Chapter Thirty-Two

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Jisung went to his room going straight to his closet to get changed for work. Minho came into his room looking at Jisung as he came out sitting in his makeup area. Jisung looked up at Minho, noticing the older was a bit off. "What's wrong baby?" Minho put his hand over his face. "Just drawbacks of the medicine. Have a little bit of a headache too." Jisung turned around after he blended his foundation. "Baby, we don't have" "I want to go. I'm alright, promise." Jisung nodded going back to put his makeup on. "Can you help me put this glitter on baby?" Minho got up going to Jisung as the younger pulled out a chair for Minho to sit on. Jisung gave Minho the body glitter, Minho putting it on the younger but not before accidently getting some on himself.

After the body glitter was put on, Jisung put on setting spray as Minho went to lie on the bed. Jisung sat on the bed with Minho checking his watch to see how much time they had before they had to leave. Minho put his head on Jisung's lap, head still hurting. "Can I massage your head?" Minho winced but nodded, Jisung started to gently massage the older's head. "I need you to drive tonight. Or you can have Taejun take us if you want." Jisung continued to massage Minho's head, "I'll drive us. Does the medicine not let you drive?" Minho nodded his head, "At the appointment, they said it wasn't wise for me to drive. Also, this headache's been killing me since this afternoon." Jisung continued to massage Minho's head until he was about to sleep.

"Better?" Minho nodded at Jisung sitting up to leave. Jisung got off the bed as did Minho. Minho took the younger's hand going downstairs to see Miya about to leave. Miya looked at the two smiling when she saw them getting ready to leave. "Where are you two going tonight?" Jisung smiled at Miya, "To the club. Chan wants Minho to see it." Jisung and Minho went out to Minho's car, Jisung got in the driver's seat while Minho got in the passenger's. Minho massaged his forehead while Jisung started the car, "How are you baby?" Minho nodded at Jisung as the younger drove out of the garage. "If you don't feel good at any time tonight, will you please have Chan or Miya tell me? I want you to stay in the booth too." Minho chuckled at Jisung's concern.

"I'll be alright. And I promise to have someone tell you if I don't feel good." Jisung put his hand on the console, Minho put his hand on Jisung's holding it. Jisung lifted Minho's hand giving it a kiss. "I love you." Minho smiled at Jisung. The two arrived at the club just before opening, so Jisung walked Minho around the club showing him the new dancers, workers and new parts of the new club. Chan came down from the booth smiling at Minho. "Good to see you out and about." Minho smiled slightly at Chan as the older continued, "You can go up to the booth. Mine is on the left and Miya's is on the right. Order whatever you want, obviously it's on the house since you're one of the owners." Jisung went to the bar after Miya showed up, taking Minho to her booth. Jisung made a simple non alcoholic drink for Minho before taking it up to Miya's booth.

He knocked on the door, Miya opening it. "I brought a non-alcohol drink for Minho. You want me to make you something?" Jisung went inside, Minho looking up when he came in. "For you. I'm assuming you didn't want to drink?" Minho nodded taking the drink. "It's just a fruit mocktail." Minho leaned Jisung's face to him giving him a kiss. "Thank you." Jisung left the booth going back to the bar. Minho and Miya sat in the booth as Miya spoke, "How are you doing Min?" Minho looked at Jisung who was at the bar still. "Do you have to keep asking me that? Do you have to keep asking Ji too?" Miya sighed at her brother, "We gotta talk about it eventually Minho." "No, we don't. I'm fine." "Yeah, the last time you said that you were depressed."

"Stop Miya. Seriously." "Does Jisung at least help you? Is that why you've been so clingy to him since you got back." Minho put the drink on the table, rubbing his eyes. "I feel safe with him Mi. He's there for me and it's not that I don't trust you but I feel like you'd be scared if I told you what happened to me." "Like what? The rape? The bruises on you? The beatings you got from those people? Taejun told me about it." Minho held himself as he remembered the events that happened to him. "Min? Minho? Minho?" Minho snapped back to reality not feeling great anymore. "I really can't talk about this. I want to go home." Miya left Minho in the booth to find Jisung. Minho started having flashbacks of the nights in the hotel as he started crying.

Jisung went into the booth seeing the older was in a bad state. Jisung kneeled on the floor facing Minho but not touching him. "Minho? Baby, you're safe. Remember? You're with me. Minho?" Minho looked at the younger, hugging him tightly. Jisung hugged back until Minho felt safe in his arms. Minho broke the hug as Jisung turned to look at Miya, "What happened?" Miya scratched the back of her head, "I was talking about the things that happened before. He said he wanted you and to go home. What exactly is wrong Min?" Jisung looked at Miya, furrowing his eyebrows. Minho didn't speak, he just wanted to leave. "Ji, can we go? Please?" Jisung took Minho's hand taking the older out of the bar after texting Chan. They got in the car as Minho was still crying. Jisung looked at the older, very worried for him.

The two got home both going inside up to Jisung's room. Minho sat on the bed thinking he would have to wait for Jisung to finish showering. Jisung sat on the bed, opening his arms for Minho. "Come here baby. When you're ready." Minho moved on the bed going to hug the younger. Jisung rocked Minho back and forth trying to keep him together. Minho cried silently in Jisung's arms as Jisung continued to rock him. "W-when she ta, talked about it, t-the mem-memories came up." Jisung continued to hug Minho just letting him cry. The memories of what happened flashed in Minho's mind as he kept hugging Jisung. About two in the morning, Minho's cries finally subsided replaced by soft breathing.

Jisung moved Minho to lay correctly on the bed, giving him a plushie that was on his bed. He kissed Minho's forehead, waking him up only slightly. "I'm gonna take a shower, okay?" Minho nodded as Jisung kissed his forehead again. Jisung took a long shower, trying to get the body glitter off the longest. He came out of the bathroom after getting pajama's on going out the main bathroom door to go get Minho's pajama's from his room. He grabbed sweats as well as a blue long sleeve shirt before going back to Minho who was sleeping. He tapped on Minho, waking him up slightly. "Baby? Let's get you into more comfortable clothes. Come on." Jisung helped Minho to sit up slightly, helping him take off his shirt giving him another shirt helping him put it on too. Minho sleepily took off his pants, Jisung was about to give him the sweats but Minho shook his head. "Too hot."

Jisung nodded laying Minho back down to cover up with only the sheet. Jisung put Minho's sweats on the nightstand before going to his side of the bed. Although Minho was half asleep, he still moved over to hold Jisung even though he was hot. Jisung hummed a random tune making Minho calm enough to fall asleep and actually sleep well.

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