Chapter 2: Are You Not Entertained?

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My ears rang at the sudden spike of noise. I tried to open my eyes but I didn't have the energy to take such action. I groaned as I tried to move my head. A crick in my neck had long have I been here-

Wait. Where am I?

I opened my eyes as quickly as my focus retreated to the loud noise. Voices. Several, at that.

"And I have daughters to attend to. To feed. To entertain. It does get, oh, so lonely in the castle now and then. Give the girl to me and I shall ensure that she receives a slow ending."

I looked up and screamed. A humped-back abomination stared face to face with me, curiosity lingering in his bloodshot eyes. He didn't speak. Instead, he simply groaned and began to drool yellow slime upon the creaky wooden floor.

"Move, fatty!!!" A young voice exclaimed.

The abomination moved aside and I am soon presented with a ragged, broken doll, whose eyes look as alive as a human's. She skipped closer and took a look at me, taking note of my features. I moved back until my back hit the wall, panic forming in my stomach.

The doll giggled and jumped in excitement. "She's awake guyyyyyyys!!"

The humpback returned and began to whine. "Lut mo see, I afen't seen er yet..."

The doll protested. "Yes you did, dummy! Wait your turn!-"

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" The rough man 'Heisenberg' shouted. 

The doll skipped across the room and climbed onto..a black-cloaked figure's lap?.. The black figure pet the doll's head as it giggled. I glanced up and saw Heisenberg laid back in his seat. I turned my attention to the one speaking. A woman...a tall woman in a white, elegant dress. She had to be at least ten feet and wore a hat big enough to cover her head and shoulders. Okay...Now would be a good time to observe my surroundings...It looked to be, perhaps?... But no...this couldn't be a church...What the hell was happening? I'm dreaming. Yes, of course. Some sick shit my brain coughed up due to exhaustion and stress. Now I simply need to-

"Oh please!" Heisenberg remarked. "She always does this. She gets her prize and then she fucks off with it. Mother Miranda, not only shall I ensure the girl's suffering, but I shall let everyone see, unlike her!" Heisenberg mocked.

"I do not deem Mother Miranda foolish enough to hand off the prey to you. You're nothing but a child. A fetus! The second you lay your fingers on her, she'll already be dead! Have some responsibility before you take on such an adult task." The tall woman flicked her wrist in the air, a smug grin spreading across her lips, the only facial feature I could see clearly under the dim lighting...and her large hat.

"Look who's talking! You know, if your head was as big as your ego, you would certainly be Miranda's favorite!" 

The humpback chuckled in a deep tired voice. The tall woman and the rough man were on their feet now, glaring into each other's eyes, nothing but hatred and annoyance. 

"Oh? Are you implying that you are in fact, Mother Miranda's favorite? A being so dull and idiotic that he drags a giant hammer along to make up for his lack of intelligence?"

"You wouldn't know intelligence if it knocked off that pathetic hat of yours!-"

"You wouldn't know responsibility if it was welded to that hammer!"

"FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!" The doll bounced upon the black figure's lap.

But who was Mother Miranda-

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