Chapter 31: Rhythm

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Two months had passed when Alcina had allowed me to stay within the walls. There were few protests to this. Winter was nearing and the trees began to undress their leaves for the early cold season. During this time, I and Alcina's relationship slowly began to manifest. She had given me my quarters and invited me to her morning and evening meals. It wasn't necessarily an invitation, as she wouldn't take no for an answer. Alcina knew that this would be a bit different for her daughters to become accustomed to. I become more comfortable with Daniela and even thought of her as a genuine friend. Bela and I became friends. "Acquaintances", she would correct in our daily conversations. I became familiar with her true personality. She was mature, yes, but she was a lot more childlike than I had expected her to be. Playfights with her sisters, stealing their belongings, balancing spoons on her nose. It was odd to see. Odd, yet wholesome. Cassandra ignored me altogether, gifting me with her famous occasional glares now and then.

As for my friends, they returned home, shocked at the decision I had made. Riley didn't say anything when I made my request to stay at the castle. He simply turned and left, his expression full of disbelief and questions that would never be answered. Would they return, Locke and George? Would I, to at least see how they were after the traumatic experiences they underwent? I try not to think about it now. Most mornings and afternoons I would pause in what I was doing; helping Daniela clean her diseased room, helping Zara take care of the courtyard garden, affirming to myself that this would be my life from now on. My ego had no problem with that affirmation.

Alcina sat at her vanity table, on the phone with Mother Miranda, pipe in hand.

"And what of the foreign intruders?" Mother Miranda asked. "Did you exterminate them as I instructed?"

"No, Mother Miranda. I chose to spare them."

"That wasn't your choice to make. I ordered you to dispose of them. One life spared is enough yet several? Have you become gullible, daughter?"

"Would you have had me kill..." Alcina looked out her nearby window, down at the courtyard she gazed at Daniela, Zara, and I splashing water at each other. "-the girl as well?"

"She is an exception. She has potential."

Alcina smoked from her pipe, holding the cloud in her mouth, easing it out through her nose. "Permission to cut our conversation short, Mother Miranda?"

"Alcina. I hope that one day you will realize that actions bear appropriate consequences. Your impulsivity is an infection that you will have to aid yourself. I hope you do. I will contact you in a couple of days."

The line ended before Alcina could respond. She looked out the window once more, taking a long hit, allowing for the smoke to relax her nerves.

I hid behind the large fountain as Daniela crept around the garden, purposefully making her footsteps louder and dramatic. Zara hid behind a statue of a woman, shushing me with her finger to her lips, stifling a laugh.

" seems they disappeared. I wonder where they could be..." I heard Daniela say, her voice full of false curiosity and disappointment. I heard her clasp her hands together, exclaiming, "I know!", her footsteps quickly traveling to a nearby bush. She shouted, "Gotcha!", ready to claim her victory. No one was there. She frowned then continued to wander around the garden, humming to herself.

Zara took the opportunity to crawl over to my hiding spot, glancing over at her side. I wasn't sure what Daniela would do once she caught us, Zara told me that she would want to chase us until she got bored and wished to play a different game. There was one rule though. Daniela was not allowed to transform into her-

A fly landed on my hand. Then another. Then another. Then another-

"Swarm?!" Zara exclaimed as she shot up from the hiding spot and began to run in the opposite direction from the swarm of flies. I followed but didn't make it far when the swarm blinded my path. I covered my head as best as I could as the huddle of flies attacked my body, mercilessly biting my skin. It was so crowded I couldn't breathe, too afraid that I would breathe in a dozen flies on inhale.

"OKAY, I GIVE UP!" I shouted over the overwhelming sound of the swarm.

"Daniela, that's cheating!" I heard Zara's voice say.

The swarm lessened until Daniela reappeared, laughing hysterically. "I wanted to spice things up! You know, Ari, you really suck at this game. More points for me!"

Zara helped me stand, checking if I had any cuts.

"I think I swallowed one of you." I sighed. Daniela cackled.

"Be easy on her, she's new to the game."

"Yeah, yeah." Daniela rolled her eyes.

"What's going on?" Bela entered the scene, hands behind her back, mask on.

"We're playing hide and seek!" Daniela stated, skipping over to the fountain.

"It's getting cold. Mother requested for you three to come in-"

Daniela splashed Bela with water. Zara and I chuckled behind our throats.

Bela flinched at the impact, seemingly offended and disgusted by the water dripping down her pale face.

Before I had the chance to blink, Bela was on top of her youngest sister trying to pin the stubborn girl down by her arms.

