Chapter 16: New Rules

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I heard laughter as we neared the dining room. I know I shouldn't care about the sisters' reactions, though I did worry about their actions. How would they treat me? I hoped for their attitude to stay the same, even though it wasn't at all welcoming. 

It seems I only jinxed the situation.

The Lady swung the doors open and walked inside gracefully. She had given me a brief set of rules as the new pet. There are the orders as followed:

One: Stay near the Lady at all times unless she has ordered otherwise.

Two: Stand behind the Lady unless ordered otherwise. 

Three: No direct eye contact with fellow Lords. Maintain a straight posture.

Four: Do not act without the Lady's permission. Every action must be approved by the Lady.

Five: Do not question the Lady or speak out of line, no matter the context. 

"More rules will be applied if necessary. Disobedience or defiance will result in severe punishment. Don't worry, pet. These are only precautionary principles. For your safety." She stated as we walked down the lonely corridor. 

"May I speak, Mistress?"  I requested.

"You may."

"You said Lords? What are Lords?" 

"Lords of the village, the ones you saw at the meeting. Heisenberg, Beneviento, Moreau, and myself."

"Could you tell me about them, Mistress?"

"What's there to know, other than the junk magnet spilling his broken oil parts and rabid dogs in my territory?" 

"Those...things...they belong to him?"

"Gifted by Mother Miranda for his hard work." She hissed the last two words with disbelief and disgust. "The only work that man has done was deploying water buckets every time it rained on his tin can. I suppose I shouldn't be too upset...she gave him a pack of wild mutts which are difficult to tame, even if you did they would most certainly break away at any given moment,...whereas, she gave me three loyal, obedient daughters." Her famous smug grin returned, her brows rising in victoriousness and satisfaction.

"Which one was Beneviento, Mistress?"

"The cloaked woman who owns that insufferable doll of hers. She claims that the doll has a mind of its own, though we all know she controls its speech. Anyway, a quiet yet intelligent young woman full of mystery and delicacy. She carries herself well. She was gifted a homely residence in an isolated land, though she could have gotten more. All she wants is her garden and dolls. Everyone has their desires, I suppose."

"I didn't even know that she spoke."

"I didn't either until she invited me to her home for tea."

"And Moreau, Mistress?"

"There's nothing important of him."

"But he's a Lord-"

The Lady shot me a glare, halting her own movement. I stood silent.

After a moment, she sighed. "Because he holds an average amount of competence, unquestionably more than Heisenberg."

I nodded slowly. "Where does he live?"

"In his misty reservoir full of junk and insects. Now, be quiet. Your questions are giving me a headache."

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