Chapter Four

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"Jisung" "Leave me alone." "Do you want to go back to the club?" Jisung got out of his bed unlocking the door. Minho came in seeing the younger limp to his bed. Minho sat down on the bed again when Jisung lie away from Minho before Minho lie on the bed as well. "Do you have romantic feelings for me Jisung?" Jisung shook his head, "No. I know the difference between love and a contract." "Jisung, all this is, is a contract. I don't have romantic feelings for you either. If you'd like we can end the contract now." Jisung sniffled shaking his head not actually mad about what Minho said. Minho heard Jisung sniffling hesitantly scooting next to Jisung and holding the younger. Jisung tensed but relaxed when he felt the comfort of Minho's warmth. Jisung fell asleep, when he did Minho checked to see if he was alright before getting up going back to his own room.

Minho went to his room packing for the trip he didn't tell Jisung about. He lie on the bed falling asleep until around six. Minho walked out with the suitcase he packed seeing Jisung on the couch when he turned on the light. Jisung smiled at Minho taking his headphones off. Minho sat across from Jisung, "I'm going on a trip to the states. During my time there, you'll be alone. Taejun will be here for the rest of the weekend. If you want, you can stay at your friends place or have them here. I'll be back in two weeks." Jisung's smile slowly left his face looking away from Minho and nodding. The younger got up going to his room to get his phone which Minho thought he was mad at him. Jisung came back before Minho left, "Can Felix and Chan stay here? They have the bar closed until they get some repairs done."

Minho nodded at the younger, "You can take the choker off until I come back." "No, I like it. It reminds me." Minho tilted his head but got up walking out of the house. Jisung called Chan and Felix, both boys going over to Minho's place when they closed the bar for repairs. Jisung opened the door getting hugs from his friend's as soon as he opened the door. "Where's Minho then? Can I hit him?" Jisung chuckled at Felix being protective. "He's on a trip to the states. How are you guys?" Chan smiled at Jisung, "You saw us a few days ago. But we're fine. The bar won't be fixed for a while, are you sure it's alright for us to stay here?" "Yeah, he said you guys could come over. Are the others staying somewhere?" "They're set up in a hotel by Minho. But he said to come see you."

Jisung got out snacks from the kitchen pantry bringing them over to the table by the couch. "What do you guys want to do?" Chan sat on the couch with Felix in his lap, "Order pizza and watch a movie." Felix said instantly while Taejun walked out of his room. "Can I join? I still have a few days before I leave." Jisung smiled at Taejun patting the seat for him to sit down. During the next two weeks after Taejun left for the states, Jisung, Chan and Felix went out on various shopping sprees or just spending the day at home. The final night Minho was supposed to be gone, Jisung and his two best friends made a goodbye dinner.

While they were eating, the door unlocked and in came Minho and Taejun came back looking exhausted. Minho looked at Jisung and his friends before walking to his room to change. Jisung got up telling his friends to eat while he went and checked on Minho. He knocked on the door entering when he heard a tired come in. Jisung entered slowly looking at the older boy who was half dressed only in his suit pants. "How was the trip?" Minho stripped his pants putting on some PJ bottoms before sitting Jisung on the bed, making him look up and kissing him with need. Jisung continued the kiss until Minho broke it almost breathless. "It was fine but tiring." Jisung nodded, "Well come eat dinner. There's a lot and you can meet Felix properly."

Jisung held Minho's wrist taking him out to meet his friends properly. Minho grabbed a plain black top before leaving the bedroom rushing out with Jisung. The two sat at the table next to each other while Chan and Felix sat on the other side facing them. "So your the owner of the bar. And the ass that made my best friend cry. I don't know if I should slap you or suck up to you." Minho chuckled slightly at Jisung's friend. "I would accept the slap first then the sucking up. My name is Lee Minho. I've already met Chan and you are?" "Felix. I'm a dancer slash bartender at the club and Chan's boyfriend." Minho nodded, "What happened to the club anyway? You vaguely talked to me on the phone about the problem but didn't tell me exactly what happened."

Chan nodded, "Yeah, there was a leak in the dorms making the bar not work then they had to fix the floors because they were flooded with water. They fixed it last night but Jisung didn't want to be alone." Minho ate some of the food the boys made, everyone else calming down. "Who paid for the floors and the leaks? My company or the bar?" "The bar." "My company will compensate for you. They're supposed to pay for those types of things." Minho and Chan continued talking business while Jisung and Felix just talked to each other lowly. "Who would've thought they'd be more interested in each other than us?" "We both thought that and still had them both come to dinner. They'll be fine, it's just business."

Jisung whispered to Felix, "He said that to Taejun, his personal bodyguard and friend. That we're just a contract nothing more or less." Felix patted Jisung on the back, "Let's talk outside." Jisung and Felix took their plates to the sink going outside to talk. "So why do you guys seem so tense?" "Before he left we had some issues. I overheard him and Taejun say I was just a contract and nothing else." "That's what you agreed to though." "Yeah it hurts more when you just had sex and he doesn't give you aftercare either. Until he decides to for his benefit so I don't break." Felix hugged Jisung knowing that he was really soft not just something to be used for others' pleasure. "Chan said if he does something bad, you'll stay with us at the dorm. Will you?" Jisung let go of his friend smiling and nodding.

The two went back in the house seeing Chan and Minho in the living room having drinks. Chan stood up when the two got back inside telling Felix they should head home. Felix and Chan left leaving Minho and Jisung while Taejun did the dishes for them. Minho stood up pointing at his bedroom with Jisung. When the two got in, Jisung took off his clothes excited to sleep with Minho again. Minho took off his PJ's lying Jisung on the bed before giving the already naked boy bites and marks on his body. "Do you want handcuffs baby?" "No." Minho nodded taking out lube from his nightstand putting some on his fingers as well as his member. Minho inserted a finger in Jisung, fingering him a bit before adding his other two simultaneously making Jisung moan loudly. Minho took his fingers out lining himself with Jisung's entrance. "Ready doll?" "Yes daddy." Minho pushed himself in Jisung groaning at the feeling of Jisung being tight after not having sex for a while.

Without waiting for Jisung to be ready, Minho got eager thrusting in and out already making Jisung moan out in pain and pleasure. "W-wait, sir please. Stop." Minho heard the younger boy stopping quickly, waiting for Jisung to actually be ready. "Okay, now daddy." Minho thrusted himself in and out at a steady pace for once afraid he might hurt the younger. "Faster daddy, faster." Minho listened going quicker to satisfy himself and Jisung. The two went a few rounds having both missed the feelings of each other although they would never admit that.

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