Alpha Psi

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*Violet's POV*

We drive straight through, deciding to stop for lunch at some random diner in Cambridge. We both order sandwiches and split a chocolate milkshake and then we head over to campus and find my dorm. I sling my backpack over my shoulder and grab one of the bags as Jace takes one of the boxes.

I'm suddenly nervous about meeting my roommate. What if she hates me? No, that's stupid. She's not going to hate you. That's just the anxiety talking. I take 3 controlled deep breaths, counting 4 seconds in and out, just like my therapist told me to do when I'm feeling anxious or overwhelmed.

My room number is 204 which means it's on the second floor. We make our way through the crowd of people also rushing in and out with boxes.

When we find my room I see that one half of it is already set up with posters, pictures, string lights and a neon pink bedspread. A girl wearing very small short shorts and a tight tank top with blonde hair pulled up in a ponytail is lying on the bed. When she sees me, she stands up and says, "Hi! Are you my roommate?!" I set the bag I was carrying on the floor and say, "Hi, yes, I think so."

She squeals and runs up and hugs me. I'm momentarily shocked but hug her back after a couple seconds. She pulls away and flashes me a huge smile and says, "I'm Stella, what's your name?"

"I'm Violet, but everyone just calls me Vi."

"It's so nice to meet you," she says with a little jump. "And who might this be?" She asks, eyeing Jace. "This is my boyfriend Jace."

"Oh, nice to meet you too. Are you also a freshman here?" She says sticking her hand out for him to shake and he takes it.

"No, I'm not. I'm a sophomore at UMass. I'm just here to help Vi get all settled in."

"That's so sweet of you! Come on, I'll come help you get the next load of stuff."

"Oh, you don't have t-" I start but she cuts me off.

"Nope, I'm helping and that's that!" I give Jace a look and he just shrugs so we lead her down to my car. As we're walking she asks, "So how long have you guys been together?"

"About 4 years," Jace tells her.

"4 years?! That's so long!"

"We grew up as neighbours so we've known each other since we were babies," he explains.

"That is so cute!" She squeals. We get to my car and between the three of us, we manage to get everything. We drop the bags on the bed and on the floor and I finally take a second to look around.

The room is smaller than my bedroom at home and considering there's two of us in here, that's saying something. Her half is a mirror image of mine and there's a single bed with drawers underneath it, then a desk with a drawers and a hutch on top and then a L-shaped wardrobe in the corner. There's a window with a ledge wide enough to sit on in between our two wardrobes.

Stella begins putting the covers on the bed for me while I start on my clothes and Jace places my books in the hutch and sets up my computer monitor and printer for me. After about an hour, we've pretty much got everything squared away. I made sure that I only brought one hard suitcase and fold the rest of the bags neatly inside of that one and Jace places it on top of the wardrobe. The last thing we do is string a set of lights on the wall beside my bed and use clothespins to pin pictures of me, Jace, our parents and Rebecca.

I look around satisfied and then take a picture and send it to my dad. It's only 4pm, so Jace and I sit down on my bed and Stella sits on hers.

"So what are you studying here?" She asks.

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