Chapter Twenty

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(A/N Look at above tattoos when they are mentioned.)

Minho spent the whole night reading through Jisung's papers. When he got to the medical portion, he was shocked to read it. The patient Han Jisung has been diagnosed with anxiety and severe depression. Prescription is taking two pills of two different medicines everyday. Patient's medicine will be sent to a one Bang Chan at Bang's Club every 25th of each month. Minho put the paper's aside, realizing that Jisung was a lot more complicated than he thought. Your love for him doesn't change because he has some problems. I have problems I haven't told him about yet. I need to sleep and visit this tomorrow. Minho took off his reading glasses, laying down and falling asleep quickly.

The next morning Miya woke up first going to check on Jisung. She noticed he was off the night before, so she moved Tara's(name of new gf) arm from her going out to knock on the door. Miya got out of her room after putting socks on, going straight to Jisung's room. She knocked on the door after seeing that it was locked. "Sungie? Can you open the door love?" Jisung opened the door when he heard it was Miya, making sure he hid the scars on his arm from yesterday. Miya went in the room after seeing Jisung in a bad state, locking the door just in case. "What is it?" Jisung teared up at Miya's question, Miya hugged him quickly. Jisung let go of her after a while, still holding Miya's hands. "I have a secret from Minho. I actually have quite a few but I trust you. If I tell you, can you not tell him?"

Miya dropped her hands from Jisung's, holding his face in her hand. Jisung lifted up his long sleeve showing the bandage on it then taking it off. Miya looked at the cuts holding Jisung's hand to look closer. "I filled my thighs with them last night too. Miya, I was diagnosed with anxiety and severe depression. Chan had me get diagnosed after I started working at the club. And Minho has the papers that say it. What if he reads them? He already hates me." Miya shook her head, holding Jisung in her arms after he put the bandage back on. "He doesn't hate you love. He loves you. More than you could know. And he'll love you no matter what you've been diagnosed with," Miya let go of Jisung to look at him.

"Because you know what? Your diagnosis is just that. A diagnosis. It's not a life sentence. It does not define who you are. Now, let's clean these scars again. You're gonna have to take off your sweats so I can clean the other ones. Do you trust me to do it?" Jisung nodded at Miya, taking his sweats off while Miya went to get his first aide kit. Miya came back sitting on the bed close to where Jisung was. She gently got cleansing wipes dabbing them on the new cuts on his thighs first. After cleaning them, she got ointment putting them on then getting a dressing, putting those on as well. After Jisung put his sweats back on, Miya scooted closer to get his arm cleaned as well. "You sure you'll be able to do the party tonight?"

Jisung nodded, "I've actually been doing the faking being fine a lot longer than I've been diagnosed. I'll be able to do it." A knock came from the door, Miya getting up and answering it closing the door when he saw Minho with papers in his hand. "What's up?" Minho gave the papers to Miya, which she didn't even need to look at to know what they were. "Did you know?" Miya side smiled at Minho sadly, "Just this morning, he told me. Minho" "I still love him. It won't change because of this but why are you not letting me in?" "Because you seem mad and he might think it's because of him." "Of course it's because of him! I'm mad because he didn't tell me." Miya scoffed at Minho, slapping her brother for the first time. "He's attached to you. He still has insecurities! He doesn't trust very easily and you can't tell me you don't trust some people either. You have just as many secrets as him! Maybe more! More than likely a ton more! Have you told him our parents kicked you out too? Because of that asshole?!"

Miya calmed herself, "Go to your room or the company for a while, I'm taking Jisung out for the day." Miya went back into Jisung's room, slamming the door and locking it. Jisung was sat by the corner of his bed having a panic attack as he heard the two yelling. Miya's eyes widened, running to Jisung, kneeling down to hold him. "Okay, okay love. I need you to try to breath for me alright? Deep breaths love. I'm sorry we were yelling. I didn't know this would happen to you if you heard. Minho's being overdramatic. He told you he had secrets too. This is not your fault." Jisung took shaky breaths, sobbing occasionally. Miya sat with the younger until he calmed down continuing to hug him until he was as calm as he could get.

