Chapter 24: Freedom Awaits

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Cassandra stood stiff, releasing the pressure against Daniela's neck, her eyes changing back to golden brown as she did so, glancing down at Daniela's pained expression with a look of regret, perhaps guilt? 

"Mother, I..." She stammered. "The humans, they were antagonizing me-!"

"Shut your mouth. Come. Here." The Lady snapped.

Cassandra made her way over to her Mother, Daniela sat up and blew her tongue at the frightened daughter. 

"I didn't realize that I was raising dogs under my roof. What has gotten into you?"

"They-Daniela was siding with the humans! After they-they were defying me, speaking against my orders-"

"That is not what I asked. I asked what has gotten into you."

"I...I'm not sure how to answer your question-"

"I told you to control yourself, Cassandra. Obviously, you don't know how to do that. Or do you just love disobeying your Mother?"

"No, of course not! I'm trying to-"

"You're supposed to be guiding your sister, not attacking her as a spoiled child... You're supposed to be my daughter, can you not act even act like it?!" The Lady raised her voice. "Clearly you fail to take on any task I throw at you. I allow you to improve, to sharpen your skills but you... you fail me every time. You disappoint me."

Something struck in the middle daughter's chest, whatever it was, it took her several hitched breaths to stop herself from flinching. 

The Lady continued, expression unreadable. "Refrain from hunting, refrain from stepping out of the castle grounds. You will remain here unless I say otherwise. You're dismissed."


"You. Are. Dismissed."

Cassandra stood for a moment but transformed without further persistence, the air returning to stillness once she had left the room.

The Lady fixed her eyes on the youngest. "Daniela."

"Yes, Mother?"

"You being the youngest does not give you permission to wander about the halls."

"I swear that I wasn't wandering. I was with Zara until I heard Cassandra scream."

"It's true, Al- Mistress," Zara spoke. "Then I saw whom she was yelling at. Aria."

Even with the mention of my name, the Lady's eyes remained on Zara, eyes filled with the unknown. I wish I had the ability to read the Lady's mind. It would be so much simpler. But no, Lady Dimitrescu was a closed book, a dim lion's den, the lion creeping out only to reveal its animalistic instincts. Her actions never led anywhere. I wouldn't be able to tell how she really thought about me... about Zara. Did she really care for her? She must, there have been signs after all. Just because they have never slept with each other, does not eradicate their love. After what had happened to Zara before she arrived at the castle, it makes sense as to why they haven't been intimate. I blinked away my thoughts, remembering why I was here... and why I shouldn't be.

"And why are you here?" The Lady's eyes were finally on me, her soft tone sending chills down my spine. She was so quiet then as if she had broken away from her own thoughts. I don't think she has the energy to punish anyone further, let alone question why I left her quarters without approval.

I blinked. "Uh...-"

"My Lady." A maid I've rarely seen around the castle approached us at a quick pace. "You have a call from Mother Miranda. She is waiting on the line in the lounge."

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