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     Wakatoshi carried Atsumu on his back as they ran around looking for an exit. Despite the olive haired boy's strength, he couldn't possibly rip off a steel door, it was more reinforced than his room door.

Atsumu: "What are we goin' ta do?" He whimpered as Wakatoshi kept running. He could feel his wound throbbing with every movement but he held it in.

Wakatoshi: "I don't really know..." He panted as they stopped at another steel door. They can't get caught, they know that if they do get them, they'll make every waking moment of their lives a living hell. They can't stop now when they know it was their only chance to escape now.

Atsumu: "Let's go ta the basement." He pointed to a staircase going down.

Wakatoshi: "What? Why? I'm pretty sure there's no exit there. I heard they just put unimportant test subjects there- -" But when he turned, he saw Atsumu looking at the stairs with eyes of determination and Wakatoshi's knees felt weak for a second. "Got it." He gripped Atsumu tighter on his back and started bolting to the stairs.

     They ran and saw that it was not a basement down there. It was a dungeon prison full of kids that were deprived of everything; they looked like they were on the verge of death. There was no sunlight or any kind of light, they were overcrowded, there was no water or food, and they had to lay down on a rocky, cold, ground.

Atsumu: "How could they call us monsters when they do this?" He felt like crying, he wanted to save these children but he knew they couldn't.

Wakatoshi: "Don't worry, we'll come back for them." Atsumu couldn't help but smile, he felt comforted for some reason. He hadn't said anything much but it felt like Wakatoshi read his mind. He never expected anything from the latter but brute strength but it was nice to know that this place hadn't truly destroyed the human in him.

Atsumu: "Thank ya." He buried his face on the latter's back and held on tighter, he just felt so happy and relieved with just having someone on his side after all these years.

     They kept running even though they didn't know where they were going but at least they couldn't hear the people who were after them anymore. And the more they ran, the deeper they went in the dungeon, the less that it looked like one. The rocky floors had started to smooth out and the walls had shifted to tiles and not too long; they reached a laboratory but it was different from the ones upstairs; it was more... advance.

"Oya?" The two heard. "What do we have here?" The two turned and saw a glass walled room and inside was a boy with jet black hair that looked like he just woken up, narrowed, hazel grey eyes with cat-like pupils. He smirked, intimidating the two. "It's not everyday I get to see new people down here, especially kids without any adults." He observed the two.

Wakatoshi: "You're also a kid." He pointed out as Atsumu got down from his back and sat on the floor.

"BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The boy laughed like a hyena. "No shit! Hahaha" But the olive haired boy just stared at him confused. "Seems like you two caused the party upstairs."

Wakatoshi: "But there's no part- -"

Atsumu: "We're gettin' out of here." He stopped his friend. "And I'm sure ya want ta as well." There was silence for a minute before the other boy smiled.

"Kuroo Tetsuro." He bowed like a gentleman. "It's a pleasure to be at your service."

Atsumu: "How do we get ya out, Kuroo?"

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