Chapter Thirty-Five

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The doctor left the room leaving the two alone. Minho barely stayed conscious through the whole visit as Jisung checked on him. "You're fine with staying here right? The doc seems concerned." "Only if you stay with me." "Of course baby." The doctor came in clearing his throat, "Anything I should be worried about while he's here?" Jisung looked at Minho then the doctor after Minho nodded, "From the event that I spoke about, he has bruises almost everywhere. He was raped too, so he doesn't like to be touched much. If I can, I'd like to stay with him." "That'll be fine. Mr. Lee, I understand that you have a private room here. You own a portion of this hospital?" Minho nodded slightly as the doctor got a wheelchair from the side of the room.

"We'll use this instead of having to carry you up there. Mr. Han, can I know what your relationship is with Mr. Lee?" "He's my boyfriend." "Alright." Minho got in the wheelchair, already feeling uncomfortable. Jisung, the doctor and Minho went to the elevator going to Minho's private room in the hospital. "A nurse is going to come and put an IV in and give you some medicine to help you sleep." The doctor left after giving Minho a gown to wear. Jisung helped the older change first, the nurse and a doctor came after he got changed. Minho laid on the bed getting the IV in his left arm and getting hooked up to a monitor. The nurse gave Minho a liquid to help him sleep, "You're going to get sleepy quickly. Goodnight Mr. Lee."

Minho nodded, closing his eyes as the doctor and nurse left. Minho moved over on the somewhat medium sized bed, patting the bed for Jisung to lay with him. Jisung did as he was told, laying on the bed by Minho turning around to be cuddled by the older. Minho held onto Jisung, Jisung felt the hotness coming from Minho. Minho fell asleep quite fast from the medicine so did Jisung from being tired after waking up abruptly. The next morning, Jisung's phone rang, he answered it without looking who it was. "Hello?" "Jisung? Where the hell are you and Minho?" "Oh Taejun. I forgot to call you this morning. We're at the hospital, Minho had a really high fever early this morning. So I took Minho hyung to the hospital to get checked. The doctor wants him to stay until his fever comes down."

"Dammit, I thought something bad happened. Is he alright?" "Yeah but he still feels really hot." "Okay, I'll be there in twenty minutes. You want breakfast?" "Anything's fine. Thanks Taejun, bye." Minho was listening to the call, hugging Jisung closer when he was finished. "Taejun? What did he want?" Before Jisung could answer Minho, the doctor and nurse came in the room. Jisung moved for Minho to lay on his back for the nurse to check his temperature and take vitals of him. "Did you happen to bring his pills?" The nurse looked at Jisung as he shook his head, "I was more concerned with getting him here last night. I'll call his assistant to bring them." "Alright, just the new ones. No nausea pills today." The nurse and doctor left after Minho got his temperature taken.

Jisung texted Taejun to bring Minho's pills instead of calling him knowing he was on the road. Taejun came in the room after twenty minutes like he said putting the bag of food on the table by the bed. He took Minho's pill bottle out of his pocket giving them to Jisung. Jisung got the tea off the table then opened the pill bottle taking one out and giving it to Minho as well as the tea. Minho took the tea and pill as Jisung got the bag of food off the table, giving a biscuit to Minho taking one for himself as well. Taejun sat on the chair next to the bed, rubbing his forehead, "What happened to you brother?" Minho looked at Taejun shrugging then eating his food. Taejun looked at the chart, seeing the abnormal temperature from when Minho got checked in to the one from just a few minutes before he came in.

"Your temp went down a lot. Still kinda high but it's going down. It says you had a reaction from taking both pills. That's why your temp was so high. They want to put you on different nausea ones that won't react to the ones you just got." Jisung took the clipboard from Taejun's hands putting it back on the bed. "I don't think you're supposed to read that." Minho just watched the two drinking his tea. He tapped Jisung's shoulder pointing at the bag of food. Jisung chuckled giving Minho the bag as Minho looked at Taejun, "Go outside for ten minutes. Me and Ji need to talk." Taejun nodded, leaving the hospital room. Jisung looked at Minho when Taejun left, "What's wrong baby?" "Last night, you called me your boyfriend."

Jisung chuckled pointing at Minho, "You, you heard that, did you?" Minho side smiled at Jisung, "Is that what you want? To be official with me?" Jisung looked away from Minho, nodding his head shyly. "Okay but do you think I can ask you when we're not in a hospital? I don't think it's very romantic." Jisung nodded looking back at Minho, putting his forehead against the slightly taller boy. Minho still had a fever so both boys didn't risk kissing. Minho coughed a bit hard drinking some of his tea to soothe his throat. Taejun came back in the room looking at the two who were still sitting on the bed. "All good?" Minho nodded his head at Taejun. When the nurse came back in the room, the three were watching the small TV as she started to get the clipboard off the end of the bed.

"So, how are you feeling now Mr. Lee?" "Better than before. I still feel hot and then cold at random though. Minho is fine by the way." "Minho, let me take your temperature again." The nurse went to Minho's side of the bed putting a new thermometer in his mouth. She took it out after a moment, "Your fever's broke now. Now, before we let you leave the doctor will come in to talk to you in a moment." The doctor walked into the room, seeing Jisung sitting on the bed with Minho. "So, we'll discharge you now. We'll have to put you on different meds. Are you alright with that?" Minho nodded as he finally got off the bed. Jisung got off as well, taking Minho's clothes from Taejun who brought him an extra pair giving them to Minho. Minho went to the bathroom, rather than dressing in the room with everyone in them.

The doctor asked Jisung to step out with him so they could talk. "You and the other gentlemen?" Jisung nodded, "I'm his sub and boyfriend. Taejun is kind of his secretary, bodyguard and best friend." "Will you bring him back to our psychologist if he shows any signs of rejecting his meds?" "I can try but Minho's cautious of people and he's scared. That people will judge him and hurt him like before and because of the," Jisung stopped himself as the doctor nodded his head, "Do you think he would have a therapist go down to your place to see him?" Jisung shrugged his shoulders, "You'd have to ask him or Taejun. I'm not exactly sure." Minho finally came out of the hospital room, finding Jisung and the doctor still talking.

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