Chapter Twenty-Three

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Jisung looked at Minho who was still talking to Felix. For some reason, he couldn't help but feel jealous when he saw Minho talk to Felix or any of his friends younger than him. "Baby? Do you want your friends to sleepover?" Jisung tuned back into reality, smiling at Minho's question, "Yeah that'd be great." "Okay, they'll come over tomorrow night. You ready to go home?" Jisung nodded, first watching his hands since he was cleaning then leaving with Minho. Minho was curious as to why Jisung spaced out, "Ji?" Jisung looked at Minho, "Do you get jealous?" Jisung blushed a light shade of pink, "Pfft. No, what are you talking about?" "It's just you were a little spacey when I talked to Felix today. Even yesterday when I had a conversation with Seungmin and Jeongin."

Jisung got in the vehicle as well as Minho. "If I say I do?" Minho turned to Jisung, kissing his lips softly, "I love you and only you," Minho broke the kiss, "You know that right?" Jisung nodded giving Minho a soft kiss. "Of course. But I can't help feeling jealous sometimes. You are probably one of the hottest guys in Korea." Minho chuckled starting the car driving out of his spot. The two drove to the house, Jisung fell asleep on the way back making Minho laugh slightly at the younger. He tapped Jisung a little. "Baby? Wake up." Jisung woke up only slightly before falling back asleep. Minho got out of the vehicle going to the other side to take Jisung out, picking him up bridal style. Minho gave small kisses to the younger as he carried him in the house.

Minho took the younger upstairs to his room, putting him on the bed. Minho went to the bathroom, finding make-up wipes coming back out to the bed. Jisung was up again, rubbing his eyes and smearing his makeup. Minho came to him sitting on the side of the younger, gently taking a wipe to clean his face. "You tired baby? You want to eat? I can wake Taejun or make something myself." Jisung shook his head slightly, "Just tired." Minho threw the makeup wipe away, petting Jisung's hair. "You need to take a shower. Come on." Jisung put up grabby hands for Minho to pick him up. Minho chuckled but picked up the younger again, holding him close to his chest.

"Are you alright? You're being extra clingy today." Minho put Jisung down, having the younger stand up while he started the shower. Minho turned around having Jisung take off his clothes. Jisung got down to his briefs when Minho pulled the younger close to him, holding his hips. Minho touched the youngers thighs slowly almost massaging them making Jisung moan lowly. Minho stopped, moving Jisung aside to go out and calm himself down. He went to his closet grabbing two pairs of clothes and towels from the linen closest before going back in his bathroom, taking off his own clothes and getting in the shower with Jisung. Minho held onto Jisung from behind, touching the youngers thighs again. He kissed the younger's neck making Jisung moan once again.

"What are you doing daddy?" Minho kissed the younger's neck again this time kissing his sensitive spot before leaving a mark. "You're beautiful baby. You know that?" Minho continued to touch Jisung's thighs before controlling himself and actually getting body wash to clean the younger. The two showered together, then got out, Minho leaving the bathroom in his towel to let Jisung get dressed privately. Jisung put on briefs and Minho's big shirt leaving the shorts he brought in for the younger off before going out to see Minho still in his towel. He blushed brightly, still embarrassed when he saw Minho undressed with a toned body and strong arms. Minho took off his towel still not knowing Jisung was behind him.

Minho turned around, fully undressed, no towel covering his lower half. Jisung covered his eyes but Minho got closer to the younger taking his hand from his eyes. "You're embarrassed to see me naked when we're not in the shower or having sex now?" Jisung nodded, "I've always been embarrassed of you naked. Even when we were just having sex." Minho smirked, kissing the younger, "Let me get dressed then." Minho stepped away putting his shirt, boxers and shorts on. "Better?" Jisung was still blushing but he nodded. Jisung laid on the bed patting for Minho to come by him as well. Minho went to him, laying down by the younger while Jisung started cuddling himself closer to Minho. Minho looked around on the bed before finding Jisung's plushie, giving it to the younger.

Jisung accepted his plushie, hugging Minho tighter. Jisung looked at the older before putting his head back on Minho's chest. "I love you. And I'm sorry I can't say it as much as I want to." Minho hugged Jisung slightly, kissing his forehead. "I know baby. You know I don't need to hear it. I know you love me now and that's what's important." Jisung sat up, kissing Minho's lips softly. Minho kissed back feeling the passion and love coming from Jisung. Jisung let go, holding onto Minho once again. They fell asleep holding each other closely until the door slammed open in the morning followed by someone jumping on Jisung's side of the bed. "SUNGIE! Wakey-wakie! Minho got called in for a meeting with Junnie. So it's just me and you today."