"I give up, I give up!" She shouted.

Bela huffed. "Mother would kill you if she heard you say that—if she was aware of our childish games." She let off of her sister and regained her stiff posture. "Let's go."

The four of us made our way to the dining room, Alcina and Cassandra were being served by a few maids, half of them preparing the table with cloths and silverware. Alcina dismissed them; they bowed and took their leave, giving the four of us short courtesy.

"Hello, Mother." The paid of sisters greeted the Lady as they took their seat, Zara and I doing so as well.

"Did you enjoy yourselves?" Alcina asked.

"Mhm!" Daniela hummed, grabbing her glass of Sanguis Virginis.

"It was beautiful outside." Zara smiled. Alcina returned it.

Maids walked in from the kitchen to serve me and Zara's plates; Spanish omelets, cured sausage, and oven-roasted potatoes.

Once we were served, Alcina spoke.

"As you girls are aware, winter will be coming dramatically sooner than expected. Not only does that mean the climate will be harsh, but it also means that those maggots of beings may try to attack."

"The Justice Raiders, Mother?" Bela asked.

"Correct. Our castle is a desired outpost for them to claim. The Lords have agreed to focus attention nearby. We're hoping to catch a scout or two."

"What will be our job, Mother?" Cassandra spoke for the first time that morning.

"Your job will be to remain here inside the castle. I will not put you, girls, at risk."

"We're more than capable of defending ourselves. More than that, Mother, we can be the predators of the field."

"This is not up for debate." Alcina stated, eyeing Cassandra down. She went silent.

Alcina continued. "Furthermore, we aren't expecting anything significant until December, however, I ask you three to remain cautious. Am I understood?"

"Yes, Mother." The sisters obeyed.

"In light of this conflict...Zara."


"Mother Miranda requested to see you this week."

"Oh, alright. I'll make sure that I'm ready."

Minutes went by and everyone left the room individually. I was alone with the Lady.

"How have the past few weeks been?" She asked in a quiet tone, swirling her wine glasses in a circular motion, eyeing my almost empty plate.

"It's been fine, thank you."

"Asta e bine să aud..."


She shook her head dismissively.

We sat there in silence for what felt like two whole hours. I pretended to eat the remains of my breakfast, stealing glances at the tall woman. Our conversations would be short, conversations you would have with total strangers. It disappointed me. What was I to her? How would I address her? These were never stated by the Lady. She treated me as a guest though her facade remained. Not the cold and cruel facade, turns out she had a second one-this one was more neutral and quiet. I was starting to believe that she was confused as well. I sat there, admiring her dark curls, taking in the hot sun shining on the center of the table, mixing in with the cold air. The combination could make me melt in my chair if I wasn't so nervous around her. Her eyes landed on mine while I was staring at her lips. I quickly glanced away then continued eating my nonexistent food.

She stood up from her chair then walked around the table. I kept my gaze at the plate.

I felt a pair of hands land on both my shoulders; I looked up instinctively. Alcina's soft red lips caught my own, trapping them with hers. I kissed her back, allowing my fingers to graze her soft cheeks. She pressed her tongue slowly inside my mouth, her arms moving to secure my chest, firm enough to keep me in place, delicate enough as if I were made of glass. Her tongue swerved around my mouth, pulling out for a few brief seconds before plunging back in. She broke the kiss abruptly with a pained growl, resting her lips on my forehead.

"Alcina?" I said softly. "What are we?" 

Alcina released her hold on my body. "...I don't know...I must take my leave."

And just like that, the Lady left the room, leaving me to my thoughts.

Zara laid down beside Alcina, relaxing into the large huddle of pillows with a sigh.

"Was your evening well?" Alcina asked softly, a smile appearing on her lips when she looked down at Zara's body.


Alcina lifted her onto her lap, the young woman mumbling in protest. Alcina only huffed out of laughter, planting a kiss on Zara's cheek then on her lips. Zara melted into the tall woman's neck, humming lightly. 


"Da, dragostea mea dulce?"

"It feels so perfect... like everything's clicked into place...feels so clear...does that make any sense?"

Alcina huffed again. "Makes perfect sense...isn't that what you always say?"

"I do, don't I?" 

"Everything is perfect as long as you're here. You're my universe and I love you, greater than all the beings watching over you."

Zara intertwined her hands with Alcina's. 

"I love you."

"I love you too, dearest. Rest now." 

Alcina kissed Zara until she felt her breath slow to a relaxed rhythm. They spent the night warm in each other's arms. 

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