Chapter Thirty-Four

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Halfway through their binge, Miya came back opening the door with her spare key. She found them in the living room, only Jisung was awake, Minho was on the opposite end of the couch snoring a little loudly. "Sungie?" Jisung looked at Miya, smiling at her. He got off the couch, first giving Minho a forehead kiss then going to the kitchen with Miya. Miya put a bag of food on the counter taking some out, putting three soft drinks on the table as well. "So is that what you'll do for a while? Stay in the house until Minho feels ready to go back out to the public eye?" Jisung looked at the living room before looking back at Miya as he scratched his head.

"He was raped and tortured Mi. I think that calls for him to rest a bit. I want to take care of him now, he took care of me when I came back before. He lets me touch him a bit but only to kiss him or hug him. He doesn't let me touch his body because he thinks I'll be disgusted from his bruises. I think he feels that I hate him because of what happened to him." Jisung took two of the containers of food plus two drinks as he told Miya to go to the living room with him. Jisung put the food and drinks on the table then tapped Minho to wake him up. Minho woke up a bit startled but relaxed when it was only Jisung. "Miya's here, she brought us dinner. Hungry?"

Minho shook his head as he closed his eyes again to go back to sleep. Jisung sighed but left the older to sleep a bit more. "Is he alright?" "Just tired. I think the medicine makes him sleepy." Jisung got closer to Minho, gently combing his hands through Minho's hair. Jisung ate his food while keeping his left hand in Minho's hair. Minho moved to put his head on Jisung's shoulder, resting on the younger. Minho smelled French fries opening his mouth, "Fries please." Jisung smiled taking to of his fries putting them close to Minho's mouth for him to eat. Minho kept his eyes closed yet ate the fries anyway. Miya smiled at the two as Jisung continued to feed her brother.

Minho stopped Jisung after he didn't want anymore, just resting on the younger. Jisung spoke softly, "You alright baby?" Minho nodded his head a bit at Jisung's question. "Fine, meds make me drowsy." Jisung held Minho's chin with his hand giving Minho a gentle kiss. "Go up to bed baby. I'll be up to your room in a while." Minho nodded going to his room. Jisung stayed with Miya putting his food in a bag with Minho's. "Do you think he'll be okay?" "He's on medicine now. He had some energy in the day but we mainly just watched movies today anyway. I don't know what happened completely but I do know he's scared. Even though he doesn't tell me, I know he's scared." Miya smiled at Jisung, "Thank you. For taking care of Minho. He needs you and if he loses you again" "He wouldn't be able to handle it. Miya, I love him and I won't leave him."

Jisung left Miya when she told him she would clean up herself going up to Minho's room. Miya stayed downstairs cleaning up the food bags. She threw away the empty bags before leaning on the counter, thinking about what happened to Minho. She sniffled a little as she sat on the counter pulling out her phone to update Taejun. "Hey Junnie. Minho's better but I didn't get to talk to him much today without Jisung." "Is he gonna handle a trip very well?" "I still think I should go. I don't think he's ready." "Miya, you don't even know the plan for it." "I'm going Jun. He's to messed up! He's not able to even leave the house after long periods of time! Don't argue with me on this." "I know he's messed up dammit! I was there!" Minho came out from where he was hiding when he heard the phone call going in the kitchen to get a water.

Miya looked at her brother, eyes widening slightly. "I'll call you back." Miya hung up the phone looking at Minho worriedly. "Min?" "I know I'm screwed up now. Wouldn't you be? Four months Miya! That's when this started to happen. I saw a deal go bad between the people I was working with and a guy got killed. They found out what I saw, and they held me. I don't know why they didn't ask you guys for money or whatever, I think they just wanted to punish me. But you now have to check on me like I'm some fragile piece of glass that'll break at any time? Well, I'm not! So don't you dare think about treating me like that!" Miya moved closer to hug her brother but Minho slightly pushed her away, "Don't touch me dammit! Just don't." "Minho, I'm sorry!" Minho left his sister in the kitchen going back to his own room.

