Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Minho stopped himself as he started to cry. Jisung didn't know what to say but he spoke anyway, "Hyung, the way I see it is I was so happy to be bought by you. Are you saying you regret getting me in your life? And being gay isn't a choice, it's not something we just choose." "Of course I don't regret having you in my life. I think I should've made a choice not to buy you but to just ask Chan if I could actually hire you to be an employee of mine. Although that's not what I wanted. I met you the first time when you were just starting at the club. I knew I wanted, no needed you in my life. But now, now is confusing. Not with you, that's one thing I'm sure of but with the last few months." Jisung made Minho look at him.

"What happened in the past few months? It doesn't define who you are. I know now you hate yourself, but I don't hate you. I can love you and help you love yourself again. It's gonna take some time because even I have my days I think the same as you. But I hope you know that. I love you. And that's what matters." Minho pushed himself up to be side by side with Jisung. Minho kissed Jisung gently as Jisung kissed back and held Minho as close as he could. Minho broke the kiss when he was running out of breath, panting heavily. When Minho caught his breath, he spoke again, "How would you like to take a vacation of sorts? Get away from everything? From Korea for a while?" Jisung was a bit shocked but looked on in curiosity.

"Where would we go then?" "Where's a place you'd want to go? We'd have to get you a passport first, unless you have one?" "I do. I'd like to go to Thailand or Japan. The part that has love hotels." Minho kissed Jisung again only a peck though, "A love hotel? You know what those are for right?" Jisung nodded his head, kissing the older lightly. "Of course I do. Would you want to?" "Only if I get to see you in costumes." Jisung stopped kissing Minho, caressing the older's cheek. "But what about?" "It's okay. I feel like if we don't sleep together again soon, you'll get bored of me." Jisung kissed Minho's lips again, "That won't happen. We can go anywhere you want too. It's not just my decision."

Jisung laid down correctly as well as Minho. "We should sleep though. We can start making decisions tomorrow. Sound good?" Minho nodded as he turned wanting to be held by Jisung for the night. Jisung got the message, putting his arm around Minho's waist carefully, knowing he still had some healing bruises on his hips and thin stomach. Minho still winced when Jisung put his hand under his shirt. "Thin hyung." Minho relaxed when he knew Jisung was just worried about how small the older got. Minho took Jisung's hand out from under his shirt, interlocking their hands with each other. "I know. Sorry." Jisung kissed Minho's neck, "No sorry. S' okay." Minho fell asleep after Jisung reached over the older giving Minho a teddy bear to hold for the night as well as turning off the lamp.

Jisung woke up the next morning with no Minho in sight. He got up, first checking the bathroom and around the room. No Minho. Jisung went out going to Minho's room with no sign of him there or the master bathroom. He went to the office, surprised to see Chan, Miya, Taejun and Minho in the room talking. He looked through the glass seeing everyone dressed before looking at himself, seeing he was underdressed, specifically still in pajama's. He left the glass area before anyone could see him going back to his room to get dressed into some casual clothes. He went downstairs after putting pants and a loose ruffle crop top on, smelling breakfast. He went to the kitchen seeing Tara, Seungmin and Felix.

"Oh! What are you guys doing here?" Felix smiled going to hug his friend as well as Seungmin, leaving Tara to watch the food. The three hugged before going back to cooking and Jisung got coffee. "Something happened with the budgets at the club. For some reason, they came up short on some money. They're trying to figure out what went wrong. Minho hyung got mad when they almost woke you up this morning. So he decided to help out with the meeting." Jisung nodded along with Felix's long explanation. "You guys came to then? Why? That's the main thing I wanted to know." "Oh! Well, I wanted to see you so I came. Seungmin wanted to see Taejun so he came. And Tara works at the bar, thanks to Miya. She also just showed up this morning when we came." Tara put her finger up, "To be fair, Miya and I were talking since last night. She told me to come and make her breakfast."

Jisung nodded, sipping his coffee. "How long have they been up there?" "Since seven. Here, eat." Tara spoke as she served bacon and dorayaki. Jisung ate a bite, eyes lighting up as did Seungmin and Felix's. "These are delicious. You should start coming over more. We all cook but yours is by far the best!" Tara chuckled at Jisung, "You sound like Hyunjin?" "Because he's dramatic? Or because he praises you when he gets food?" "The second one." Jisung nodded, "Yeah, me, Felix, Hyunjin, Changbin, Seungmin, Jisung plus Chan have been at the club together. We became friends as well as co-workers and Chan's dancers." Tara nodded, sitting down at a table with the boys to eat. "So you three are all the same age?" Jisung shook his head, "Felix and I are twenty-two. Seungmin's twenty-one. Minho is twenty-four and Chan is twenty-five. Taejun is twenty-three same as Miya."

Tara nodded at Jisung, "I'm the same age as Miya. So, you and Felix at the club are called the 'Twins'. What does that mean?" Felix answered since Jisung was eating his portion of bacon, "Me and Jisung are only a day apart. His birthday is on the fourteenth of September and mine is the fifteenth of September." Seungmin was next to put in input, "So, besides that. How have you been Jisung?" Jisung smiled at Seungmin, "Good, sorry we haven't been to the club in a bit. Hyung's having a little bit of a hard time with some things." "That's alright. Taejun does some odd jobs around the club sometimes so it's all good." Felix teased, "Seungmin's got a boyfriend~" Seungmin teased back, "Felix loves the boss."

Felix shrugged his shoulders, "True. And proud of it." Jisung and Tara laughed at the two younger boys which got looks from the two. Both spoke together, "You two love the big bosses~" Jisung nodded while Tara blushed, Jisung spoke proudly, "I love Minho hyung and I'm proud of it." Minho smirked from behind, "Well, that's a relief." Jisung turned around to see Minho, Taejun, Miya and Chan all looking at the four who were teasing each other. Jisung blushed hard when he realized what he said out loud. "D-did you find what was wrong?" Minho nodded still smirking. He went towards the younger, leaning forward looking like he was about to kiss him but instead stealing his plate. Minho stood straight again, eating the rest of Jisung's bacon.

Minho moved to sit at the table, the others that stood did the same. Jisung gave Minho an empty plate after taking his back, serving his boyfriend the breakfast Tara made. Chan, Miya and Taejun served themselves as Jisung started the conversation. "So did you guys get this whole money thing sorted?" Minho shook his head, "Chan said it could've been one of the employees taking money again. It's happened before?" Jisung nodded, "Yeah, the employee that did it got let off with a warning by Chan. Could it be the same person?" Chan got into the conversation, "I don't know. I hope that something in the books was just off. I don't want to fire someone. We're short staffed already." "If you have to fire someone, I can start picking up shifts again."

Chan chuckled but shook his head, "I wouldn't want to put you out. Besides, you been taking care of Minho, haven't you?" Jisung looked at Minho, who nodded while eating his food. Minho nodded his head again, finishing his chewing before speaking. "The thing I don't get is that besides your original dancers and bartenders, we've ran background checks on everyone. Most, if not all are clean enough to work for us. So what would be the point of stealing? I think we pay pretty well now that the club's gotten bigger." "Like I said, maybe it's the books. We could've been off with calculations." Miya was next to speak, "Min, maybe we should use the accountant from the company for the club?" Minho nodded, "Call him later today then." The discussion about business ended, so Minho decided to bring up the conversation him and Jisung had the night before.

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