like he was going to commit murder. Iwaizumi was sitting beside the bed Oikawa was resting on. Kawa had a patched up cheek and a head bandaged. I could see it, despite his calm exterior, Iwaizumi was as pissed as Osamu.

     Atsumu was on the next bed with Sakusa who held his hand and had the most gentle expression I have ever seen on a person. Looks like comforting Atsumu was more important than letting his anger take over. He has a bandage around his neck and seems to have trouble speaking.

     Lastly, there was Semi sitting by the side, away from everyone, looking disappointed and very sad. Tendou was rubbing his back for comfort, I couldn't hear what he's saying to him. I approached them and sat next to Tendou.

Tendou: "Shh, it's not your fault, Semi..." He said in a soothing voice.

Semi: "I should have been there..." He had his head on his hands and continued blaming himself without even giving Tendou a glance.

     There was a weird tension in the room but mostly bloodlust. It felt so suffocating until we heard the door open; it was Kenma! He locked eyes with me and and started walking towards me. I opened my arms and he flopped right in them. Everyone was looking at him.

Kenma: "I told them everything that happened, with a few students that were there to back me up..." But everyone remained silent. "They're going to do a thorough investigation with the people involved..."

Osamu: "And the As*holes who did this?!" He was very mad.

Kenma: "They're in the hospital right now with a lot of severe bleeding, internal bleedings, and a lot of broken bones..."

Iwaizumi: "Got what they f*cking deserve" He growled.

Oikawa: "Iwa-chan..." He held his Alphas hand and he calmed down.

Kenma: "After the investigation and they're proven guilty, they'll be expelled and go to jail for assault and attempted murder..."

     I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I only got a text saying that everyone was in the clinic and Oikawa and Atsumu were badly hurt. I didn't know it was this bad, but I still kept quiet, thinking it wasn't the best time to ask what happened. I'll just ask Kenma once we get home.

Osamu: "I'm goin' ta make sure their as*es goes and rot in jail!"

Iwaizumi: "Yeah!"

Sakusa: "I already contacted a great lawyer"

     Everyone was already planning the As*holes life sentence and thinking of a way to make it more miserable and torture for them.

Osamu: "When I see- -"

Atsumu: "" Everyone stopped. It was barely a whisper yet Osamu quickly turned to his brother. Atsumu just opened his arms and Osamu dragged himself towards his twin and calmed himself in the fake blonde's embrace. Sakusa looked a bit sad and disappointed but Atsumu giggled a little and patted the ravenette's head which seemed to make him happy.

     Seems like the tension was starting to lighten around everyone, well... atleast one. I glanced at Semi who was still looking down and Tendou couldn't seem to cheer him up even a little. Kenma seemed to notice where I was looking.

     Kenma got off me and sat on Semi's lap which surprised everyone because he only does that to me and he really doesn't like showing affection that much.

Semi: "Ke- - Kenma?!" The taller male just looked at the short pudding head in front of him, back facing him. "What are you- -"

Kenma: "I was a called Freak today, multiple times..." Everyone went silent. "No matter how much I tried to ignore those B*stards, they always get to me...and I always hated it, hated myself for letting them bother me..."

Akaashi: "I- - " Kenma... I didn't know he was feeling like this.

Kenma: "You weren't the one who called us names... you weren't the one who hurt us... and you weren't the one who almost killed those guys..."

Semi: "Kenma..."

Kenma: "If you want to blame someone, blame them!" He raised his voice which surprised everyone. Kenma glared at Semi who looked at him in shock. "I will not tolerate the people I care about, hating and blaming themselves just because of some as*holes thinking they're above everyone else!" Semi just stared at Kenma with teary eyes for a long minute until he finally gave a soft smile.

     Semi wrapped his arms around Kenma's waist and buried his face on his shoulder. He chuckled.

Semi: "Thank you..."






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