Say Please

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*Kane's POV*

Tuesday morning, I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. The caller ID says it's my father. Of course it is. I know it will only make things worse if I don't answer so I click the little green button.

"Hello," I say, not trying to conceal the annoyance in my voice.

"Hello son. How have you enjoyed your first couple days?" I calculate whether or not I should mention that I saw Violet. It is a small campus so it is likely we would have run into each other. But it is also probable we didn't. Has she spoken to her mother? Maybe he already knows. I have no way of knowing so I decide to keep it vague.

"Fine," I say, continuing to give away no information with my tone.

"Well, we're going to invite your sister to come stay with us this weekend." My stomach drops. "We figure since you go to the same school, you could carpool."

I'm in so much shock I don't even know how to respond. I don't want Violet anywhere near my father but somehow I know she'll say yes because I know she wants to see her mother, even though she's treated her like shit.

"Right, well, we're going to call her now, but it was nice talking," he says in a snide manner and then immediately hangs up.

Fuckfuckfuckfuck. I think hard on how to stop this from happening. My father isn't going to change his mind. Maybe I could talk Violet out of it? Unlikely. Dammit.

How am I even supposed to arrange a car pool? It's not like I have her number. I could go see her, but I have no idea what dorm she's in. She knows where I live though. I guess I could just wait for her to come find me. And, who knows? Maybe she'll decide not to go at all or she'll decide to just drive herself there. That would be ideal. I mean 3 hours in a car with her would be torture. Because I hate her...Right?

I throw on some sweatpants and a t-shirt and head downstairs to make food and coffee. It doesn't seem like anybody else is awake yet which isn't a surprise considering it's barely 9am.

I grab my coffee and pour some whiskey from one of the bottles on the island into it and then bring the mug and my toast over to the dining room table, pushing a bunch of empty red cups out of the way to make space. Apparently nobody around here cleans.

After breakfast I go shower, throw my sweats back on and then lock myself in my room and put a movie on my laptop. When the movie is almost finished, I hear a knock at my door.

"Dude, there's some girl downstairs for you," Cole says from the other side. Violet.

I open the door and walk by him, heading down the stairs. I find Violet standing in the entrance looking very uncomfortable.

"Uh, hi, I, um, sorry to just show up here. I didn't have your number and I-"

"Got a phone call?" I supply. She nods.

"Come on," I say and gesture for her to follow me. When we get to my room and I close the door, I immediately regret my choice to bring her up here. Just seeing her standing in my bedroom is making my mind wander to places it shouldn't. My eyes flicker to her bare thighs and an image of me tearing off those jeans shorts flashes through my head. I stop that train of thought quickly and force my eyes back up to meet hers. Her eyes are full of curiosity tinged with caution, almost as though she can tell what I was just thinking about.

"So, um, my mom called me."

"Yeah, I know. I got a call too. I'll drive. What time is good for you on Friday?"

"Uh, whenever really."

"Okay. After lunch then. Give me your phone," I say stepping closer to her and holding out my hand. She reaches around to the back of her shorts and pulls out her phone and unlocks it before dropping it into my hand. I type in my number and then text myself before handing it back to her.

When she places it back in her pocket, a strand of her hair comes untucked from its place behind her ear and before I can stop myself, my hand reaches out and tucks it back in its spot. I don't miss the tingle the shoots up my arm when my fingers make contact with her skin.

She freezes and her eyes snap to mine. I drop my hand quickly but I can't take my eyes off of hers. I notice how her pupils dilate ever so slightly, the blue darkening a touch. My eyes flicker down to her soft lips that are parted a little bit before returning to hers.

"Kane, I-" The second my name comes out of her mouth, I lose all sense of self-control and I smash my lips against hers. I feel her shock for only a split second before she's kissing me back. I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her into me. Her hands are resting on my chest. After several more seconds, I feel her pushing against my chest as she removes her mouth from mine. I loosen my grip on her and she backs away from me.

I see her fighting back the lust clouding her eyes but she's not doing a very good job at it.

"I have to go," she says timidly and starts towards the door. I follow her and put my hand on the door beside her head, stopping her from opening it.

I lean my head down, bringing my lips close to her ear. "Is that really what you want?" I ask in a low voice. I see her shiver and she whispers, "Yes."

"Say please."

"Please, Kane." I drop my arm and she rushes out of my room. I close the door behind her. I consider going after her and dragging her back and making her say it again; making her beg me. But not to let her leave; to let her come.

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