He didn't exactly want to see anyone so he looked at Jisung apologetically, "Please sleep in your own room." Jisung furrowed his eyebrows, "Minho, what hap-" "Get out Jisung!" Jisung got scared getting out of bed running back to his bedroom, locking the door. Minho sat on his cold floor, holding his right hand in his left, silently crying. He was tired of being treated like a fragile person even though he was actually more fragile than he wanted to admit. Jisung sat on his bed, a bit scared of Minho yelling but more just concerned for what was wrong with him. Both boys in separate rooms fell asleep eventually, one falling asleep with worry the other falling asleep uneasily. At twelve in the morning, Minho woke up from another nightmare but this time screaming. Jisung woke up by Minho's screams getting up to go see Minho. When Jisung got to the bedroom the door was shut but not locked so he knocked cautiously before going in.

He saw Minho holding onto the bed sheet, panting, crying and shirt covered in sweat. Jisung sat on the bed making sure he was in the view of Minho. "Baby?" Minho looked at Jisung, still panting to breath better. Jisung put his forehead against Minho's, realizing the older had actually been getting sick. Jisung grabbed Minho's water from the nightstand, "Drink some baby, I'm gonna get some medicine for you." Minho nodded, covering up with the blanket feeling hot and cold at the same time. Jisung went to the bathroom, grabbing a bowl for water from under the sink and a small towel from the cabinet. He got cold medicine from the cabinet as well going back out with the three things to put them on the nightstand.

Jisung went to the closet grabbing a clean shirt for Minho to wear. He went back to sit on the bed looking at Minho, "Can I take your shirt off?" Minho nodded, still feeling awful, "Lift your arms for me baby." Minho lifted his arms as Jisung took off the damp shirt. Jisung got the damp towel from the water, twisting it to get rid of any excess water before putting it on his lap looking at Minho, "Can I wipe your body? Try to get your temperature down?" Minho nodded scooting closer to Jisung, so he could cool him down. Minho felt like he was going to pass out, he swayed a bit as he tried to stay awake. Jisung walked away from the older going to get a thermometer to check Minho's temperature. "Say ahh baby." Minho opened his mouth a little still swaying when Jisung put the thermometer in his mouth.

Minho finally fainted after while, leaning on Jisung as he did. Jisung took the thermometer from his mouth seeing it was over a normal fever. "Minho? Baby, we should go to the hospital." Minho woke up a bit breathing heavily as Jisung helped him up to take him to the SUV after putting the clean shirt on him with a struggle. Jisung drove to the hospital, struggling with that too since it was dark getting to the hospital after thirty minutes. Jisung helped Minho into the emergency room holding the older up as he signed into the registry. After an hour, a doctor came to Minho and Jisung helping Jisung take Minho into the room. The doctor took Minho's temperature again while asking Jisung questions. "Is he on any new medications?" "Yes, he was prescribed them two days ago." "Sometimes new medicines can have these side effects. How long has he had the temperature?"

"I think it started sometime last night between nine and ten o'clock. He woke up screaming last night and I went to check on him. That's when I realized he had a bad fever. I tried to cool him down but he passed out not even ten minutes after. That's when I took him here." The doctor took the thermometer from Minho's mouth seeing he had a worrying temperature. "Was it this high before?" The doctor showed Jisung the thermometer as Jisung shook his head, "It was two degrees below that. Is he alright?" "Does he take any other pills?" "Just nausea pills for work and stress." "Do you know what his new ones are for?" "He went through something I shouldn't discuss. But they help him with the nightmares and they help him with" "Okay, no need to explain. I'd like Mr. Lee to stay the day until tomorrow, check him in and watch him until the fever goes down. I'm afraid the two prescriptions he takes may be reacting badly with each other causing the fever."

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