Chapter 6: Who Ya Gonna Call

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I knocked on the door and took a step back, full well knowing that the youngest sister would pounce the moment she saw me. 

I turned to the maid and frowned. "Are you sure she's going to help?"

The maid nodded. "She always patches up the staff and reassures them that they're doing a good job."

I hummed. "I don't suppose she only does that to taunt us?"

She shrugged. "Possibly, but I'll take all the help I can get."

I got ready to knock again when the door swung open to a frantic Daniela, blood spilling from her mouth to her blood-stained neck. I grimaced at the sight and backed away, even more, fearing that I intruded on a 'Blood Frenzy'. As I did so, I caught a glimpse of a cowering maid in the corner of the bedroom, mumbling something in what I could only assume to be Romanian. 

Daniela's golden eyes lit up as soon as she saw me and wasted no time in pulling me inside the room, the maid following behind. 

The room was a bloody pigsty. The silk white curtains were on the floor and drenched in blood, the creamy walls were splattered with blood, and there were prescription bottles spilled out onto the bloodied striped carpet. But that wasn't what caught my attention. In front of the closet door was a blonde-haired man with his neck gashed and legs mutilated, his hazel eyes showcasing trauma and absolute terror. I covered my mouth and looked away, trying not to gag, but failed as soon as the revolting odor hit my nostrils. I wanted to turn and bolt out of the room as fast as possible, but I needed to help my friend. 

I glanced at the maid to see if she was as disgusted as I was. She averted her gaze from the massacre and had her lips in a slight frown. She looked as if she had already seen something like this before...

Did she?

We stood on one side of the room in a stiff awkward position, occasionally glancing at the traumatized maid in the corner. 

Daniela grabbed my hands and twirled me around, giggling in excitement. "Hi, cutie! It's about time you showed up." She pulled me to her chest and whispered in my ear. "I think the ghosts are becoming a little antsy..."

I nervously smiled. "Oh...why is that?" 

Daniela pulled away from the embrace and threw her hands in the air, walking across the room. "Beats me! I did everything they told me to! Ungrateful morons."

"You...speak to them?"

"Mhm! We've become great friends. It's just a shame that-SOLACE!" 

The cowering maid jumped and looked up at Daniela. "Y-y-yes, ma'am?..."

"I told you to get rid of the man-thing twenty minutes ago! Why are you just standing there?"

"S-s-so-orry, ma'am, I'll g-get rid of i-it..." The maid walked over to the corpse and tried her best not to look at the face. Avoiding the mangled legs, she tugged his body on the floor with a loud 'THUMP!' and crouched down, slowly grabbing onto the pale-skinned arms. She dragged the body across the floor and towards the exit.

"Hurry up!"

The maid quietly whined and pulled at the corpse faster and eventually made her way out of the door. 

"Finally!" Daniela sighed and jumped onto her bed, stretching her arms out like a cat.

I cleared my throat, trying to forget about the situation entirely. "You said that you became friends with the ghost, ma'am? Why do you want them gone now?"

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