Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"Jisung and I are gonna go on a small vacation. About a month." Minho spoke abruptly, shocking the table of people. "We haven't decided on where yet. But probably Japan." Taejun was utterly confused, shaking his hands in front of his body, "You want to go back to Japan? After what happened? We haven't even discussed what happened to your hand last night!" "I punched a mirror. You're welcome to go see the bathroom down here. And I'm not going for business, I'm going to spend some alone time with Jisung." Chan was next to talk, "I know I'm not exactly involved in this but Jisung works for the club too. I'm just supposed to give him that time off?" "You work with me Chan hyung. I don't need to ask permission to take my boyfriend out of Korea."

Jisung blushed at the phrase again, still not used to it. "Um, excuse me. When do I get to say something?" The three having a heated discussion all looked at Jisung, so he continued, "Chan hyung, if I'm not wrong I technically am still contracted under Minho's company. The part of me being his employee never changed after we broke the sex contract." Tara whispered to Felix, "Sex contract?" "I'll explain later. Shush." Jisung continued despite the whispers, "I work for you at the bar but you told me to take time off and come in when I can. This vacation was a discussion we had last night and Minho hyung definitely should've discussed it with me before blurting it out but the vacation is also technically recuperation for hyung."

Taejun was about to argue but Jisung beat him to it, "You know what's happened since you've been back. And we discussed what happened to hyung at dinner yesterday. You also know he needs this. He needs some time to get away from everything. It's not like we're leaving forever. And it's not like we're leaving this soon. Like hyung said, we haven't even decided everything." Jisung stood up, grabbing his now empty plate giving Minho a kiss on the cheek before going to put his dishes in the sink. Felix, Tara and Seungmin did the same as Jisung, leaving the others to talk. The three went to Jisung's bedroom, Seungmin knocking to make sure it was alright to go in.

Jisung sat on his bean bag chair, reading his book. Tara saw all the plushies on the floor, running to sit on the pile. "Who? When? Why? How?" Tara utterly melted at the cute room, hugging the puppy plushie that was in the pile. Felix and Seungmin sat on the small couch against the end of Jisung's bed as everyone started laughing at Tara. Jisung answered the questions, "Most of them are from Minho hyung. Some from friends. Birthdays and when I came back to him. He said he bought me them from overseas and online, when they arrived he had the lady that comes in to clean when he's on trips set them up. As for the how, hyung owns a company. And he likes to spoil me." Tara loved the plushie, giving it's plastic nose a kiss.

"Oh! He gave me this too. Just a promise ring but I love it." Felix squealed going to Jisung to look at the ring, "And he gave you one with pride colors!" Jisung nodded, "His is black with the rainbow flag gems on the front. He also gave me these." Jisung got off the bean bag chair going to open his bottom nightstand drawer, revealing all the collars. "He really does spoil you!" Tara nodded at the collars, going back to the pile of plushies, "Can we talk about the sex contract you two had before?" Jisung went back to sit on the bean bag chair moving it to face Tara. "Felix, turn on a movie. Just one to listen to." Seungmin and Felix went back to sit on the couch as Felix put on a random movie. Everyone started paying attention to Jisung.

"Back in the early part of last year, about May, Minho came in the bar. We knew he was the boss but Chan said he wanted to basically buy someone to have a dom-sub contract with. He owned the original club himself before Miya and Chan were owners as well. I was a dancer at the time as well as Seungmin, Jeongin and Felix. We were private dancers and we were selected out of the dancers to do the dances for Minho. Minho actually knew me from a café I worked part time at, that was one of the first times I met him. At the end of that night, Minho decided to pick me as the sub for him, to be fair, we also turned each other on. He made the contract after that and we were purely dom-sub for a couple months. No aftercare or anything like that. But then Minho was doing a punishment on me, and he went to far. So he took the old collar from my neck after also realizing he loved me and had me go back to the club,"

Jisung continued to tell the story of him and Minho, the four of them gossiping like they were having a sleepover. "Anything else you want to know?" "So you've been living here for almost a year? Is that why you want to go on vacation?" Jisung put his hand to his chin, "You know, I didn't think of it like that. I guess it could be. But after what happened, I think a month of relaxation is what he needs." Tara nodded, "Can I look at your closet then? And you seem to like makeup." "Go ahead and look at whatever." Jisung sat with Felix while Seungmin and Tara went to look at everything in his closet. "How is Minho hyung after?" Jisung looked at the closet seeing the two weren't paying attention, "He's alright. Kind of. I just don't want him to hurt himself, he's to important to me now."

"You've taken care of him a lot you know. You two deserve to leave Korea to get some alone time. I mean actual alone time." Jisung side hugged Felix as the door unlocked. Minho leaned on the side of the door, smiling when Jisung noticed him and got up to hug him. Minho spoke quietly into the hug, "You know the camera in your room lets me hear everything?" Jisung broke the hug and shrugged. "You seem to be enjoying yourself. If you want, you can have them over tonight. I'll be in my office if you need anything, okay?" "Will you be alright with this many people over?" Minho scratched the side of his head as a sign of nervousness but nodded anyway. "I'll be fine." "You scratch your head when you're nervous. I've even lived with you long enough to know that fact."

Minho looked down, smiling slightly at the fact that Jisung noticed the little things about him now. Jisung snapped Minho out of his thoughts, "Hyung? I don't have to have them over. It's okay." Minho looked at Jisung, "Have them over. I'll be alright. We're still working on the club's problem anyway. Here, take the Jeep and go to the mall or something." Jisung took the keys, giving Minho a light kiss on the lips before the older walked out to go to his office. Jisung sat on the bed by Felix again as Tara and Seungmin came out of the closet, "Minho said you guys can stay here tonight. He gave me the keys to go to the mall too. If you want of course." "Really? He's okay with all of us staying over?"

Jisung thought about it but nodded, "Yeah, well no, not really. He's a little nervous about having so many people over but he wants me to have you guys over cause I'm having so much fun with you all. Besides, he said they're still working on the money problem thing for the club." Felix smiled at his friend, patting his back. "Let's go to the mall then! Can we go now?" Jisung chuckled, "Yeah but I should tell Minho first." Jisung left the room going to find Minho who was in his office. Minho was holding his head, massaging his temples. Jisung knocked on the door lightly, "Hyung? Are you alright?"

Minho stopped rubbing his temples, smiling at Jisung. "Fine baby. What's up?" Jisung frowned at Minho, going to stand behind him, starting to massage his head. Minho leaned his head towards Jisung's stomach, feeling better with his head being massaged. "Does your head hurt?" Minho nodded from the same position, "Sorry. I don't want you to worry." Jisung continued to massage Minho's head, "I already worry about you. I wanted to come tell you we're going to the mall. Will you be okay by yourself?" Minho opened his eyes looking at Jisung who was also looking at Minho with a concerned face.

Mine (MINSUNG SMUT)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora