Chapter 4: Interview With The Vampire

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The three sisters were already taller than me. But the woman... 'Taller' would be an understatement. She wore the same outfit that she had on at the meeting. But this was the first time I had actually seen her face. Her skin was as pale as the moon..., though grey like rainclouds. It was an odd skin complexion, but I've seen a lot of odd things tonight. I could tell that she had makeup on, though, and wore red lipstick to give off an elegant vibe. She still had her hat on, but I could very well see her thick black curls peeking behind her neck, reflecting light from the fireplace. It was a beautiful style. 

I wanted to ask the woman how she knew my name, but I couldn't bring myself to speak. Was it because I was mesmerized by the exceedingly tall goddess, or I was afraid that I would have my body turned inside out if I said the wrong thing?

The woman spoke again. "I apologize for my manners. I believe it would only be fair if I gave you a proper introduction. Since you will be working under us, after all."

Confusion marked my face as she said this, yet she didn't seem to notice. The woman gestured towards the girls and they straightened their posture simultaneously as she continued. 

"I am Lady Dimitrescu. The Lady of this castle. House Dimitrescu, that is. These three lovely girls are my daughters. The ginger one to your left is Daniela. The blonde one to your right is Bela, and the brunette beside her is Cassandra. You will refer to them all as 'Ma'am'. Understood?"


Finally, curiosity got the better of me. "What? Work for you? I don't even know where I am-"

Suddenly, I felt something cold and sharp trail from my cheek to my neck, pressing deep into the skin, threatening to draw blood. I winced.

"Mother asked you a question. You are expected to answer." Cassandra growled.

She reduced the amount of pressure, glaring at me with expectancy.

"Um..." I stalled, trying to calm my nerves. "I understand."

"You are to refer to me as Mistress." 

"...I understand, Mistress."

Lady Dimitrescu smirked. "She catches on quickly."

"I was the one who got her, Mother." Bela eagerly announced, her eyes lighting up as she said it.

"Only because I told you to!" Daniela protested.

Cassandra scoffed. "Oh please, you were the one begging us to stay." 

"It was only a suggestion!" 

"Now, now, daughters. Since you girls are claiming accountability for the capture of the girl, perhaps you could tell me one by one why you decided to sneak outside of the castle and into the cold night when I specifically ordered you not to?"

The three sisters exchanged glances at each other and then around the room, clearly avoiding eye contact with the Lady. She only sighed and rubbed her temples, mumbling to herself.

Concerned with the sudden distress, Bela cut in. "We didn't mean to disobey you, Mother. We simply noticed that you've been a bit anguished, so we wanted to do something nice for you."

"Yeah! A blood feast!" Daniela added. The others shook their heads at the blunt, obnoxious statement.

"A blood feast, hm?" The Lady's eyes were back on me, expression unreadable. I gulped.

"Let's dive into her flesh, quickly, Mother! Before her adrenaline spoils it!" Bela said, gesturing towards me. 

Cassandra pressed the sickle further into my skin, looking up at the Lady for a signal of some sort.

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