Then I will

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     For the past month, Atsumu got familiar with the place and by the 3rd month, he had found a small hidden place where he felt safe. For the first 5 months that he had stayed in the facility, they just checked up on him, took his vitals, and other things that really didn't harm the little boy.

But that all ended after a year.

Atsumu finally saw the true horror of the place.

     Everything that Atsumu and Osamu had experienced in their house with their Father was nothing compared to the hell he was in right now. They put a metal collar on him to track and monitor everything on him.

     They started injecting him with things that made him almost lose his mind every time. He started hallucinating such violence that for some reason, affected him. Every night he would have a nightmare so real that he would rather stay up for some days till his body couldn't take anymore.

     Atsumu felt hopeless, he couldn't think anymore. They turned him into a mindless doll for the facility to do whatever they wanted on him. But he never knew that there was something much worse planned out for him until his 10th birthday.

     Atsumu laid in a cell room that had no window nor any furniture but a single bed and table. His body started to feel hot, it started aching, his heart was beating fast.

It was his first heat.

     His collar started beeping like crazy and in just a minute, his door swung wide open and people in hazmat suits started barging in with electric sticks in hands. But no one moved, they were just waiting.

Atsumu: "He- -help..." He whimpered, he just wanted the pain to stop.

"Everyone, get ready." They stood in formation. Atsumu wanted to know what was happening but he couldn't move nor say anything. The bleached blonde boy needed to get out of there, there was something wrong with him, he could feel it.

Atsumu: "R- - Grr..." He tried to hold himself back. "Run." Something else was overcoming his pain and heat. Was this the effect of all those experiment on him?

Then everything went black.

     The next thing Atsumu remembered was waking up in a different room, it was all white; the floor, the walls, and the ceiling. Everything was soft. He tried to move but his arms were restrained with a straight jacket, his face had a muzzle and his feet were chained. He felt terrified, he didn't know what was happening, he didn't know what's going to happen to him now. He couldn't remember what happened before he blacked out.

"I see that you're awake." Atsumu looked around, but there was no one around. He looked up and saw a speaker by the corner of the ceiling. "This will be your new room and from now on, everything you do and want to do will be strictly supervised and under observation." Atsumu wanted to protest but his throat hurts for some reason. "The nurses will come for you in a little bit to take you to your new testing facility."

     From then on, Atsumu's world changed for the worse. He just felt numb now. He felt hopeless. There was nothing for him anymore. Not even the thought of Osamu, his other half was helping him anymore. He was sure that he'd never see his twin again. Atsumu knew he'd never escape this place, he'd never get out, and that he would just die there one day.

"Let me go!" Atsumu heard as he was walking down the hallway with some guards and nurses. He was in chains and restraints as they pulled on his leash. "I don't want to anymore!" Atsumu turned to see a small, petite, pretty boy that looked about the same age as him. The other boy had a bowl cut bronze hair, his bangs slightly slanted. His bronze eyes were just full of tears and fear as the guards dragged him into a room, disappearing with his screams.

     Atsumu clearly remembered how he was like that at the beginning. How he clearly remembered it was just yesterday when they took him out of new room to his new testing facility where they pushed his small body to the limit. He could never forget his pain, suffering, and screams for help; his small hope that someone would come and save him. He prayed everyday that one day when he woke up, someone would just burst through the doors and reach out for his hand that desperately begged for his salvation.

"C'mon!" The guard tugged harshly on Atsumu's leash, making him fall. "We don't have all day." Then the guard smirked. "They've prepared something new and special for you today." But Atsumu didn't care. He felt like they've done their worst already. They have already broken him, he was just an empty shell now.

But he was wrong.

Atsumu: "No more... please..." He begged as he was strapped down to a table. Helmet on his head, straps on his neck, arms, hands, waist, chest, legs, and feet. He was being electrocuted for 40 minutes now, and he just wanted it to stop. "Just kill me, please." He cried but the Doctors and nurses just ignored him.

Doctor: "Up, up the voltage to 20 percent." The Doctor ordered the nurse who nodded.

Atsumu: "Please... just kill me." His eyes were empty but streams of tears kept falling. His voice was hoarse. The Doctor stared at him for a second.

Doctor: "Make it 40 percent." He ordered and the nurses were surprised but did what they were told. "You are nothing more than just a little mouse in my experiments." Atsumu looked at the man. "I am not going to kill you, I still have to get rid of you monsters."

Atsumu: ".... kill me .. ." He mumbled but the Doctor couldn't hear him. "... .. will." Something in him was numbing his mind and body, he knew this feeling; it was the same when he got his first heat.

Doctor: "What?" But the boy just kept muttering his words and it finally annoyed the older one. "Tsk! Charge him up!" He ordered and Atsumu lit up with electricity.

Atsumu: "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed in pain. After 5 second they stopped and the boy looked like he stopped breathing. The Doctor was about to laugh but Atsumu started mumbling again.

Doctor: "You're getting on my nerves." He grabbed Atsumu's cheeks, squeezing them tightly, making his fingernails dig into the latter's skin. "Up the voltage to 80."

Nurse: "But sir, that could kill the subject even for 5 seconds."

Doctor: "No he won't," He grinned as he kept his eyes on the boy. He leaned down closer. "Any last words before I make you an obedient little dog?"

Atsumu: ".. . .. kill me..." He was numb now.

Doctor: "Huhh?!" He was getting angry. "Yo- -" He choked as he saw murderous golder eyes stare at him.

Atsumu: "If you're not going to kill me, then I'll kill you."






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