Chapter 19: Pet Olympics

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Cold air filled my nose as my senses returned, my eyelashes fluttering. Something sticky and cool brushed against my neck, causing me to jerk away and open my eyes.

"Stay still, Miss. It's alright." A maid beside me said, using a light brush to apply a thick green substance upon my puncture wounds. 

The liquid left a cool minty tingling sensation throughout my neck and collarbone, enabling me to relax a bit. I sat up slightly to make it easier for her to reach, looking down at the surface I was lying on. I was in Lady Dimitrescu's bed, though she was nowhere in sight. A surge of pain shot through my head, making me groan and hold onto my forehead. Turns out it wasn't a dream.

"I feel sick... What happened?" I asked.

"You'll need some food in your system." The maid gently laid a silver platter of food across my covered lap. The plate consisted of fruits, slices of bread, crackers, and small slices of cheese. I wasn't in the mood for eating. It's not like my body desired it anyway. 

I turned my head away from the food, becoming more nauseous by the sight of it.

"The Lady's orders. Please." 

Fully well knowing that the maid would get punished if I didn't eat, I pulled the plate closer to me and began taking small nips of a cracker.

"Thank you." She closed the lid of the medicine jar, standing up to close the white curtains. I looked out one of the windows before she did, taking notice of the dark blue sky, the stars plastered all over it.

"How long have I been out for?"

"Six hours."

"But what happened?" I asked again.

She halted her actions, taking a moment to look at me. "The Lady fed off of you. She left after she did, assigning me to bring you back to full health." She walked over to the side table and offered me a glass of water. I took it slowly, my brows furrowing.

My mind flashed back to the event, recalling myself getting lost in the Lady's golden gaze, my body reprogramming to surrender its defenses and awareness, permitting the Lady to break it down to mush to fashion her own modifications. But what exactly did she modify?

"I'll let you rest." The maid made her way out of the open exit, bowing her head at a coming figure before taking her leave. 

Daniela strutted into the room, humming approvingly at the sight of me, moving towards the side of the bed. 

"I could smell your blood all the way from the cellar! How are you holding up, prey?" She climbed onto the bed, sitting down on her knees.

I scooted away from her, being as discreet as possible. "I-I'm good, thanks. Head is still throbbing a little bit, I guess..."

She picked up a red grape as I spoke and popped it into the air using her thumb, moving her head for a clean catch. Her chewing slowed, her excited grin turning into a grimace. 

"Do you want my...?" I held out the glass.

She took the glass of water and spat the chewed grape out then handed it back over to me.

I took it, staring at it for a moment before setting it back on the table. "Um... Where's the Lady?"

"She had to attend another meeting. Brought her maiden along too. Why? Going to escape again?"

"No. Daniela, can I ask you something? Well... a couple of things, actually."

"I'm bored, and Bela told me I couldn't torture the prisoners anymore so, sure."

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