Chapter Eleven

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Minho looked at Jisung who fell asleep during the quiet ride home. Minho got out of the car going to the passenger side to carry Jisung to his room. Minho took Jisung out of the car being careful not to hurt him or wake him up before going upstairs to Jisung's bedroom. Minho put Jisung on the bed, taking off his shoes first then socks as well as moving the lingerie he put out for the younger. Minho found the PJ's the younger had worn yesterday about to get those but instead going to his closet to find fuzzy pants and a black shirt that was actually his. Freaking Taejun. He took the two as well as a pair of fuzzy socks for Jisung to wear tomorrow. Minho took off the younger's booty shorts and fishnets first then putting the bottoms on. He carefully took off Jisung's shirt seeing a few old scars on the younger's stomach and chest.

Minho ignored them but gently put his pajama shirt on Jisung before covering the boy up with his comforter. He looked around finding Jisung's stuffies in a hamper, taking a random one out putting it in the younger's arms. Minho left the room knowing he would get sick if he slept in the same bed with Jisung. Minho went to his own room grabbing pajama's, briefs and a towel going to the bathroom to shower and do his nightly routine. He came out of the bathroom looking at paper's deciding to read those in bed before going to sleep. Minho took out his contacts, putting on his squared glasses reading the reports from the trip to the states. He took a pen and clipboard marking off anything that wasn't right or that he couldn't accept.

At nearly three in the morning, Minho put his paperwork on the nightstand, about to fall asleep but his door was opened. The person opened it cautiously, revealing themselves to be Jisung look teary eyed holding his bear and pouting. Jisung spoke quietly losing his voice a bit from having a sore throat when he woke up, "I know the contract says this room is only for that stuff but you left me to sleep alone tonight after sleeping in my room for two nights already." Minho secretly melted at the younger looking adorable with his collar, PJ's and bear but spoke anyway, "You want to sleep in here?" Jisung pouted and nodded cutely. Minho nodded as well, "Come here baby." Jisung walked over to Minho's bed getting in the blankets quickly since Minho had all tile floor in his room.

Jisung lie in the bed, this time holding onto the still sitting Minho, not really caring because he was sick and tired. "Okay, you have to let go so I can take off my glasses and turn off the lamp." Jisung let go of Minho letting him do as he said before turning over to hold the younger, "Are you okay?" Jisung sniffled nodding at Minho's question, cuddling closer to Minho. Minho felt the younger hug him but he could also feel that the younger was still hot from his fever. Jisung fell asleep while Minho stayed awake a while longer checking on the younger. Eventually, Minho fell asleep when the sun started to rise. Taejun knocked on the door at about twelve in the afternoon, going in to see the two cuddling and still sleeping.

Minho woke up a little, cranky as he looked at Taejun, "What?" "She's here." "Who?" "Your sister Miya." Just as Taejun spoke, Miya barged into Minho's room, "Wake up!! The better sibling has arrived!" Jisung stirred but Minho pet the younger's head before he could wake up, "Go back to sleep baby. I'll be right back." Jisung nodded while Minho got the stuffie that Jisung brought in giving it back to the younger to sleep with. Minho got off the bed albeit angry taking Miya and Taejun out of the room, shutting the door of his bedroom. "What's wrong with you Miya?! He's sick, it's not a very good time for you to be here." Miya pouted at Minho, "Is that any way to greet your favorite sister?" "You're my only sister."

"Exactly. Now, is that the boy I've heard about? Jisung, right? I thought Taejun said you let him go?" Minho looked at Taejun with a cocked eyebrow, "You update her on my life? Why?" Taejun was about to answer but Miya cut him off, "You don't have to tell him anything. Minho since you won't update me, I had to think of something. Now, let's make some lunch. Come on." Miya walked away from the boys as the boys followed. "So Jisung is sick? When did that happen? Is he alright?"

