Chapter 29: The Outsiders

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I made sure to take the belongings that were given to me, as well as the mysterious necklace. It was five in the morning when I stepped into the living room, where I was met by an unpleasant surprise. 

A blonde man in formal attire was seated on one of the couches smoking a cigarette with his eyes closed.

"Why are you here, Hunter?" 

Hunter turned his head towards me and grinned. "To see Riley's company crumble." He put out his cigarette in an ashtray then approached me. "But that was before he sought out a new opportunity, which for some reason he concealed from me. You look good. I haven't seen you in a while."

"Could it be that I was avoiding Prince Charming?" I said in a sarcastic tone.

"I'll let you off the hook with that obnoxious title."

"Who let you inside?"

"I have my ways."

"Just admit your lockpicking skills. You didn't exactly answer my question."

"I've come to join your party." Hunter walked past me, trying to hide his smug grin.

"Excuse me? This is our case-"

"No, that is not how it works, unfortunately. Not anymore. Any company may claim a case as they please. You can thank Riley's impulsiveness for that. My guys should arrive to pick us up shortly."

"No. Hunter, for the love of God, what is wrong with you? What happened to the ongoing case in Bristol?"

"Who says it's illegal to multitask? Unlike the company you're in, my employment capacity can hold hundreds, not five." Hunter held my chin and made a pout. "Cheer up. When we're done, there's always a spot for you, as well as a suitable office."

I slapped his hand away. "Don't touch me again."

"What's going on?" Locke came down the stairs unnoticed, now furrowing his brows at the last step. "Hunter? Why did you let him in?"

"I let myself in. My company will be joining yours. This is everyone's case, you greedy, deceitful tool."

Locke marched directly towards Hunter at a furious pace, shoving him backward. "You know what you're doing, you piece of shit!"

I stood in between the two, effortlessly trying to diffuse the argument before George stepped in.

"Stop acting like children! Locke, either way, this will benefit us. Half credit is better than none."

Locke pushed George aside. "Why'd you let him in?"

"He was going to follow us anyway, I may as well have let him inside until his minions arrived to pick us up."

Hunter fixed his collar, sighing deeply. "They will be here in twelve minutes."

"You can tell them to turn around. We don't need your fake hospitality."

"Locke, just stop," I said. "We're in a deep hole like you said. The sooner we accept his fake hospitality, the sooner we get there, and the sooner we'll be able to work on our own, without interference nor trickery. Isn't that right, Hunter?" 

"Yes." He answered quietly. "We won't get in your hair unless there is an emergency. You have my word."

George clasped his hands together. "Then let's get going. I'll go call the others." 

And just like that, we were on our way to Romania, a dull, irritating journey that consisted of nothing but burdened arguments and a pathetic fight for superiority. Hunter had brought along seven men including himself. Whether it was to affirm his feelings of dominance or just to make faster progress, I wasn't sure. There were five of us; George, Locke, Michel, Orlin, and myself. Hunter's main little minions were Rath and Quill, while the rest had just started real investigating months ago, but their adaptability to the knowledge of the paranormal and newly created devices for said paranormal made up for their little experience. 

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