Jisung woke up albeit grumpy but got up, moving Miya to the side. "Why did you wake me up so early?" "Early? Love, it's almost noon." "That's early. I don't have work today and I thought Minho was going to start doing work from here?" "He is. He had to go in to do some paperwork with some of the employees to start going here for meeting instead of the office." Jisung nodded, lying back down putting the blanket over his head. "Are you alright? Is something wrong?" Jisung shook his head from inside the blanket. "I'm just tired." Miya nodded even though Jisung couldn't see. She moved to sit up on Minho's bed turning on the TV to Netflix.

"Okay... Then why don't we lie in bed today and watch movies? We can order food and drinks and be lazy all day. Sound good?" Jisung took off the comforter nodding at Miya. Miya took out her phone giving it to Jisung after putting it on an app for food. "Order a bunch. Will Minho be mad if we eat on the bed?" Jisung shrugged still holding his plushie in his arms. "You bought all those plushies? The ones in your room I mean." "About half of them. Minho bought me the others. Most of them were from his trip to the states when he" "We don't have to talk about that."

Jisung half smiled at Miya, "I want to. I trust you enough to tell you. When he left me at the club a few months ago, I was actually a lot worse than I said. For September and October, especially on Minho's birthday, I was depressed. I was stuck in my room barely getting up to shower or even eat. In December, when I saw Minho again, when he told me he didn't cheat on me, I was overjoyed to be back with him. I still am but when he found out my diagnosis, I thought he wouldn't love me. But he still does. And for the life of me, I can't figure out why." Miya looked at Jisung and smiled softly. "I can tell you why. Minho loves you because you're the complete opposite of him. He's never met someone so good hearted and kind. You've changed him to actually care for someone. Sure, he cares about me and Junnie but he tells you he loves you. So much, I've never been able to even hear Minho say 'I love you' before but know he says it to you constantly to make sure he doesn't lose you again."

Jisung looked at Miya until they heard the door downstairs. Miya got out of bed going straight downstairs to get the bags of food her and Jisung ordered. Miya went back upstairs to see Jisung fixing up the bed before sitting back down. "Okay, what do you want to watch?" Jisung sat on the bed, this time on Minho's side holding the plushie on the left of him. He took the remote, picking a new movie that was just put on Netflix. Miya gave Jisung a soft drink and a container of rice and meat. She took the same container of food as well as a tea she bought. "Your friends are coming over today right?" Jisung nodded, "Later on tonight. Minho said they'll stay open until about eleven then they'll close." Jisung nodded, both eating and watching the movie until someone came into the room when the movie was ending.

Minho walked in his bedroom, getting a very confused look on his face. "Miya, what are two eating on my bed for?" Miya looked at Jisung then at Minho. "He was tired and a little depressed today. So we ordered a bunch of food and talked and had a day of eating and resting." Minho rolled his eyes but took off his shoes and his suit putting his PJ's from the night before back on before going to the middle of the bed, Miya scooting over for him to fit. Minho put his arm around Jisung getting a bag of snacks the two ordered, taking out a can of tea and a bag of chips. Jisung cuddled close to Minho putting a piece of meat in the older's face to see if he wanted it. Minho accepted it, putting the whole thing in his mouth chewing slowly. Miya took the remote from Jisung, turning on another movie.

Jisung fed Minho again making the older look at him. "What are you doing baby?" Jisung shrugged, "You haven't eaten anything today, have you?" Minho ate the piece of meat Jisung put towards his face before grabbing the container of food from Jisung. Before he started to eat it, he looked at Miya, "He ate already?" "Yeah but you know he's right next to you, yeah?" Minho ate the food paying attention to Jisung, whispering in his ear, "Tell me why you're being so clingey?" Jisung pouted letting go of the older. Minho sighed pulling Jisung back to him, kissing his forehead, "I don't mind. Just wondering baby." Jisung smiled holding onto Minho making sure he ate too. After he was done with his food, Minho gave Miya the container to put it in a bag. "Where's Taejun?" Miya looked at Minho.

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