Chapter 10: Internal Crisis

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I tried to break away from her clench, but it only tightened more. I tried to yell for her to stop, though I only managed to muster gibberish behind my throat. My leg soon became numb and cold, my fingers began to spasm. I couldn't fully process what was happening, the only thing I could do was arch my back to provide as much comfort to my body as possible. The background noise became muffled, leaving me alone with my rapid heartbeat and the rush of blood rushing through my head and wound. All of my senses were failing me, though I managed to catch a glimpse of two figures coming into view. I felt Daniela's teeth rip out of my leg and footsteps stomping towards me shortly after before I blacked out entirely.

I woke up on a sofa, in a spacious room. Sunlight shone through the windows across from me, blinding me. I shut my eyes on impulse and turned inside the cushion before a strong hand pulled me back. It was the Lady. She sat on a chair before me, her large leg crossed over the other. She didn't have her hat on, leaving me to take in all of her facial features. It was as if everything was in slow motion. Her jet black hair soaking up the sun rays as the sunlight descended to her pale pulsing neck, the remaining light bouncing off of her pearl jewelry. Her long eyelashes fluttered as she looked down to grab something, the way her breasts puffed out as she inhaled for air and reduced into their original position. Her low, yet soothing voice brought me back into reality.

"Drink this." She handed me a glass full of thin green liquid. It looked nauseating. 

Without responding, I hesitantly took the glass between my fingers and brought it to my lips. I grimaced and dragged more air into my mouth, trying to avoid the taste.

"Don't you dare spit it out." She ordered.

In fear of angering the Mistress, I gulped the bitter liquid down, a strong hint stinging the back of my throat. I shuddered.

"Good girl." She took the glass from me and set it down on the table beside her, switching for a long black smoking pipe. She took a long drag and exhaled, the smoking filling my lungs and nostrils. I stifled a cough.

"How does your leg feel?" She asked.

"Good...I mean it doesn't hurt anymore." I mumbled.

"That's because you're laying down, foolish child." 

"What exactly happened?"

"You blacked out."

"No, I mean before that... What did Daniela do?"

She glanced down at me, twirling the stick between her fingers. "You mean you don't know?"

I shook my head. 

"She inhaled your scent and wasted no time in feeding off of you. She believed an apology would let her off the hook."

"She...fed off of me? My blood?"

The Lady took another drag.


"Why do you think?"

That would explain the blood on their mouths. They had to be vampires.

I forced myself to sit up and looked at my leg. It was bandaged up, showing no trace of blood or irritation.

"Thank you... Mistress, would it be too much to ask for a glass of-"

As if on cue, the doors slammed open, Daniela practically springing inside, Bela and Zara following behind. 

"I heard talking. Is she awake?" Daniela asked.

She locked eyes with me and began to approach but stopped when the Lady held her hand up.

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