What Now?

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     Once Akaashi was finally discharged, everyone celebrated. Osamu didn't forget his gratitude towards the pretty omega for saving him from being torn apart. After the whole incident, Kenma became more confident and fierce especially when it came to his friends, he did not want to be pushed around anymore. It's been 3 months now and Akaashi sat on the couch with Kenma who was playing with his games in their small apartment.

Akaashi: "I know what you did was very dangerous..." He let down his book and faced the pudding head. "But I think we should tell the others about it." Kenma put down his game and stared at the taller male, even without saying anything, Akaashi knew what was on the latter's mind, he patted his head and smiled. "I'm sure they'll understand because they're our friends." Kenma just hugged him then nodded. Another week has passed and the two decided to call on their friends to meet up at the campus' rooftop and when everyone was finally together, the two started.

Kenma: "We have to tell you guys something..." Everyone could sense the seriousness of the situation and they stayed quiet, waiting for the little omega. "It's abo- -"

"HEY! HEY! HEY!" Everyone froze for a second besides Akaashi and Kenma who just face-palmed. Everyone turned and saw two male casually walking towards them.

"We brought pizza!" The black haired male smiled.

Osamu: "What are they doin' here?!" He gritted his teeth, surpassing his anger. Osamu, Sakusa, Iwaizumi, and Semi quickly got protective over the others, not taking their eyes off the two Alphas. "Don't come any clo- -"

Bokuto: "Aakgaaashiii!" The buff male came running towards the male next to Kenma and just hugged him tightly but gently enough to not suffocate the latter. "I miss you!" He nuzzled his face on Akaashi's neck that made him giggle.

Akaashi: "Hello, Bokuto-san." He patted the owl's head who looked like an overgrown puppy.

Kuroo: "Hi Kitten." He sat next to the pudding head. "You're going to ruin your eyes if you keep playing games." But the latter just rolled his eyes.

Kenma: "Shut up and give me pizza." Kuroo chuckled and pulled Kenma onto his lap and fed him a slice of pizza as the shorter male continued playing.

     Everyone just watched in confusion as the four looked like a couple of married couples, then they heard an adorable giggle, they turned and saw that it was Atsumu. He looked at the four with so much fondness like they just melted his heart.

Atsumu: "Don't worry guys, I'll explain." He smiled.

Osamu: "I still don't trust them." He crossed his arms over his chest after hearing the whole story.

Semi: "I can't believe something like that could actually happen." There was silence again.

Oikawa: "Soooo... what's happening with the four of you..." Now, everyone was now looking at the four who looked too comfortable with each other.

Kenma: "What do you mean?" He asked without looking up from his phone.

Tendou: "Are you guys... dating them?" Then the four looked at the group but then Kenma and Akaashi giggled at each other.

Akaashi: "No, we're not dating them." He smiled but their friends weren't buying it.

Kuroo: "They really aren't dating us..." He smirked before looking at his bro who was pouting. "But I really do like Kitten here..." He nuzzled his face on the smaller male's hair.

Bokuto: "And I love Akgashiii!!" He cuddled with the black haired male that just patted his head with a smile, clearly amused at the childish action.

Oikawa: "So..." He narrowed his eyes. "You're not... yet dating...?"

Kenma: "Yes... we're playing hard to get." He smirked at the grinning taller male.

Osamu: "I still don't trust them." He crossed his arms over his chest but then Atsumu put a hand on his shoulder and he looked at the fake blonde.

Atsumu: "Don't worry, Samu... they won't cause trouble anymore." He smiled at the two who smiled at him as well but then he was pulled suddenly into an embrace, he looked up and saw a very upset alpha. "Omi?"

Osamu: "Nope!" He pulled his brother back. "I don't care how jealous ya are... ya ain't gettin' my brother." He glared at Sakusa who was glaring back while holding Atsumu's hand.

Suna: "Samu, stop being overprotective." He pinched his boyfriend's cheek but didn't let go of his brother.

Osamu: "No, my brother!" The fake blonde pulled away a little and looked at his brother with the biggest puppy dog eyes with a pout while his lower lip shook a little.

Atsumu: "Chamu..." The older twin tried to look away, resisting his brother's pleads. "Nii-chan..." Osamu fainted on the spot and Suna had to lay his alpha on his lap.

Suna: "Nice one, Tsumu." And the fake blonde gave him a peace sign. Everyone laughed.

Sakusa: "Atsu..." He gently tugged on the omega's hand again and it made the latter giggled. Atsumu got up and sat on the alpha's lap and he just melted in his own world.

Atsumu: "So... ignoring Omi..." The ravenette snaked his arms around Atsumu's waist. "What are ya plannin' now?" He asked Kuroo and Bokuto who looked at each other.

Bokuto: "We're staying." For the first time, the owl head looked mature and serious and it made Akaashi blush a little.

Kuroo: "Yeah..." He smiled. "I even fixed our papers already." He looked at Kenma who was looking at him. "We're transferring here." He grinned. "So be ready."

"I told you those idiots would fail to bring him back..."

"I didn't expect anything from them from the start yet they still managed to disappoint me."






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