Chapter 33: Z

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"Here you are, darling." Mother Miranda said as she sat down, placing a plate of salad before Zara.

She thanked her then ate a bit, mainly toying with her fork, staring down at the white tablecloth.

"You seem distracted, dear. Is there anything troubling you?"

She shook her head, still staring at the table. "No, Mother Miranda. Thank you."

"Zara." She laid her hand over the young girl's, her long nails a glistening gold. Warm but rough skin. "We've known each other for quite a while. I thought we agreed to lay down the communicative barriers."

"I know, I apologize, I just don't wish to..offend you or lay a burden on you..-"

Mother Miranda chuckled, giving Zara's hand a light squeeze before waving her hand in the air. "I may be an occupied woman but I always have time for my children. I requested for your presence to speak with you, not at you. Now, will you tell me what is on your mind?"

"I..." Zara set down her fork, taking a slow, deep inhale. "I'm worried for Alcina."

Mother Miranda gave a small nod, signaling for her to continue.

"It...When I and the Lady had gotten to know each other and when she began to treat me as her Maiden, she never forced it upon me. She offered the title, knowing that I held no personal interests regarding my life as it is now. When she saved me from those men...and showed me mercy...I loved her then and there." Zara took another deep breath before she continued. "We could tell each other anything when she was willing to let her walls down...and as did I. That's when things...changed."

"Changed?" Mother Miranda raised a brow.

"It seems with every passing month, her walls build back up again...when we're together by ourselves...and her walls are even stronger when we' It's as if she gets reminded of something, something she thinks she's supposed to be."

"...And what is that?" She asked, her voice faint.

"...A monster."

Mother Miranda allowed for silence to fill the room, giving Zara time to relax a little.

"I'm not sure if you know what I mean. But what Alcina is isn't a cold-blooded killer. She changed, yes, you saved her and..." Zara shook her head. "I don't know. As I said, I'm worried."

"What were the two of you conversing about before I arrived?"

"I tried to address my concerns to her, though she assumed I was blaming you for it. She said that I didn't belong in her world and that I never will be..." Zara looked up at the older woman, sadness forming in her expression. "I want to be."

"You are already a Maiden and you know why you are one, to begin with."

"Yes, but-"

"I know what you're asking of me, however, I don't believe the potential answer you'll receive would be a solution to your inner conflicts. Not even Alcina's."

"...I'd like to do it for her. I've lived in the castle long enough for me to know the risks you've all faced since your rebirth."

She turned her head warily. "My dear, we aren't-"


Mother Miranda leaned back into her seat, looking outside for a brief moment before her face returned to Zara's with a smile.

She led Zara down to the grounds of the sanctuary, a few feet below the basement, in which the temperature dramatically increased. The grounds were lit up by the occasionally dusted windows. Red and purple paint chipped off of the cobblestone they walked upon. There were no additional rooms except the one ahead of them, where the ceiling outstretched its tight interior. Once they entered the room, they were met with a large flat operating table that lay on a stone platform.

"I've never taken them down here while they were conscious, even if they were aware. They fail to remember that this room exists. And so will you."

"Will all of my memories be erased?"

"Not your memories, but every part of yourself that you believed you knew. Not erased, refined. This is only an awakening for your inner potential."

Mother Miranda stepped upon the platform, the tail of her dress following close behind, then approached a cart with tools Zara had never seen before. They didn't look human-designed.

She placed a paper-thin white sheet over the stone bed. "Please take a sit on the table."

Zara obeyed and looked around some, staring at the bright white bulb which hung above her head.

Mother Miranda began to take small tests which consisted of pulse, blood pressure, sight, reflex, and other basic functions of the human functions. Once those tests were done, she had Zara remove her clothing to connect large IV tubes from the chest to the legs. The bag of fluid was massive. She grew nervous at this.

"Will it hurt?"

"You will be unconscious."

Once she finished attaching the tubes and sent Zara into a sleep state, she began to record the girl's stability.

She was ready. 

Subject Name: Zara Melehova

Cadou Affinity: Unfavorable
Brain Functions: Normal

The Subject's body is breaking down at an efficient pace. Time of success should happen sooner than average. Its nucleotides seem to be attacking the Cadou, practically breaking themselves down. An interesting reaction, though I fear the process will turn catastrophic.

Note: Based on efficient fragmentation, mutation should complete in approximately three days.

Heisenberg crossed his arms, humming at Zara's body.

"Well, well. You finally did it. I'm no doctor so I don't know what I could help you with."

"Delay Alcina's return."

"What? You scared of your own daughter now? Of your own failed experiment?"
Mother Miranda approached him, a slight smile on her lips. "My timing has been disorganized, admittedly. She will find out what she's done at the right time, Heisenberg."

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