The Transfer Student

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     Sakusa's eyes widened when it finally hit him with what he just did. Before he could apologize to Atsumu, he was pulled by Osamu, growling at his friend.

Osamu: "No, no, no, no, no - -" He was hugging his brother.

Atsumu: "Samu...?" He looked at his brother. "What's wron'?"

Osamu: "I want cha ta listen ta me carefully, Tsumu..." Atsumu nodded. "Stay away from that," He pointed at Sakusa.

Sakusa: "Oi, you germ." But the gray haired male just ignored him.

Osamu: "That's a predator..." But Atsumu just tilted his head in confusion. "Uuuugh... yer too precious fer this world." He hugged Atsumu again. But got a smack on the head by Suna. "Ouch!" He let go of Atsumu who caught his breath.

Suna: "You idiot, you were suffocating him."

Osamu: "Oops, sorry."

Sakusa's POV

     It's been a week since we met Osamu's twin and I still can't believe what I did. I kept looking at my hands, I could still feel Atsumu's warmth. What the hell is happening to me?

     I walked aimlessly in the campus halls when I noticed a familiar fake blonde. I froze for a moment, just admiring him; it felt like there was only just us.

     I didn't know for how long I was staring, but I knew it was long enough for him to notice me. Our eyes met and he gave me such a beautiful smile and I shyly waved at him. He started to jog towards me, I felt my face heat up. Thank God, I was wearing a mask!

Atsumu: "Hi Omi." He smiled when reached me.

Sakusa: "H- - hi..." The f*ck, why am I getting nervous?!

Atsumu: "Omi? Are ya alright?" He leaned his face closer to mine. "Ya looked a bit red... are ya feelin' unwell?" My God!! He's so beautiful!! I could look at him all day! "Omi?" He put his hand on my forehead. "Ya feel a little hot- -"

Sakusa: "I'm alright!" I took his hand off my forehead.

Atsumu: "Are ya sure?" He slightly tilted his head. Sh*t! He's too adorable!

Sakusa: "Uhh... Ahem... Yeah... I'm ok." I need to compose myself.

Atsumu: "Okay!" He smiled.

Sakusa: "So... uhhh... Are you here for Osamu? I- - I can- -"

Atsumu: "Actually, I'm lookin' fer the administration office..." He scratched his cheek with his finger.

Sakusa: "Hmm?" He was fidgeting with his fingers.

Atsumu: "Please don't tell Samu..." I barely heard him. "I want to surprise him..." He glanced up at me. I took a deep breath to compose myself. He gestured for me to come lean down and I did. He tiptoed to whisper something in my ear and my eyes widened.

Sakusa: "REALLY!?" I got too excited and now everyone was looking at us.

Atsumu: "Shhhh! Omi!" He yelled silently while covering my mouth. He smiled awkwardly at everyone who was looking at us.

Sakusa: "Oops, Sorry..." I apologized and bowed at everyone, scratching the back of my head in embarrassment. 

     There were only a few classes where Alphas and Omegas can be together, and in this particular class, Osamu and his friends were present.

Oikawa: "Did you hear? There's going to be a new transfer student." He smirked.

Semi: "And where did you hear that from?" He raised an eyebrow.

Suna: "Dude, that's Oikawa we're talking about." He was playing with his phone.

Semi: "And?" He was genuinely confused.

Tendou: "Oikawa's the queen of this campus... He knows everything."

Oikawa: "Aww... Tendou babe..." He hugged the red head.

Teacher: "Settle down, everyone." He entered and walked to his desk in front of the class. "We have a new student joining us today." He settled his stuff down and looked at the class. "Come in and introduce yourself." A petite male with fake blonde hair came in and stood next to the teacher.

     Everyone was making a fuss on the new student. Whispering how adorable she looks, or how pretty, but there was a group in class that had smirks and couldn't help laughing a little with their classmates' remarks.

Suna: "Samu..." But he only groaned at his boyfriend.

Osamu: "5 more minutes..."

Suna: "Wake up, you idiot!" He smacked his boyfriend's head.

Osamu: "Suna! What the hell!" He glared at his boyfriend and now everyone was looking at them.

"My name is Miya Atsumu, it's a pleasure ta meet everyone." He bowed then smiled. Everyone's attention was back on the new student, some were wide eyed and some dropped their jaws when they heard Miya. Osamu turned to see his brother; surprised. "H- - hi, Samu" He waved and beamed at his twin.

     Osamu didn't waste a second and bolted to his brother and hugged him and spun him around. 






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