Miya sighed when she saw the younger calm, "Minho has secrets. He's not perfect, none of us are." Miya took off her right sleeve of her hoodie to show a whole sleeve of tattoos. "You see this? It used to all be scars. I got it to cover them up. All the different flowers show how many scars are on my arm." Jisung touched the tattoo, counting some of them on her forearm. Miya got up, helping Jisung up taking him to the bathroom to wipe his face. "Now. I sent Minho to go do whatever today. I want to first take you to a hair and nail salon to get your nails done for the party then get your hair changed to blue. (I am aware that in Korea you have to get tattoos by a doctor but this is fanfic. So I guess I'm kind of mixing American things with Korean.) And if you're okay with it, I want to take you to a shop that specializes in the scar tattoos. I want to get them for your thighs. Do you want to?"

Jisung thought a bit before nodding his head, "I would love to." Miya and Jisung went to the tattoo shop after getting ready, waiting to be seen. The artist saw them, Jisung chose multiple colored butterflies to go on his scars. Since they didn't exactly have time, Jisung chose to take all the sessions at once getting it done in almost five hours. When they were finished, Jisung stood in front of a mirror while Miya smiled at the tattoos from behind them. "They look amazing Sungie!" Jisung saw his beauty for the first time in a long time, "Think Minho will be mad at me for it?" "Who cares? You look hot!" The two paid for the tattoos, the tattooist noticed one side of Jisung long sleeve was bigger than the other. "Those are new, new yes? When they heal a bit more, come back and we'll put the same flowers we put on our Miya here."

Jisung looked at Miya, "Yeah?" Miya nodded at Jisung. Jisung stopped looking at his thighs, putting his sweats back on when Miya finished paying. The two walked out of the shop walking around to the hair and nail salon. "You don't have to pay for everything. I have money." "I want to, you deserve it love. Let's go!" Miya sat in the waiting room of the salon once Jisung got called, "Can you actually do it platinum silver? I know my friend called for blue." The lady nodded, "Of course!" The stylist changed Jisung's hair in two hours leaving him with platinum silver hair. The two walked over to the nail booth where Miya was getting her nails done. Jisung chose a simple black gel nail polish followed by some nail stickers on it.

Jisung and Miya left after paying going straight to the food court. "Let's get something small then go back to the house to get ready. By the way, I love that you got platinum silver, it fits so well." The two got a small snack before they went back to the house. Miya and Jisung went back into Jisung's room after Miya checked to see if Tara left. "She'll be back for the party?" Miya nodded at Jisung, she went to his closet picking out the outfit he bought for the party. "You know Minho will see the tattoos in this?" Jisung nodded happily, "That's the point. He likes my thighs and my butt." Miya made a small 'o' with her mouth. "Do you really think Minho still loves me?" Miya sighed, "He said it's not going to change because of something like this. You take your pills everyday?" Jisung nodded, "Good. Maybe we should get them switched to come over here though."

Jisung got light makeup on, only doing his eyes and light foundation followed by light blush. Miya borrowed Jisung's extra makeup, putting on simple eyeliner. The two watched movies until ten when people started arriving. Miya and Jisung walked downstairs, shocking Minho when he saw the younger. Minho took Jisung's hand going to the kitchen first to talk. "Jisung. You look amazing. I wanted to tell you earlier that I accept you for who you are. I know I was mad when I really shouldn't be. I love you so much and I don't ever think that'll change. Jisung," Minho looked down at Jisung's thighs seeing a slip of the tattoos, "What are those?" Minho lifted Jisung on the counter, pushing up his small skirt to show his white see through tights as well as butterfly tattoos.

Minho looked at Jisung who looked like he was going to cry. Minho kissed Jisung softly but passionately, smearing the boy's lipstick a bit. "You covered up your scars. You're still beautiful baby." Minho peppered kisses on Jisung's face being careful not to ruin his makeup. Jisung backed away from the kisses rolling up his sleeve which had new cuts under it. Minho moved to his hand, kissing his forearm until he was interrupted by Taejun and Miya. Miya spoke, "A host usually has to be present when guests arrive. Come on Sungie, we should keep you away from this sex dog if you don't want him to take you in front of all our guests." Jisung got down from the counter but Minho back hugged Jisung preventing him from leaving the kitchen.

Mine (MINSUNG SMUT)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora