Chapter Thirty-One

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"That's alright with me Ji. Thank you for not hating me." Jisung lie down on the bed followed by Minho hugging the younger. At about one in the morning, Minho woke up from another nightmare. He got off the bed going to the bathroom. Minho sat on the floor by the toilet, feeling sick as he threw up in the toilet. After a few minutes, he couldn't throw up anymore so he grabbed a towel to wipe his mouth and breath a little. Jisung woke up without Minho on the bed, hearing Minho throwing up in the bathroom. He got off the bed almost falling but recovering quickly, rushing to the bathroom to see Minho holding the towel to his mouth to wipe his face. Jisung closed the door as he entered the bathroom, reaching for a smaller towel to wet it. He sat on the floor by Minho, wiping his forehead with the wet towel.

"What happened baby?" Minho shrugged his shoulders, tired from throwing up. He leaned his head on the bathtub, having a headache as well as throwing up. Jisung stood up getting headache pills before going out of the bathroom to get a water bottle from the nightstand. Jisung went back to the bathroom only to see Minho throwing up again. He sat down on the floor after closing the door, waiting for Minho to finish. When the older finished, he sat back on the floor, breathing heavily. Jisung grabbed the wet towel giving it back to Minho. Jisung gave him a water bottle and two headache pills. "Can you get me the prescription from the cabinet too. Just one." Jisung got up taking the pills out noticing they were nausea pills. "When did you get these?" Minho smiled lazily at Jisung, "I've had those since the beginning of last year. Taejun gets them refilled for me. I had to get them because when I get stressed at work, this happens."

Jisung took a pill out of the bottle giving it to Minho, the older taking that too drinking the water as well. "Thank you Ji." Jisung sat back on the floor making sure the older was okay. After nearly an hour, Minho's nausea pill finally kicked in as well as the headache pills. He stared getting drowsy almost falling asleep on the floor. "Minho? Let's go back to bed." Jisung got off the floor flushing the toilet as he washed his hands and the wet towel giving it back to Minho who was still on the floor. "Need help up?" Minho took Jisung's hand that he put out getting up almost falling since he was a little dizzy. The two walked out of the bathroom going back to bed. Jisung helped Minho sit on the bed before going to the older's closet to get him a different long sleeve shirt. He came back seeing Minho already had his sweaty shirt off, covering his body with a blanket.

Jisung went to Minho, "You don't have to cover yourself. You're handsome no matter what." Minho nodded, taking off the blanket still a bit embarrassed. "Let me get the first aide kit first. So we can put ointment on your bruises, okay babe?" Minho nodded as Jisung went back to the bathroom to get the kit, bringing it back to Minho who was still shirtless sitting on the bed. Jisung sat on the bed putting the first aide kit on the side taking out the pain ointment. He applied it on Minho's stomach, the older winced a little but Jisung applied it more carefully after that. "Do you want it on your bruises on your face?" Minho shook his head, putting his shirt on after Jisung was done. Minho laid down pulling Jisung down to sleep with him.

Jisung stayed awake, singing Minho to sleep stopping when he heard Minho's breath steady. The younger didn't fall asleep until about four waking up at ten. Minho was already up, getting some blue jeans on and a black t-shirt as well as a hoodie. Jisung sat up looking at the walk-in closet seeing Minho looking at his jewelry. "What are you doing baby?" Jisung got off the bed going to the closet to check on Minho. Minho picked up a dog tag necklace with his name on it. He went to Jisung putting it on the younger's neck. "I have to go in to the office for some things. Come with me." Jisung nodded leaving the bedroom to get dressed in his own. He put on dark blue skinny jeans, the waist chain Miya bought for him, a tight fitting black shirt crop top and getting his white shoes to put on downstairs.

He went to Minho's room not finding him in there so he went downstairs seeing Minho in the kitchen drinking a water. "You like it?" Minho looked up smiling at Jisung's outfit nodding at him. "You can take off the collar if you want." Jisung held his neck, touching the collar, "Never. It matches with all my outfits too." Minho nodded his head going to hug Jisung, kissing the younger's forehead. "Good day today?" Minho let go, smiling at Jisung. "Can you drive though? Afterwards I have an appointment." The two went to the garage, Jisung getting in the drivers seat of the car. He opened the garage using the button installed in the car, driving to Minho's company in twenty minutes. Minho went into the company holding Jisung's hand getting surprised reactions from seeing their boss after almost four months.

Minho and Jisung went in the elevator up to Minho's office. They both went into the office, Minho finding what he needed. "So is Miya gonna be doing the business stuff for a while?" Minho looked at Jisung, shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know yet. For now she will though." Minho got the rest of the things he had to get for Miya to look at. The two went back to the car going to the doctor's appointment Minho had. Minho and Jisung went inside the building, Minho checking in while Jisung read a book on his phone. Minho went into the doctor's office after a few minutes while Jisung stayed in the waiting room. Minho came out after about an hour holding a small piece of paper which Jisung knew was a prescription slip. He stood up not asking any questions as he walked out with Minho.

Minho looked at Jisung, a little curious why he didn't ask what the slip was. "You're not gonna ask what this is?" Jisung smiled at Minho as the two got to the car. "I don't need to. For one, it's not my business unless you want to tell me. And secondly, I think I kind of know what it's for." The two got in the car, Jisung started it looking at Minho before he went anywhere. "Do we have to go to the pharmacy to get that?" Minho nodded, "After we should go get some food. I have to eat to take these." Minho put the directions in the GPS, Jisung driving to the place quickly. Minho and Jisung got what Minho needed then went to a small restaurant for lunch. Jisung and Minho got out of the car going straight inside. The two were seated at a table as the waiter asked what they wanted to drink.

"Can I get a coffee?" Jisung smiled at the waiter as he ordered. "Two waters and an iced tea." The waiter took the drink orders, walking away. Jisung smiled at Minho making Minho look at him, "What?" "Just checking you out." "Confident, aren't we?" Jisung nodded at Minho, smiling happily at him. The waiter came back with the drinks as well as taking their food order. The two ordered simple food, the waiter leaving the two after that. Jisung continued to watch Minho, making sure he was alright. "So why'd you want to go out today?" "I had to get papers for Miya for a cancellation of a company. She's going to start doing the meetings at the house and sometimes at the company. But I want to be in her first two meetings to see how she works. I decided to get an appointment to stop the. It's not important."

Jisung nodded as the waiter came back with the burgers and fries for the two. Minho ate some of his burger before taking one of the pills he got then eating fries and drinking his water. Jisung drank all his water first before eating his fries. Jisung got a sudden call from Chan, answering it at the table. "Hey Jisung. How's Minho?" Jisung looked at Minho, "He's better today. We're at lunch. So what's up?" "Can you ask Minho if he'd be able to come in today to see the club? If he's having a good day, think he'd come in?" Jisung covered the phone's microphone whispering to Minho, "Chan wants to know if you'd like to go see the new club tonight." Minho looked at Jisung, "Are you gonna work tonight if I do?"

Jisung pretended to think, nodding his head. "I'll go on the condition that I get to stay in the booth with Miya." Jisung put his phone back to his ear, "He said he'd go if he can stay in Miya's booth. Also if I work tonight." "Good. Felix is sick, I needed someone to cover him. That's also why I called." "Minho and I will see you about six or seven tonight hyung. Bye." Jisung hung up the phone, smiling at Minho as he ate more fries. "How is the new club anyway?" "Good, we get a lot more business. Chan and Miya are really good at the new business." After a bit more talk about the club, Minho and Jisung went home. The two watched a few movies before they had to get ready to go to the club.

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