Chapter Twenty-Six

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Miya got out of her bed, running to Jisung's room with Jisung in front. Miya went in, sitting in front of Minho, Jisung standing by the door after turning on the light. Minho had his eyes closed until Miya held his hands. "Minho? Breathe deeply, in and out. What happened?" Minho pointed at his phone which was on the side of the bed. Miya took the phone reading the email, "Dad threatened you? Okay, okay. Sungie come here." Jisung sat on the bed next to Minho. "Can you get him to calm down Sungie?" Jisung nodded at Miya. Miya went out of the bedroom going to her own to call her and Minho's dad. "Miya, my dear. How are you?" "Don't bullshit me! I saw the email you sent my brother! How could you?! You know he's having an anxiety attack right now?! Why are you trying to threaten him? He's done nothing to you!"

Miya ended the call going back to Jisung and Minho. Minho was holding Jisung by his waist while laying on the younger's lap. "Shh baby shh." Jisung pet Minho's hair running his hand through the older's hair. Minho breathed more calmly as he felt Jisung's hand through his hair. Miya calmed down a bit after seeing Jisung taking care of Minho so well. Jisung leaned down, kissing Minho's head as he got the older calmer. Miya sat on the bed by the two, "Are you alright Min?" Minho breathed in and out slowly. "N-not really. Not hearing from them in over three years just hit me when he threatened me." Jisung ran his fingers through Minho's hair again making Minho sigh in relief. "Are you okay baby?" Minho sat up leaning his head on Jisung's shoulder, quite tired now.

Miya smiled sleepily at the two. Jisung looked at Miya, "We're going to have a barbecue tomorrow. Can you tell the others tomorrow?" Miya nodded before leaving the room for the two to sleep. Minho kept his head on Jisung's shoulder finally falling asleep, snoring lightly from the position he was. Jisung chuckled at Minho's sleeping figure, moving the older to lay down properly. Minho was awakened a bit from Jisung moving him. Jisung laid him down properly kissing Minho's head, "Shh baby. Go back to sleep." Minho turned to Jisung, falling back asleep. Jisung lie down facing Minho hugging the older. Jisung hummed a soft tune until he made sure Minho was fully asleep. Jisung fell asleep hugging the older tightly although not falling into a deep sleep.

A couple hours later, Minho woke up from a nightmare panting hard. Jisung woke up immediately when he heard Minho gasping for air, sitting up in the dark with the older. "Hyung? Are you alright?" Minho nodded at the younger even though he couldn't see him much. "I'm fine. Don't worry." Jisung held Minho but the holder was to hot to be held. "Let go Jisung. It's way to hot." Jisung let go, getting out of bed to go to Minho's room. The younger turned on the light going to Minho's closet to get Minho a different pair of clothes. He went to the bathroom getting a wet washcloth before going back to his own room to see Minho still sitting on the bed but with no shirt on now. Jisung sat on the bed wiping Minho down on his chest as well as his face.

He gave Minho the extra shirt helping the older put it on. "Thank you baby. I don't know what's wrong with me." Jisung held Minho's face, "Nothing's wrong with you hyung. You're stressed, that's why you had an anxiety attack early and a nightmare now. Don't say something's wrong with you." Jisung helped Minho take off his shorts, giving him different ones to wear. He continued to pat the wash cloth on Minho's face, cooling the older down. "You want to go back to bed?" Minho nodded, laying back down along with Jisung. Jisung started to sing to Minho again, making Minho more relaxed as he fell asleep. Jisung was worried about Minho so he just kept singing for Minho as the older slept. Jisung slept a bit before he woke up at six in the morning.

Jisung left the older going downstairs to see Chan and Felix making breakfast in the kitchen. Chan smiled at the younger as Jisung sat on the bar counter putting his head down. "What is it Sung?" Jisung smiled at Chan, "Didn't get much sleep last night. Did Miya tell you we're gonna have a barbecue today?" Chan nodded, "This morning. She said you'll go shopping with Minho today." Jisung nodded putting his head back down. "What's wrong? Seriously?" Jisung put his head back up, "Minho had an attack last night and then a nightmare. So I couldn't sleep much since I was worried about him." Jisung left the two to cook while he went back to check on Minho who he assumed was still sleeping. Minho was sitting on the bed, gasping for air again. Jisung rushed to Minho checking on the older.

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