Chapter Nine

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Chan cringed at Minho's words, "Gross. Didn't need to know that. Wait just in the house?! With all of us here?!" Minho smirked kissing Jisung's neck, making the younger giggle. The group watched a few movies after presents falling asleep on the floor or the couches. Minho fell asleep leaning his head back slightly on the couch while still holding Jisung who was still watching Color Rush with interest. Felix stopped the drama getting a smile from Jisung. Jisung whispered, "If you can help Channie hyung upstairs, you can sleep in the guest room." Jisung shook Minho waking him up after Felix helped Chan to sleep in the guest room. Taejun stayed on the floor with the others, still in a deep sleep. Minho woke up slightly from Jisung's pats, "Go to bed hyung."

Minho shook his head, holding on to Jisung, "Want to sleep with you. Please." Jisung sighed but got off of Minho helping the older up being care of Jisung's friends who were on the floor. Minho held on to Jisung surprisingly clingy when he was sleepy too. Minho went with Jisung in his room taking off his shirt only staying in sweats. Jisung changed out of his skirt and long sleeve putting on blue booty shorts and a tank top with a rainbow on it. He went out of the closet going to the bed where Minho was already laying half asleep. Jisung lie on the bed away from Minho but Minho had the younger cuddle with him. Minho hugged Jisung tight to his chest, kissing his forehead.

Before the two could fall asleep, Jisung asked a question, "Why are you being like this? Cuddling me even yesterday." Minho sighed heavily with Jisung cuddled to his chest, "It's not gonna be like before. Yes, we're under contract but I want you to stay with me." Jisung hugged Minho tighter hoping the contract kept him from getting hurt. The next morning Jisung woke up first once again going downstairs to see the group was still there. Half were asleep and half were missing. Just as he was about to search for the rest, they walked in the front door with bags of groceries. "Where'd you guys go?" Chan answered, "There's no groceries in his fridge so we went to get some."

Jisung scratched his head, grabbing some groceries from the others taking them to the kitchen. Taejun woke up when the four and Jisung started talking, getting up himself to go to the kitchen. Taejun saw Chan, Jisung, Felix, Seungmin and Hyunjin cooking random things they had bought. "Minho didn't eat much in the time you were gone Jisung. We were also on business, so we just had things at the hotel." Jisung looked at Taejun slightly jumping at the boy, "Is he still asleep? That's the first time in a while he's been asleep past eight." Jisung nodded, mixing eggs while his friends worked on other breakfast items. Changbin and Jeongin got up as well as Minho coming downstairs to see everyone cooking or lounging about.

Taejun continued his talk about Minho without knowing the boy was right behind him. "He buried himself in work. A total mess if you ask me but half the time he didn't come out of his room when he didn't have to." Minho chuckled, "If I recall, you were pretty mad at me. Half the time, you couldn't even look at my face. Am I right?" Jisung laughed from the stove while Taejun turned to look at his friend. "You guys have work today right?" Chan looked at Jisung nodding, "Yeah, if Minho lets you, you can still work at the bar. We're short staffed because of the holidays." Jisung turned to Minho, excitement in his eyes. For reasons he denied, Minho couldn't bring himself to say no, "Go ahead. Am I allowed back after getting in a fight." Chan shrugged, "You're the boss. I can't tell you no."

The four boys continued cooking until Seungmin spoke, "So what are you guys doing for the New Year?" Taejun spoke up to the younger, "We have a party every year. Here. You guys can come to, since your Jisung's friends and technically Minho's workers." Jisung snickered, "You make it sound like Minho's a pimp." "I mean, he kinda is." Minho walked over to Taejun, smacking his head for the sentence he spoke. "OW!" The four served breakfast to everyone, Chan taking over most of it. Minho sat down with a plate, pulling Jisung to sit on his lap at the table. Chan shook his head, "Not at the table. Jisung, sit on your own chair." Minho pouted at the older but let Jisung get off his lap to sit on his own chair. "You used the leftover ham too?"

