Chapter 21: Water Under The Bridge

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I dozed in and out of consciousness, feeling myself being carried down the dim corridors, a cool breeze hitting my face with every swift turn around the corner. There was a pattern in my consciousness, every time I would flutter my eyes, I'd see her. The Lady and her golden glaze, her dark curls covering an angle of her face ever so flawlessly. I was flush against her warm chest, able to hear her slow heartbeat only slightly before I blacked out once more. 

"George, anything?" Locke said, pacing back and forth across the room.

George shook his head, mumbling something under his breath.

"Speak up, man, how many times do I have to tell you that?"

"Nothing, I said. I can't even finish a single sentence without the damn thing hissing in my ear."

"Is it broken?"

"I don't think it's ours that's broken."

"What are you talking about?" 

George turned his head around to see Locke peering over his shoulder. "For crying out loud, Riley, will you breathe? I'm sure Aria's fine, she probably dropped it in a puddle for all we know-"

"And for all we know, she could be dead. This isn't a joke, George. You were the one who gave us the information."

"I didn't say it was."

Locke stood there in silence, his eyes frantically scanning the office for who knows what. George's eyes softened in pity as well as his voice as he broke the silence.

"You know Aria can handle herself. I'm sure she's fine. Let's just go with the best-case scenario and focus on today. Yes?"

"Just... Just keep trying."

The door opened, an older man entered, letting out a slight gasp as he almost bumped into the still pacing Locke.

"Sorry, sir. How are you?" Locke offered his hand.

The man stared at it as he spoke. "As well as I can be... Please, sit down." He ordered as he sat in his chair. Locke obeyed, elbowing George to put the talkie away.

"Well, Mr. Hunter agreed to let you in on his case, so long as you don't mess things up. If things go really well, it should provide you enough leverage to last a year, as he's also willing to share twenty percent of the profit."

"That's generous of him." George spoke.

"Send him my gratitude but we respectfully decline."

George whipped his head at Locke. "What?"

"Mr. Rode, I'm not sure if you remember me telling you this but we already have an ongoing case."

 "Yes, the one in Germany."

"Romania, actually."

"Maybe if you would pull your head out of fantasies and myths you would open your eyes to the offer right in front of you. You know that there is no concrete evidence of that case being legitimate, if it isn't for the police then it definitely won't be for a couple of ghost hunters."

"That's why we have this job. The police can't explain it because-"

"It's illogical."

"Exactly! Sir, the department exists and operates on logic and rationality for the safety of the world. But sometimes, the logical method simply doesn't work. That's why we're here. We're the ones who operate on the illogical for the safety of the world."

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