Minho nodded at the questions, "He got sick yesterday. He works at the gay bar I own as a bartender and he fainted over there. He has a pretty high fever, I didn't get to sleep until about five or six because I was worried." Miya turned to glance at Minho, "So he's your contracted sub, but you love him?" Minho just stayed silent as he walked with Miya and Taejun to the kitchen. Miya got out ingredients for bread and taking out noodles too. She tossed the packs of noodles at Minho who was just standing there. "Cook those and I'll make bread. When we're done, you're gonna have to wake up your lover." "He's not my" "Yes, he is. You spoil him and care for him. You just haven't told him you love him or even like him."

Minho took the packs of noodles he was carrying, set them down before grabbing a pot filling it with water for it to boil. Taejun was helping Miya make small rounded breads putting them in a greased pan then in the preheated ovens. Minho put the noodles in the boiling water waiting for them to cook after a few minutes. Minho turned off the noodles, draining some of the water then putting in the seasoning packets. Miya looked at her brother smiling when she saw he was actually helping for once. Miya looked at Taejun, "We should put this one in the news. 'BIG BILLIONARE OF SEOUL, KOREA. WHIPPED FOR TINY BOY, JISUNG!" Miya laughed at her announcer voice as well as Taejun while Minho rolled his eyes. "Go wake up Jisung. Make sure he's warm too."

Minho left Miya and Taejun going back up to his room to wake up Jisung and get dressed to go to work for a bit. Minho sat on the bed by Jisung, petting his head, "Ji, wake up. Come eat lunch." Jisung pouted from the bed pulling the covers up a bit more. Minho chuckled taking the blankets off the younger, "Come on. My sister's here and she wants to meet you. Come on, you have to eat." Jisung pouted but got up rubbing his eyes. "Want to take off your collar while she's here?" Jisung shook his head, "It's 'kay." Minho got off the bed going to his closet to take out a soft robe of his going back to give it to the younger.

Jisung put the large robe on before he got off the bed. Minho went out of the room going to Jisung's getting the fuzzy socks he put out for Jisung the night before taking them back to the younger. "Put those on." Minho put his hand on Jisung's forehead, the younger still had a fever but he was cold as well. "This happens after the holidays? Know why?" Jisung nodded, "It kind of just happens after Christmas. I get sick because it's just starting to get cold and I can't really handle the cold weather all that much. And being in the bartending uniform wasn't helpful." Minho moved away from Jisung petting his head before holding Jisung's right hand in his left to go downstairs. "I thought your sister wasn't coming until after the holidays? We have New Years coming up still."

Minho sighed, "Miya is, outgoing. She finished her trip early I guess. So she's staying with us until she decides to go on her next business deal. That okay?" Jisung nodded from behind Minho even though Minho couldn't see. "Yes sir." Minho stopped at the bottom of the stairs turning around to look at Jisung who was on the last step, "Just call me hyung. Besides, the whole sir and daddy thing is only for work and when we have sex, okay?" Minho put his hand on Jisung's face stroking the younger's cheek. Jisung enjoyed the feeling of Minho's cold hand on his hot face. Miya came out of the kitchen to see Minho with his hand on Jisung's face, squealing at the two. Miya ran to the two pushing Minho to the side, smiling at Jisung.

"I'm Miya, the better sibling of the Lee family. You're so cute! Minho, you have him wear a collar? To show he's yours? Tsk." Miya took Jisung's hand, walking with the younger to the kitchen. "I made bread and Minho made noodles. Junnie is watching the second batch of bread. So, how's living with Minho and Junnie? Fun? Or are they mean? I can't get over how cute you are especially in Minho's robe." Jisung looked back at Minho with one eyebrow raised but he turned back around answering Miya's questions. "It's nice living with them. I'm sure Taejun told you about me not being here for the past few months but since I got make Minho's been real nice to me." Jisung stopped talking to cough a bit before continuing. "Taejun's very nice to me and Minho spoils me since I came back."

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