Jisung nodded at Minho's question. After breakfast was over, the group left leaving Minho, Taejun, Jisung and for some reason Seungmin. Minho was the first to bring something up, "Seungmin, why are you still here?" Seungmin looked at Minho blushing hard, "I-I wanted to hang out with Sungie." "Lies Minnie." "No, no it's not. I love hanging out with you." Jisung went over to Seungmin patting him on the shoulder, whispering in his ear, "You just want to spend time with Taejun." Seungmin looked at Taejun before blushing and looking down. Jisung smiled at Minho, "Can we go to the mall hyung?" Minho thought a bit about to shake his head no but Jisung gave him puppy dog eyes. Minho sighed, "Fine. Go get ready." Minho left to his room to get changed as well as Jisung going to his to get dressed.

Minho chose dark blue jeans, a simple white t-shirt followed with a leather jacket. Jisung took a bit longer to get dressed, choosing skinny black jeans, a loose fitting black and white long sleeve with a black tank top underneath. He put on light makeup as well as converse before going out to see Minho in his outfit. He smiled at the older, "You look nice." Minho chuckled going towards Jisung pulling him close, "So do you. But I like the skirts more." Jisung released himself from Minho's grip going downstairs to Minho's car. Minho followed stopping Jisung when he was about to get in the backseat. "I'm driving today. Taejun's staying." Jisung nodded getting in the passenger seat as Minho got in the driver's seat. The two drove to the mall, Minho stopping Jisung from getting out, "Here." Minho gave Jisung a credit card that had an anime character on it.

"What's this for?" "It has money on it from the past four months. After you left, I continued putting money aside for you. Since you get paid to do this." Jisung took the card, remembering the contract they had. It wasn't because Minho cared, it was because it was his duty to fulfill the contract. Jisung didn't know why but that made him feel sad. Jisung got out, walking ahead of Minho since the older walked a bit slower than him. Jisung waited, tugging on his arm when Minho caught up. Minho walked at the fast pace Jisung went, walking with the excited boy to the stores he wanted. Although Minho pretended he wasn't interested in the noises Jisung made when he saw something he liked or tried on cute outfits, Minho was actually quite happy the younger was having such a good time. When Jisung walked past a lingerie he wanted to surprise Minho with but to buy it he had to get Minho distracted.

Luckily he knew Chan and Felix were at the same mall so he texted Chan to come get Minho. Jisung walked around with Minho a few minutes before going to the place Chan said to meet them. Jisung dragged Minho to a chocolate factory getting lots of chocolate items and regular items too. Chan and Felix entered the chocolate shop, Felix tapped Jisung when Minho was talking with Chan. Jisung gave Minho the items he wanted, "Hyung, Felix and I are gonna walk around. Can you buy these for me?" Minho took the sweets nodding his head. Felix and Jisung held hands walking to the lingerie store getting the outfit Jisung wanted to try on Minho. They went to the dressing rooms, Jisung coming out shyly to show Felix the piece of clothing.

"Oooh, you look so nice! So, is your goal to seduce him now?" Jisung pouted sticking his tongue out at his best friend. Jisung tried on a few more outfits, both revealing and more subtle. Jisung paid for the outfits as well as Felix's for the club and for Chan. "May you put them in those black bags? We're with the people they're for." The cashier was more than happy to put them in more discreet bags. When they got out of the store, Jisung saw another shop with toys for adults (If you don't know what adult toys are, you're to young to read this story.) Jisung walked with Felix to the store both still holding hands. "So you guys are really into this stuff? Ooh, this would be fun." Jisung looked at the vibrator, eyes widening slightly, "Buy it then. It turns Minho on, don't you think Chan's kinky?" Felix turned to his friend nodding, "He is. Not gonna go in detail but" "Ok, ok. Don't want or need to know about my two best friends sex life."

Jisung took the box from Felix getting new fuzzy red handcuffs and some other things. The two went to pay for the items getting three bags to them. Felix and Jisung went back to Minho and Chan after finding them at the food court. Minho saw all the bags very curious as to what they bought. Jisung sat by Minho smiling at the older. Minho tried to glance in the bags but Jisung pushed it away from Minho's line of sight. "No, no. You don't get to see until later." Minho got closer to Jisung, "Are they for my pleasure? Or yours?" Jisung blushed at the questions, "Both."

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