Chapter 22: A Cunning Proposition

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A quiet knock at the door startled me so much I almost fell off the bed. I wiped my face and cleared my throat before answering.

"Um- come in!" 

Zara came in and greeted me with a smile, holding a covered platter in both of her hands as she nudged the door closed.

"You really did make me something?" I asked.

"Of course I did. I thought you deserved it." Zara set the platter on a nearby table, gesturing me to follow. I did so which earned another wholesome smile from her. 

"The Lady doesn't seem to think so." I said as I approached. 

Zara slowly set down a few silverware and napkins, pursing her lips as she did so. "Honestly, it did take a good amount of convincing to get to do this for you. I hope you like it." 

"You didn't have to."

"Yes, I did." 

Zara uncovered the plate, revealing a white cake decorated with frosted yellow and purple flowers. 

"Daniela wanted to lay the frosting, so sorry if it looks a bit..."

"Daniela." I smirked.

Zara giggled. "Yes."

We shared the cake and ate in silence, not even bothering to slice it into pieces. I noticed a ring on Zara's finger as she lifted the fork towards her mouth. It was a rose gold ring with little blue sapphires encrusted into it.

"That's a beautiful ring." I commented.

Zara covered her mouth as she swallowed. "Oh, thank you. The Lady gifted it to me a few days ago."

"Does the Lady present you with gifts often?"

"Every once in a while. She's very kind."

"Zara, I don't ask this to offend, but... the Lady... has she ever harmed you? Taken something vital from you without remorse?"

"You mean my blood? Yes, she has taken my blood. But not without warning." 

"So... she gives you a heads up and then just..."

"Not like that. It happens slowly and after she makes sure I'm comfortable and well taken care of. And no, she's never taken my blood without permission... or remorse."

"She feels guilty, but does it anyway?"

"She doesn't feed on me for her hunger, rather for a demand."

"What do you mean?"

"When a person becomes a maiden, her blood must be... evaluated. Naturally, a maiden gets chosen because of her blood. The scent alone is already self-evident enough. Tasting the blood though is another story, it's a protocol for the Mistress."

"And what if the maiden's blood isn't... good?" I said, unsure of the sentence itself.

"Then the maiden is dismissed of her role and the Master or Mistress chooses a replacement. I'm not sure what happens to the maiden after that."

"But what's the point of all of this? It's just blood. You can't tell me that vampires are picky with their diet just as much as humans are."

Zara shrugged. "As I said before, the Lady doesn't do it for her hunger. It's part of the Hierarchy law. Mother Miranda's orders."

"What's Mother Miranda like?"

"Well, both encounters I've had with her she was nice and generous towards me. I'm not sure what she's like behind closed doors. The Lady doesn't go in detail about her."

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