Wherever and Forever

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A black haired male came running in the ring.

Osamu: "Akaashi! What are ya doin'?! Get out of here!" Bokuto was now releasing dangerous pheromones that's making everyone uncomfortable.

Akaashi: "UGgh!" He yelped and fell to his knees, clutching his chest.

Osamu: "AKAASHI!" I got distracted and Bokuto took that chance and overpowered I had on his right arm and pulled me under him.

     My eyes widened as I looked at the man on top of me. He lost all senses. His eyes were blank, his fangs were bared, and his pheromones could kill. Omegas were fainting everywhere and some alpha were actually having a hard time since they're starting to get affected as well.

D*MN IT! I don't have any strength left!

     I looked to my side and saw how Akaashi's having a hard time breathing. Sh*t! He's too close, I need to do something, I have to help him. He's too close to the source of the pheromones, he's going to die if this goes on. I felt a grip around my neck and it slowly kept tightening every second. My breath hitch, air was closing in, in my lungs.

     My eyes started to blur but I could clearly see Bokuto's fangs getting closer and closer, ready to devour me.

No One's POV

     Bokuto was ready to eat to rip off Osamu's throat, but an arm came from behind the huge male and stopped him. Akaashi, with his last strength, jumped on the Owl head's back and put his arm in his mouth, letting his sharp fangs penetrate his skin. The pretty omega was holding back the out of control alpha. Akaashi's left arm was in Bokuto's mouth, his right arm was covering his eyes, and he locked Bokuto's upper body and arms with his legs.

Akaashi: "Please... stop..." He barely let out but the bite only deepened, making him yelp in pain. He was shaking in fear, he was overwhelmed. He saw Osamu who was on the ground, having a hard time. "Bo- -Boku...to..." Akaashi held him tighter as he felt him struggle. He prayed to all the Gods for a miracle. But the alpha only bit harder on his arm and he bit his lips from crying. He can't faint now even though his vision was blurring.

Kuroo: "I think that's enough, Bro..." He walked in front of them. He crouched down and patted on Akaashi's head. "You did great handling him." He smiled. "I should take it from here." He took something from his pocket and opened the small bottle and put it against Bokuto's nose that instantly knocked him out. "Time for you to sleep as well." And he did the same to Akaashi and he went out like a light.

Osamu's PoV

     I woke up with a very blurry vision, my whole body ached and I can't seem to feel my arms. Once my vision started to adjust, I finally realized I was staring at a white ceiling. I tried to look around or to be precise, I turned my head left to right to see Suna laying next to me, Tsumu on my other side holding my hand, and all our friends just sleeping on the floor or chairs.

Suna: "Sa... mu...?" I looked at my boyfriend who's eyes were puffy and red. "A- -are you alright? Does any- -anything hurt? Do you nee- -"

Osamu: "Suna... shhh..." He looked a bit panicked. "Don't worry..." I tried lifting my arm, wanting to hold his cheek but I just winced in pain.

Suna: "Stop that..." He put my arm down again in a more comfortable position. "Your arms are pretty messed up, not to mention, broken bones..."

Osamu: "What- -"

Atsumu: "SAMU!!" He looked like he was trying his best not to jump on me.

Osamu: "Yer eyes are red and yer whole face is flushed, Tsumu... I told ya not ta cry so much..." I tried to lighten the mood, but he just pouted.

Atsumu: "It's not ma fault, stupid Samu! Makin' me worry so much!" He sulked cutely. I chuckled a little at the sight.

Osamu: "Tsumu- -"

Atsumu: "Samu," I froze. Tsumu's serious...his voice sounded stern and cold. I've never seen him like this before, it's a bit... scary. I swallowed a lump in my throat but didn't dare to say anything else. ''I told you to avoid those guys... and you promised you would." I felt chills run down my spine. I felt a bit ashamed somehow and couldn't help but look away.

Was this really Tsumu?

*Hic, hic


     I turned to look at Tsumu again, he had his head down, hands on his knees. His body's trembling a little.


A tear fell


Another fell

And another...

And another...


Tsumu's crying!

Atsumu: "Stupid Samu... *Hic, hic" He sniffled.

Osamu: "I'm sorry fer worrying ya, Tsumu..." I held in all my pain and sat up, Suna tried to stop me from moving, but I was already up and pulling Tsumu into my arms.

Atsumu: "Sa- -"

Osamu: "Shhh..." I hug him while patting his head. "Forgive this stupid brother of yers..." I felt Tsumu bury his face in my chest and slightly nod. I chuckled a little. "I can't promise that I won't do anything dangerous like that fight..." Tsumu pulled apart a little from the hug to look up at me with pleading eyes. "But I promise that I'll always come back to you no matter what..." I smiled at him.

Atsumu: " *Sniffles... Brothers wherever... *sniffles..." I rested my forehead on his.

Osamu: "And forever..."






Haikyuu//: My Strong BrotherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora