Chapter 23: What Friends Are For

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I habitually ate my dinner, replaying what had happened a few hours ago, feeling the Lady's lips press against my own, her heated body laying on top of mine. I could still feel it. I wish I could say that I hated the feeling, but I know I only want more deep down. I couldn't possibly become attracted to the Lady, the same one that tortures me on end for the thrill of it? A being like that isn't someone to be attracted to. But she was somewhat comforting, despite her aggressiveness for an orgasm. But that wasn't important. Zara doesn't know about this. Would she be surprised if she found out? She puts so much trust in the Lady, given that she was the first person to ever treat her with affection and concern, and the fact that the Lady feels so entitled, to the point she where she believes she has the right to satisfy herself? But she doesn't believe it. If she did, she would inform Zara of what she's doing. I scoffed to myself, anger boiled at the pit of my stomach. If the Lady wouldn't tell Zara, then I would. And I would also tell her that the Lady plans to separate the both of us, despite being well aware of Zara's fondness for our friendship. 

I got up from my seat and stood near the door, putting my ear up to it to look out for any footsteps. It's not like I would be able to hear anything at all, anyway. The Lady's door was massive and pretty much sealed off any noise as far as I knew. My patience already thinning out, I pushed the door open in a grunt, the door soon opening up on its own in an agonizingly slow matter. Sometimes I was convinced that these doors were alive. I made my way down the hallway to Zara's quarters, though I didn't really know where that was. I assumed it had to be near the Lady's or at least my previous bedroom, so I kept on the routes I was familiar with. A few minutes passed when I heard very near voices, so near I thought it was coming from behind. When I whipped around, there was not a soul present. I kept my focus in that direction though, silencing my movement. Still nothing. When I turned back around, I came face to face with Cassandra, who looked highly disgusted and offended after she caught herself speeding into me. She straightened her posture and huffed in a self-entitled manner before she began speaking. I noticed that her sickle was in hand, a streak of blood smeared and trickling down the blade, forming droplets threatening to fall on the polished floors. I grew fearful and nauseous, forcing myself to avoid the object altogether.

"I wasn't informed that the mutt was permitted to take walks about the castle. Alone." She scowled.

Quick, think of something...

"If that were true, I would've been informed straight away. So explain yourself and explain well because if you don't, then I would be completely obliged to inflict harm onto your frail body."

"I need to speak to Zara, ma'am. It's important." 

"How dare you speak as if you have a seat at the table, the position to request such a thing? I always thought maids were the lowest title you could possess... until Bela and Mother decided to make you a pet."

Was she implying that I was the first one to become a... pet? How flattering.

"Well... Zara calls her Mistress... and I call her Mistress. I don't think I'm that far off from a Maiden, ma'am-"

Cassandra slapped me in the face with her free arm, shooting daggers through my soul. 

"You're very lucky that I don't have the permission to cut your tongue off right now, dog. My punishments are granted yet very limited to my dislike. Which I find to be odd, considering that Mother hates your mouth and the remarks that leave it."

I held myself back from responding, my eyes stationed at the floor, my cheek stinging and burning like venom. 

It's not like the rules ever stopped you...

I clenched my jaw and stared up at her, involuntarily balling up my fists. Cassandra caught the action and scoffed, digging her feet further into the floor and dragged them back, like a predator preparing to pounce its frail prey. But I wasn't frail and I wasn't her damned grey. And I would make sure that she gets that message.

"How dare you?!" She yelled, drawing her sickening old weapon, merely inches from my face, blood deadly close to falling. "I'm going to skin you alive, you little f-"

"Cassandra, please, wait!" Zara ran in between us, her arms guarding the air before us. 

"Get. Out... Of the way." She growled.

"Just wait, she wasn't defying you!"


"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on!" I jumped as Daniela swooped in from behind me out of nowhere, nudging Zara away to take her place. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Daniela, I am not in the mood for your stupid childish games. Go away." Cassandra gritted through her teeth. 

"My childish games?! You're the one getting mad over the smallest things--and about to get in trouble for it! Mother told you to keep your temper under control-"

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT MOTHER SAID! I KNOW ALREADY!" Her voice echoed throughout the halls, causing shivers to go down my spine.

Daniela wasn't fazed though and crossed her arms, expectantly tilting her head. "Yet you do this? And for what?! Huh?! Because you're jealous? Jealous because Mother spends more time with the both of them instead of you?"



Cassandra screamed and tackled her sister, rolling the pair of them across the floor and past us, Zara and I jumping out of the way just in time, watching in shock and fear as the two sisters lunged at each other. Cassandra rolled on top, scratching and slapping Daniela across the face with fury, her eyes red as blood, the iris deepening with every hit. Daniela's eyes darkened as well. She screamed, her fangs growing, and bit Cassandra's shoulder, Cassandra answering in a bloodcurdling scream.

"YOU BITCH! I HATE YOU!!" In a flash, Cassandra grabbed Daniela and slung her into a wall, sharp deep lines forming on impact. I gasped, completely frozen in place. That must have hurt. She didn't stop there though. She grabbed her by the shoulders and slammed her into the wall several times, more and more lines appearing all across the wall. Daniela bared her fangs, digging her fingers into Cassandra's bite mark which was printed into her blood-soaked cloak. Cassandra, once again, screamed at this, throwing Daniela onto the floor, Daniela picking herself back up in a flash, but it still wasn't fast enough, as Cassandra already had her hands on her sister once more. I was astounded at how fast the both of them moved. Then I realized that they moved unnaturally faster than a normal being. Quick, yet silent. Silent, yet ferocious.

For a few moments, the younger sister had gained control of the vicious fight, dodging Cassandra's attacks and countering her own, sending Cassandra flying with each successful move. The victory was short-lived, as Cassandra had transformed into a swarm, bigger than usual, to blind her sister long enough for her to make one final move against the redhead. The second I blinked, Cassandra had her foot on Daniela's neck, pushing her boot's heel further each time Daniela would resist.

"CASSANDRA!!!" A voice roared.

I turned my head in the direction of the voice but I wish that I hadn't. The Lady's furious glare was on the middle daughter, its contents holding no good fortune for the hothead sister. 

"Come here... Now."

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