Chapter 5: The Hash Slinging Slasher

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"It's your fault. It's your fault that I'm dead." William growled under his breath, staring at me with hatred glimmering in his faded eyes.  

We stood on the second floor, near the spot where he hung himself. I looked down at my hands which were dripping in blood. His neck was bruised purple from where the rope had been, his veins continuing to pulse at a rapid pace.

I shook my head, stepping closer to him, my lips quivering as I attempted to speak.

"THIS IS WHAT YOU DID!!! YOU'RE A SELFISH BITCH!" William screamed, spit strings flying out of his mouth and landing on his chin and shirt.

I rested my trembling hands on his forearms, looking into his puffy dark eyes, and frowned. "Will...please. I'm sorry-"

He hoisted me up in the air with one arm, squeezing my throat shut in the process. 

"Apologize with your life."

My eyes rolled to the back of my head, my legs dangling helplessly in the air, my hands clinging onto his as I tried to rip myself from his strong grip. Not even seconds passed as my body fell completely numb and my vision fading slowly to black.

My body jerked myself awake. I rubbed my eyes and sat up against the cold wall, letting my dizziness pass. I put on my glasses and looked around the cell. There was no way to tell what time it was. Every hour of the day it looked as if it were midnight. I would wake up several times crying and wondering where I was before I recalled my certain circumstance and calmed myself back to sleep. If you would even call that sleeping. I had already developed sores from my shoulders and down to my calves. No item provided comfort. No bed, no pillow, and no blanket. Not that I needed a blanket. It was always warm, and there were times where it felt like summer knocked on fall's door and let itself inside. I had already thrown my black coat to the corner of the room. It wasn't like I needed it anymore, or at least until I get out of here.

Which led me to the question lingering around in my mind all evening. How am I going to get out of here? What was the plan? I had no clue. Would I make a run for it the second they let me out of the cell? Or would I stay put for now and take on whatever they threw at me? 

I shook my head and paced around the room, combing my fingers through my tousled hair. I didn't want to think right now. But my thoughts were my only source of entertainment and grounded me from insanity. I stopped pacing and looked at the dusty wooden table. A maid uniform lay folded on top of it, a piece of paper lying next to it. Has that always been there?

I walked over to the table and unfolded the note. 

'You are to put this on the moment you wake up. You will be picked up momentarily.'

I set the note down and peeked out of the cell, scanning for anyone in sight. Empty and silent, like always.

I sighed and began to undress, glancing at the uniform now and then. Definitely not going to be the proudest moment of my life. 

An hour passed. Two sisters arrived at the cell. Bela and Daniela. I've never been more relieved. Yes, Bela and Daniela were terrifying in all sorts of ways, but Cassandra was indeed the worst. I had no idea what her problem was, yet I didn't care. I was just glad that she wasn't present. Bela greeted me with a nod, while Daniela yanked me to her chest as if she were trying to rip my arms off of my body...or maybe she was, who knows. 

"How did you sleep, prey?" Bela asked.

I licked my lips and responded. "I slept fine, ma'am. Thank you."

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