Chapter Seventeen

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"Hey Felix, good morning. Want some coffee?" Felix shook his head at Miya, "Good morning to you too and I'm not allowed to drink coffee. Would you like some breakfast?" Miya pointed at the oven, "I'm making stuffed hash browns for all of us. Hey, do you know any hangover cures for Junnie?" Felix thought before taking out some ingredients for a smoothie he knew of for hangovers. He blended everything as Taejun came down stairs, groaning at the sound of the blender. Felix turned off the blender putting the smoothie in a cup giving it to Taejun. "It'll help hyung. Trust me." Jisung came down shortly after the food was done looking at his friends.

He looked at Felix smiling, "Did you answer the messages from Chan? Are you guys okay?" Felix nodded a little, "I think so. He wants to talk after my shift." Taejun groaned again, "Can you guys please keep it down?" Jisung chuckled at Taejun, "We're using our normal voices hyung. Also, Minho said to just rest for today." Taejun nodded putting his head on the table. Miya gave Jisung a stuffed hash brown, Jisung happily took it from her eating it quickly. After breakfast Jisung and Felix went upstairs packing Felix's things to go back to the club. Miya came into the room smiling at Jisung and Felix, "I'm really bored and Junnie won't feel up to hanging out. So can I stick with you guys?" Jisung nodded giving Felix his plushie he held onto.

"Keep it." Felix hugged the plushie putting it in his bag. Jisung, Felix and Miya left after checking on Taejun once more before going to the club. The three went through the back entrance going up to the dorms to drop Felix off. "If you need to, you're always welcome at the house. Bring Chan over sometimes, we'll have dinner or just a hang out day. Whichever you like, text me when you two talk." Miya linked arms with Jisung, "We are going on a lunch date today. I'll drop you at the company after. Let's go!" Jisung and Miya exited the club going back to their vehicle, Miya going to a small restaurant by Minho's company.

The two went in ordering simple meals. Jisung looked at Miya deciding to speak, "Minho said he loves me." Miya smiled at Jisung, smile disappearing soon after, "You can't say it back yet. But what took so long last night? We were already in bed when you were done." "I told him I cared for him. He said he would tell me he loves me until I can say it back. I want to" "But you're not sure yet. Because of your past relationship." Jisung nodded eating some of the salad he ordered. "Did Minho tell you what the meeting is about?" Jisung shook his head. After lunch, Miya took Jisung straight to the company. The two went to the twelfth floor, finding Minho asleep on his couch in his office. Jisung kneeled on the floor by the couch tapping Minho.

"Hyung? Wake up." Minho woke up quite scared shooting up almost hitting Jisung by accident. Miya went to Minho checking on him. "Minho? Are you alright?" Minho looked at Jisung checking to make sure he didn't get hit earlier. He looked back at Miya, "I'm fine sis. Just a little nightmare." Jisung sat on the couch by Minho, "Seemed like more than a little nightmare. You sure you're alright?" Minho nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine. Miya, think you can go get me my papers from the printer? You know where it's at." Miya nodded walking out of the room. As soon as she left, Minho got tears in his eyes, turning around to hug Jisung tightly. "Please don't leave me again." Realization dawned on Jisung when he knew what the nightmare was about.

Jisung hugged Minho back as securely as he could, "I won't baby. I won't." The two hugged a little longer before Minho broke the hug. Jisung held Minho's face in his left hand which Minho loved. "Are you alright? Really?" Minho shrugged, "There's things I haven't told you. Not things that affect you but I have secrets. And I think you do too. I just want to know if you're okay with that for now?" Jisung nodded kissing Minho softly. Jisung broke the kiss looking at Minho, "Are you okay with me having secrets then? For now?" Minho nodded giving the younger a soft kiss as well. Jisung wiped Minho's tears and face, Miya coming back in shortly after. "You had so many papers. What happened to you two?"

Mine (MINSUNG SMUT)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