Chapter Forty-Three

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Minho turned his headphones and laptop off as he got up to leave the bedroom. He went to his office to try to work on some work to pass the hours he didn't sleep. Minho looked online, booking a hotel for himself close in town. After booking, Minho walked out of his office seeing his sister and friend sleeping on the couches. He silently walked out after putting shoes on, getting his laptop and walking out of the house. Minho went to the hotel, checked in and went to his room turning up the TV, sitting on the floor. He put his knees up to his chest, the whole world going silent but he couldn't cry anymore. Thoughts ran through his head but he never did anything about the thoughts anymore, he couldn't.

Eventually after sitting on the floor feeling numb, he finally laid on the hotel bed and fell asleep. The next morning, Jisung woke up in the bed alone, Minho nowhere in site. He got up going downstairs to see Miya and Taejun only, but no Minho. "Where's Minho hyung?" "Don't know. He wasn't in the room with you?" Jisung shook his head, taking out his phone to text Minho where he was. Minho looked at his phone as it rang, sighing when it was Jisung. He declined the call although he did feel guilty. Jisung was worried when the phone call was ended but he knew Minho was going through things he probably didn't want the younger to know about.

Minho sat on the bed blankly, thinking about what happened. Although he told Jisung he was okay, that wasn't the truth. Minho took out his laptop, going to the database of the club. He transferred his investment of his own money to his bank account, withdrawing his own ownership. Transferring the full ownership to Miya and Chan, he no longer had to stay in Korea. His mind went to Jisung, suddenly feeling guilty. But he knew or he thought he was holding Jisung back to much now. Closing his eyes, Minho pictured the time he had with Jisung which were the best.

And now, Minho knew he needed to leave. One to get help that Korea likely couldn't offer and two to give Jisung a better life. Minho looked at the red eye flight to the states, a one way, booking it quickly. His eyes filled with tears as the card number he entered was accepted. Minho opened his writing app on the laptop, starting to type as he cried again silently.

Dear Jisung,

I know you'll hate me now but I have to leave. I can't stay here and I know and hope you will understand someday. I don't want you to think this is your fault. I'm not leaving because of you, I'm leaving because of me. I love you so much Jisung and I hope you'll forgive me. Attached to this letter is the deed to the house and a company I want you to run with Taejun. He'll help you and I want you two to stay in the house. There is also another file that gives you part of my assets, I'll have the other half but you'll have half too. I know that you'll be angry at me but I know that I need to leave to get some help for what happened.

Korea's not exactly the type of place for the help I need. The place that Miya has with my cats is also yours when you sign the forms. Please sign them. I don't want you to go back and work for Chan, I want you to work for you. The forms that are attached will let you own the businesses in Korea and a company of mine in Japan. Please, if I get the help I need, I'll come back to Korea. I want to marry you Jisung and I hope you'll wait for me. By the time you get this I'll be out of Korea and you may be able to find me but I don't know if you'll want to. I'm so sorry Jisung.

I love you,


Minho pulled the files he talked about in the letter, attaching them to it. Minho left to the airport after buying a mask and hoodie from the gift shop at the hotel. He waited for the time to board before sending the letter to Jisung. He sent brief emails to Taejun, Miya and Chan telling them he was leaving Korea as well as telling them that Jisung would be the head of household as soon as the boy signed the files sent to him. Minho boarded the airplane, turning off his phone and laptop. The plane took off shortly, Minho leaving Korea for the United States.

Jisung laid on Minho's bed, surfing through emails eventually landing on Minho's. He read the letter feeling his heart break as he continued to read. Taejun knocked on the door, entering slowly when he heard Jisung sob. Taejun sat on the bed, moving Jisung's phone away from the boy as he hugged Jisung to keep him together. "H-he left me." Taejun rubbed Jisung's back trying his best to keep it together for his friend. As Jisung calmed down, Taejun let go of him pulling out the boy's laptop, going to the same email. Taejun briefly read the email while Jisung lie down to rest after crying.

Taejun opened the three files in separate pages, moving his hand to his mouth to keep him calm. Jisung turned to look at Taejun who was still trying to keep calm. Jisung sat up very tired from the crying but looked at the email and files. Jisung sighed knowing he'd have to help Minho keep the companies afloat. Jisung took the laptop, signing the three files much to Taejun's surprise. "What are you doing Ji?" Jisung sighed shakily, "I understand Minho hyung. He has a lot to deal with and being here won't help anyone. And I love him. I'd do anything for him. So I'm going to help him instead." "When he comes back, do you want to marry him?" "Yes." Jisung took over the companies and the household, becoming Minho's partner in business as well.


If you guys want a sequel to this, either comment, send me a private message or follow my Instagram @x_moon.witch_x

Go read my other books My Prince(Ateez and Stray Kids ships), The Night and Wings!❤❣

And go read @hyunjins_hairbandd The Devil's On My Shoulder!

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