Something You Lost

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Akaashi's PoV

So pretty...

     I felt warmth on my cheek that just filled up my whole body, but it started to go away. Wait! I tried to reach out.


     I woke up to a white room, someone was gripping my hand. I looked to my side but everything was a blur. Little by little my eyes started to adjust and I could slowly see Kenma's crying face. He shakily held onto my hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it and rubbed it on his cheek; he looked like the happiest man alive.

Akaashi: "You look beautiful, Kenma..." I said weakly, giving my best smile, he just chuckled.

     It has been a week since I woke up. Everyone explained to me what had happened. The Doctors still won't let me go home since I was the first ever to recover from a rare case of pheromone invasion. They wanted to monitor me more and kept asking me if I was aware of anything while I was unconscious.

Akaashi: "Like I said, I just woke up with Kenma holding my hand. I don't remember anything from when I was asleep nor before I was knocked out." Which was the truth, I don't remember anything when I got into the ring to stop Osamu from breaking Bokuto's arm.

Doctor: "How about you, Mr. Kozume?" He turned to the small omega beside me on the bed. He was playing with his phone but looked up at the Doctor.

Kenma: "I was just watching him from outside his room when I saw him moving from his bed..." He looked down and clicked his thumbs with his index fingers, I just watched him. "No one was with him so I panicked and rushed into the room..." He stopped and looked at the Doctor again. "Then he woke up and I called for help." The Doctor nods and writes on his pad.

Doctor: "Alright... Thank you for being patient with us... We're just really doing our best to look into this ailment since no one was ever cured from it..." He looked a bit down. "But it looks like Mr. Akaashi was just strong and lucky to be able to recover..."

     The Doctor questioned me some more about my health, how I was feeling at the moment and other stuff. We thanked him and he left. I turned to Kenma and he was already back to his games while being comfortable beside me.

Akaashi: "Are you going to tell me what really happened?" He froze.

Kenma: "Wha- - what do you mean?" He didn't even look at me and his thumbs started tapping on his phone uncontrollably. I wrapped my arm around him and he calmed down.

Akaashi: "If you don't want to tell me, I don't mind... You know I trust you..." I rested my head on his.

Kenma: "How did you know? Do- - do you remember anything?"

Akaashi: "Your thumbs..." He froze again and looked at his thumbs... "It would seem that you can't lie to me..." I chuckled a little. "And whenever you try to do so, your thumbs would just become uncontrollable..."

Kenma: "You're not mad?"

Akaashi: "I told you, I trust you..." I kissed his head.

Kenma: "I'll tell you."

Kenma PoV

     Atsumu walked into the building first, still holding my hand. It is dark, creepy, and a bit scary walking the hallway, passing through each open room that looks like something could come out of it anytime soon if I just stare long enough. Every time I felt scared or anxious, Atsumu would always squeeze my hand to reassure me that I wasn't alone, it was nice. It felt like he knew whenever I got uncomfortable or uneasy. I don't know for God knows how long we were walking but when Atsumu opened the door at the end of the stairs, we got to the rooftop.


"Oya, oya, oya?" We were greeted by a grinning man and a dumbfounded one.

Atsumu: "Kuroo... Bokuto..." But their eyes landed on me. I took a deep breath, I can't keep hiding behind people. I needed to do this myself. I stepped in front of Atsumu and looked them straight in the eyes.

Kenma: "I need to have a little talk with you." I stared at the owl looking man who looked a bit surprised.

Bokuto: "M- - me?" He pointed at himself.

Kuroo: "Aww... I'm hurt, Kitten..." He clenched his chest dramatically and put the back of his hand on his forehead. "And here I was getting excited when I got a text from Tsum-Tsum wanting to meet up... I thought Kitten missed me."

Atsumu: "Shut up, Kuroo." He sounded so cold. But the black haired male just grinned.

Kenma: "I need your friend to come with us."

Kuroo: "And what if we decline?" He crossed his arms over his chest, feeling proud of himself with a grin plastered on his face.

     Kuroo's very tall but the way he stared at me wasn't bad nor disgusting like those other alphas; he's not looking down on me even with his annoying smirk. He's challenging me. Atsumu was about to say something but I stopped him.

Kenma: "I wasn't asking." I kept my stare at him as he started his way towards me. Atsumu wanted to come in between but I stopped him. "I got this." Kuroo was now just inches away from me, towering over me. He leaned so down that our nose was almost touching.

Kuroo: "And what makes you think that we'll just follow you around." I couldn't help but admire him. He could easily overpower two omegas but he wasn't even releasing any pheromones to intimidate us, he knew he didn't need it. He didn't need to say he's an Alpha to let others know that he was dangerous. But funny enough, I wasn't scared of him.

Kenma: "Because we have something that belongs to him." I looked at his friend who was still confused. Kuroo finally pulled away and backed up a little.

Kuroo: "And what would that be?" He looked a bit intrigued and at the same time... impatient.

     I took a deep breath and approached the owl looking man. I reached for my scent blockers on my neck and peeled them off. I stood close in front of Bokuto and he just tilted his head to the side.

Kenma: "You can't sense it, right?"

Bokuto: "Sense what?" He looked at his friend behind me, I turned to see that he was pinching his nose with furrowed eyebrows.

Kenma: "You can't sense what you don't have." Kuroo's eyes widened. I stuck the scent blockers back onto my neck. "And we'll gladly give it back to you."






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