A New Home

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     Little Osamu Miya hugged his twin Atsumu Miya like his life depended on it. They cried in each other's arms as people in the airport felt sympathy for the 2 little boys. The lady that introduced herself as their Aunt started gently pulling them apart.

"Atsumu, it's time to go." But the little boy only cried harder. "You'll see each other again." But Atsumu shook his head, holding much tighter now. The lady just sighed and gave the other twin a look who understood.

     Osamu knew and understood what needed to happen. He had to be strong for Atsumu, he had to be strong for both of them.

     Osamu gave one last squeeze to Atsumu before pulling away. The little boy swallowed his sadness, wiped away his tears, and forced a blinding smile to his twin. He gripped Atsumu's shoulders, wiping away the latter's tears.

Osamu: "Chumu." He cupped his twin's chubby cheeks. "We're goin' ta be alright, I pwamis! I'm goin' ta be here waitin' fer ya!" He beamed and it made Atsumu calm down a bit.

Atsumu: "Pwamis?" He held out his pinky. Osamu linked their pinky fingers and rested his forehead on the latter's.

Osamu: "Brothers wherever..."

Atsumu: "And forever." He sniffled.

     Osamu watched as his other half walked away holding their Aunt, who was a stranger to them, hand.

     Atsumu looked back with his big dough eyes that were full of tears but he knew that he needed to do this for his brother, he needed to get better. He squeezed a grey fox doll that resembles his twin while looking at his actual twin that kept smiling and waving the blonde fox doll's little paw. He saw Osamu say something but he was already far away to hear him but he already knew what his other half meant.

Atsumu: "I love ya too, Chamu."

     The little boy held his Aunt's hand tight as they walked through a foreign land. He felt so small with most eyes on him from foreign people and he couldn't understand their language, he was scared but he always kept reminding himself of Osamu.

     After a 3 hour car ride, Atsumu noticed that the area had started to appear more secluded, no more buildings and just full of tall trees and was just a rocky mountain. By the highest cliff, the little boy could see huge steel gates that were surrounded by a wall of stone. They drove in for another 10 minutes before Atsumu could finally see a huge castle but it wasn't like those in the fairytales he knew. It felt dark and scary.

"We're here." The car stopped and the driver opened the door for the lady. She looked at Atsumu who was hesitating to get out of the car. "Come." She was somehow... cold...

     Atsumu followed his Aunt in the castle and this time she didn't hold his hand. He felt scared as he looked around. There were a lot of children but they weren't playing nor having fun. They looked like lifeless dolls. The adults that wore uniforms didn't look like they were there to take care of them, nor did they look like nurses or doctors.

     The whole place was spotlessly clean but it didn't make the little boy too thrilled about it and there weren't many windows around and the windows that he did see were covered with dark, heavy curtains. There wasn't much furniture around besides some waiting chairs and a few tables. Atsumu could see more rooms than his fingers in just one hallway. Every now and then, he would see one worker come out with at least two kids and go in, in another room.

Atsumu: "A- - Auntie..." He grabbed the lady's jacket, making her stop. "Whe- - where are we?" He asked as his little body shook a little.

"Is this her boy?" An older man stood in front of the lady and Atsumu felt petrified under the older man's gaze.

"Yes, this is Atsumu Miya." She tried to move out of the little boy's way but Atsumu kept hiding behind her.

Atsumu: "I- - I want Chamu." He cried looking down.

     But the two adults only looked at him before talking in a foreign language. Atsumu wanted to run away, he wanted to go back home, back to Osamu but his legs felt like jelly. He wanted to call for help but someone grabbed his arm, he turned to see the lady looking at him like she knew what he was thinking at the moment.

"Where do you think you're going, my cute little nephew?" She smiled but Atsumu only felt scared. Another man in uniform came, holding a clipboard, he handed it to the old man who signed it in a heartbeat then gave it to the lady who signed as well. "This is your new home from now on." 






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